Erdogan: No u

1  2019-12-16 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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One thing you should now about Erdoğan's statements is he doesn't say those things because he cares what Trump thinks or he tries to change how USA acts. His statements are directed towards his voter base. Turkish right wingers/conservatives are pretty hostile to the West. So naturally Erdoğan's bully-like comments and threats towards Western politicians affects them deeply. They think "Wow, he's standing up for Turkey and sticking it to the West." Erdoğan knows how to appeal his voters, knows how to create solidarity. That's a great strategy which has worked pretty nicely all these years.

Sounds familiar.

its all about owning the libs burgers

Lmao who tf cares if a president recognizes it? It happened. So did the armenian one, and you all better hope there is no god cuz you're all going to hell

What's the point of going to hell if you are surrounded by sanctimonious faggots all the time?

God probably has a tight bussy and a cute face

Yeah, somebody coughing once over the course of 400 years is the same as loading all the Kardashians into boxcars and sending them to starve in the desert in one year. It's totally the same thing. Keep huffing more East German propaganda and calling yourself an intellectual.

That's right, Andrew Jackson just coughed and the native Americans fell over

You're literally more brainwashed than a North korean if you think that's the native american genocide

That's definitely what happened to the Native Americans. It totally had nothing to do with massacres, forced relocations, and cultural extermination policies.

This but unironically.

Not a single nation worth a damn has never committed some form of genocide.

Not a Every single nation worth a damn has never committed some form of genocide.

Double negatives suck.

No they don’t

No they don’t

Any nation worth a damn has committed some form of genocide.

Goddamn do you need me to help your dumb ass with your eng101 exam also?

Really hilarious when you're American and trash from Guatemala and every other place come and they're like "we did genocide, so you must be just as bad as us! Noam Chomsky said so!"


I've seen like a grand total of 5 people deny the native genocide lol. Does he think people here refuse to acdept what happened like people do in his country?

He also threatened to kick us out of Incirlik. Please do. It boggles my mind why we still have a base that we're never allowed to use because it's in a country that's extremely hostile to us. If Trump wanted to do something about freeloading "allies" that would be a great place to start.

He won't cos that would unironically result in a real coup.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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Imagine caring about the opinions of a roach.

it makes me sad that when the mayos inevitable demise in the race war it will be renamed to a genocide out of pity.

why havn't we used the nukes in incirlik on Ankara yet?