PragerU makes video on Israel, youtube commenters sharpen their scimitars

1  2019-12-16 by broden


This, but unironically.


  1. PragerU makes video on Israel, yout... -,

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Synopsis? Not rotting my brain by watching a PragerJew video any longer than I have to

Like most pragerU videos it's just a poorly made propaganda piece trying to conflate disliking Israel with hating jews.

So PragerU is correct once again

PragerU has never been correct about anything.

PragerU has never been incorrect about anything, actually

Ps is right, only his buzzfeed ‘explainer’ videos are worth watching. Reality has a Neo liberal slant, as he always likes to say!

PS is incapable of being right. Especially not when he's besmirching the good name of PragerU

He’s surprisingly woke on the JQ. Israel and Zionism aren’t to be conflated, unless it’s convenient to the argument!

I think it's Pizzas extreme need to be pegged

Yup, this much is clear. His big issue is his e gf live three thousand miles away. Does a Skype peg count 🤔

His girlfriend goes to a different country, you wouldn't know her

Is this a meeting of the pizza defense force?

I think you'll find that pizza is an unabashed racist

But does he believe that pineapple can go on him?

They’re meeting up this summer. I for one can’t wait for her instant pregnancy.

Idk that’s assuming he’s not FtM

I'm actually completely fucking shocked they made this video.


Pizzashit once again BTFO by Chad PragerU.

Pizzashill supports slavery


I'm just pointing out the well known fact that you hate black people and support slavery.

Unlike PragerU, which is superior to you

There is a 95% chance PragerU made that video to claim the US isn't racist because Americans died in the civil war.

The prof they got probably wasn't even aware of the angle.

There is a 95% chance PragerU made that video to claim the US isn't racist because Americans died in the civil war.

They would be correct

The prof they got probably wasn't even aware of the angle.

The Prof knows about more angles than you ever will

They would be correct

No, they wouldn't be.

I'm gonna go ahead and trust the professor on this and not some racist """"libertarian"""" like yourself

The professor had no idea what the point of it was. His historical facts were correct, but this seems like part of the series they/conservatives had claiming America couldn't possibly be racist because of the civil war.

the prof likely wouldn't even be aware of this nor have any idea whats going on.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

I mean seriously, we can see his Confederate boxers peaking out. Pizzashill BTFO. Racists never win.

How are you so easily trolled?


My bad, I thought I was replying to pizza

Pizza pls start your own series called "PizzaU". I'll throw a couple shekels at your patreon

What's the point?

I wanna listen to you whine about foids in your nasally voice while I'm cooking dinner.


How else are you going to feed that crack addiction of yours? Your asshole is not as tight at it used to be sweaty.

It was a psyop to make people doubt the Civil War's cause

Pizzaboy loves slavery confirmed

Slavery was pretty sweet to be fair

PragerU is the left of the right, cmv.

I mean they went full radical center on charlottesville, which I doubt any sitting congressman outside of Steve King would do

imagine hating jews this much

Imagine not

What's PragerU's take on WASR vs PSAK tho

Probably to stop being so fucking poor and import a new production AK from russia

I enjoy supporting israel because I think western colonialism should make a comeback.

western colonialism should make a comeback.

It never went away. American empire baybee

👏 👏 👏

I mean't proper colonialism, not this CIA bullshit.

Lmao imagine thinking the American empire isn't the ultimate Chad empire 😂😂😂😂

Like nigga we literally have everything we want and we don't even have to have any actual colonies. Every time that leftoids seethe at our empire we can just point out the fact that all these countries literally asked us to build military bases there lmao like imagine being such a Chad that the entire world is ASKING you to colonize them 😂😂😂😂😂

Also, remember that neo-imperialism is when you tell brown dictators that they have to stop murdering gay people before you'll sign a free-trade agreement with them.

Ok repeat that without the ebonics

Disregard this guy, repeat that with more ebonics

Nigga nigga nigga nigga miatarr basez dawg nigga nigga WOOOOOOOOOO HAHAHA WEEEEEEEE dabs and drinks a bottle of Henny

Like nigga we literally have everything we want

Except for healthcare for your entire population. And a space program that doesn't rely on Russia. And those rare elements for making batteries that China hoarded. And the ability to protect your elections from getting hacked by Russia.

And what ..turn into Canada or some shit?!?! Fuck that ..

Well, Canada's space program is even worse than America's, and their military is in shambles. But yes, at least people aren't dying in the streets of treatable illnesses.

Drug addiction is not treatable?

Based Canuck! Time to just put a gun to them addicts!

Why the fuck would we want healthcare for all? So the poors can keep mooching off the government?

Let a couple die off, it'll motivate the others to stop being poor

So I take it you can pull a few million dollars out of your ass if you or one of your relatives suddenly develops cancer or gets his by a drunk driver?

Cancer treatment doesn't cost million lol

Yes. Problem?

Why would a man who's supposedly worth millions of dollars spend his time on a shitposting subreddit?

