“Ok Boomer” means fascism is approaching.

1  2019-12-16 by unrulyfarmhand


Ok roastie

“Wow that’s a really old word”

~ Star Trek Wizard Meme

Mayo foids are a plague upon humanity and the shoe is the cure.


I'm willing to bet one of my hands this woman is ashkenazi jewish.

Be nice. Leave the dog fuckers alone.

womp womp


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Wow, impenetrable logic there. She should write a book on advanced logic so everyone can benefit from her unique thought process.


Ok boomer

I knew an eleanor in high school. Typical quiet nerdy girl but she was pretty nice and normal. Within a couple years of finishing high school she was dating a dude in his thirties and I think has a kid?

Clearly no dad in her life

Imagine defending boomers for table scraps.

ok joomer

ok (((boomer)))

Boomers are a race?

I mean the people unironically using ok boomer are dumb zoomers and autistic millenials. Doesnt make it wrong tho.

If you think that's bad, try replacing all the vowels in your sentences with "Jew". Really makes you think


This is a troll account, pretty good one too

Eleanor Robertson @marrowing Replying to @Glaven1994 and @jennineak my son Jod has refused to takeover the family boating supplies business -- he only makes furry art . we are very disappointed.

The sperg out backlash to boomers being made fun of for being completely retarded is so glorious.

Just a thought. Instead of "boomers" try the same sentence with "Jews" instead.

They do and have done for centuries, just under their breath

If you replace words in phrases you can make them offensive :O

As if there was no abuse in using “millennial” derogatorily...where this phrase was derived. 🙄😂

Oh sure boomers talk shit for ages about entitled millennial but the second they are targeted suddenly its "Would this be acceptable if you were talking about the blacks or the jews?!"

"Ok boomer" is a memetic divide and conquer tactic being used by the same people that hijacked the DNC and portions of the CIA and FBI.

These people are losing against Trump and they are desperate to create as much discord and infighting as they can to hold on to the power the wield and keep the masses from waking up.

Ok retard.

I just down voted you, nigger.


The evil globohomo Jew conspiracy took over the CIA and FBI... but not Trump... who is a fat sack of shit who likes to imagine he can get a boner when one of Epstein's preteen sex slaves is paraded in front of him. If only we submit to the Trump-Kushner bloodline then we will finally defeat the Jews!

(((globohomo))) has got NOTHING on daddy trump and he'll just beat up all the bad homos no problem yes, punish them, daddy, they've been really bad boys, harder, HARDER, oh god oh yes AAAAAAA

Ok boomer