Rightoids and leftoids get baited by a twitter joke.

1  2019-12-16 by Ayyysthetic__


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The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

I'm starting to think that the failure of the Islamic invasion of Europe wasn't actually a good thing.

Based and Mongolpilled

Took you long enough, mayo

The tragedy at the Gates of Vienna

Based as fuck.

Start with the enlightenment was a mistake

How would you miss a 10 dollar coffee from fucking Starbucks?

Imagine even going to Starbucks

i honestly can't imagine paying 5 bucks just to get a coffee in a green cup made by a faggy waiter.

Hey now.

It's the holiday season. They're red cups right now.

goddamn Starbucks ruining Christmas with their goddamn red happy holidays cups

I haven't seen this year's rendition of the boycott pop up yet but I assume it's happening to some extent

I'm trying to make it happen as hard as I can but without Facebook, it's pretty difficult to get it to go viral. No boomers on twitter

faggy waiter

You are making a real leap here. You usually can't even tell their gender, much less if they are fags.

I find one of the easiest ways of triggering white people on Reddit is to mention Starbucks.

One can derail any thread....

Imagine not importing green tea from japan every month.

Unironically imagine just ever drinking their shitass coffee. Like, even in my bumfuck small town of 10k people we had a pretty damn decent coffee shop, there's no excuse to get Starbucks caffeinated feces.

wow u think 10k is small some people live in towns of 1000 and there's only Starbucks

In that case you should stop being a half assed bitch and either join civilization or go full Uncle Ted and go off the grid, stop being wishy-washy

because it never happened

By being a boot

Lmao complete shit show in just 2hrs 😂

I don’t know what it is that makes me so angry when people rant about Starbucks.

Never seen anyone over the age of 25 use the word bootlicker in a serious tone.

Thats because most chapos joined the 41% by then

Pretty sure it's more than 41% now considering i haven't been called transphobic in a while

I haven't been told to post hog in a long time either, now you mention it. I wonder if Chapos are on the decline.

The idea of unironic leftists using the word "bootlicker" as an insult against anyone is fucking hilarious.

Why do they always fall for fake shit on twitter

That sensitivity training for minorities Starbucks closed all the stores for went a bit too far, no?

But that's what happens when you get training lessons guidelines from BPT.

These people would love cops if they accidentally went down MLK boulevard and got a flat tire

"Oh look a fellow member of the working class! I'll ask him for assistance"

proceeds to be mugged, jumped and stabbed. 50/50 odds on whether he bleeds out while getting pissed on by a stray dog or lives to continue the brave fight on /r/AHS

I bet in his second job working as a Sandwich Artist at Subway he gives cops only 3 cheese slices instead of 4 on their footlongs.

No, that's just standard practice at Subway.

Lmao, why would you ever pay $4 at a starbucks? There is a great local coffee shop near my place north of sac that sells a medium for 2.50 and I'm pretty sure mcdonalds is under $3 which is the exact same as starbucks coffee

Because for some people brand matters over quality of product. Same reason why designers sell off shitty clothing with their name on it.

Find me a cop that will say they wouldn't blindly start beating an innocent person if they drove up and saw another cop fighting someone. There isn't a cop in this country who would try to break it up, let alone help the victim. Every single cop in this country would blindly pile on and help beat that innocent person without a single question.

Find me a cop who even claims they'd do otherwise, and I'll rethink my position.

These people are so fucking retarded

Troops can just eat at the cafeteria for free. Everyone knows they spend their meager salaries on booze, strippers, and car payments.