Zoomers make a decent pun

1  2019-12-16 by baIIrot


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I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Zoomers make a decent pun - archive.org, archive.today

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These are getting dafter and dafter. They've got a kinda 2005 wacky and random "lol cheese XD" energy to them at this point. V cringe

"lol cheese XD"

Explain how this is not funny

Ehhh at least the AC one was a little clever. Literally posting black and white hats as cover for nigs and mayos is incredibly dumb

Another seething r/AgainstHatSubreddits user


Froppy will never hoppy on your floppy


I don't get it.

There are no decent puns on Reddit



I feel that if MDEfugees are going to keep making "innocent" subreddits they need to cover their tracks a bit more. You have to have more than 50 percent regular shit and keep the normal stuff up top and keep the gaming YouTuber fan stuff deeper down.