Why are you, when you’re not worth millions?

Because I have nothing better to do. If I was rich I'd be fucking porno girls next to my pool right now.

Ok poormer

Is that a race from Elder Scrolls?

Except for healthcare for your entire population.

We don't want that. How will we reduce our population of poors if we keep making them healthy, smart guy?

Healthcare shall be achieved once all the fatties are dead.

Jews aren't westerners sweaty. 🧐

western world low key won the crusades seizing the holy land for themselves by leveraging the holocaust tragedy and ww2...based and revenge pilled

You disarmed the Palestinians and armed Jewish militias and were amazed there was a genocide

Amazed? Expected.

how many Palestinians have been genocided?

Not enough 😔😔😔

And that's a good thing.

Back when Europe did colonialism only they had the maxim gun, now every third world shit hole has about as many ak47s as people. Europe didn't leave Africa because they were so nice, they left because keeping it would have meant an endless bloodbath. It also became clear that they couldn't do in Africa what they had done in America, that is, slowly replace the natives with settlers. Rhodesia tried that and failed badly, like literally they imported hundreds of thousands of mayos in the 60s and 70s offering each one basically a Plantation and a welfare state, at the end of that project the country was only 2% white and large swaths were controlled by native guerrillas. Colonialism would largely just mean governing a territory that didn't want you there. The South African Boers are maybe the one exception, but they'd been there a long time and had history there, and the Bantu arguably didn't have any more claim to native status than them, basically the final expansion of the Bantu into the South of Africa and the Boer settlers expanding north ran into each other.


It's complete bullshit, but don't tell him. Watching someone this retarded, yet so sure of himself take a big fat dump in the comment section every now and then is A+ entertainment imo.

Seething mayo

Mayos mad x24

implying watermark is every correct about anything

The reason it was so easy to replace the natives in america is that 95+ percent of them were dead from disease. Their decomposing corpses were the first case of man made caused global warming.

First scene

Comparing Israel to Italy

lmao - It's like comparing a homeless person to Jeff Bezos


”imagine a group hell bent on destroying Italy”

I don’t have to, they’re called italians

"Ohh no not Italy pls stop" -no one

Italy is just the Mexico of Europe.

That’s Spain and Portugal, bub. Italy is poor man’s Germany or France, depending on where you look

PragerU is controlled opposition. The Jewish Organizations were caught funding the illegal immigration in Europe. Watch "What Lauren Southern isn't telling you" for complete details.


Watch "What Lauren Southern isn't telling you" for complete details.

Is this implying ol Laura is on (((their))) payroll? Last I remember she was in the news for personally drowning migrants with her bare hands.

About half of alt-righters are (((them))) doing what Hollywood does best.

Sorry to trouble you but I'm very new around this whole "drama" and "readit" thing. Who are the (((them))) you refer to and why do they have triple parenthesis?? This isn't some sort of bigotry, is it? 😳😳😳

That's a pretty good but you get there, Mister.

Hope it works for ya...

Lauren made a docu called Borderless and found out a ton of the migrant shit was funded by Israeli NGOs that were telling migrants to lie about being christian and shit, and then just happened to decide to end her political career right after.

Molymeme tried to make excuses for her but he's a terrible liar.

So the Jews are seeking vengeance upon the Krauts?

Controlled opposition

Lauren do porn already

Her cute sister is a thot... Not quite Lauren and not quite porn, but a decent consolation prize nonetheless.

Thank you for your service 🙋‍♂️

White rightists need to realize that they can't make the jews the sin eaters for why their policies are not universally popular

If you want to know the source of the diabolical pro immigration lobby you would do well to take a look at your own people

Islam is right about Israel

Hating one thing doesn't mean hating two things. What kind of cuck logic says that's right?

Friendly reminder that Jews make up only 0,2% of the world's population, but they won over 20% of the Nobel prizes.


I love the jews so much, I cling to my 12.5% ashkenazi like it's the last grain of the Ukrainian harvest. I may not be Jewish enough for the Jews to consider me a Jew, but I am Jewish enough for Hitler to consider me non-white which is good enough for me 😌😌😌😌😌

I'm on that 6.5% level.

"I'm something of a scientist Jew myself"

Ashkenazi iq studies are fake news

I know that you commies like to deny science, economics and biology. But it is a proven fact that jews are superior to goys, they have better genes that makes them more intelligent.

Yeah, but they're ugly.

Lol no they have the hottest women eg. Gal Gadot

Wow, a movie star is attractive! I'm sure she's really representative of your average Jewish person.

Go to a Jewish neighborhood and watch them scurry home after sundown for sabbath. A Jew in motion is a very unsettling thing, it's like seeing a dog walk on two legs. Their misshapen forms give them all the same bizarre gait.


Yes, come see some proud Aryan women at the local Wal Mart

Aryan? Han Chinese are the true master race and will put you western dogs in your place soon enough.


We need a fresh watermark. This one is starting to go bad

absolutely damning


Wow, really made me reflect. I guess I really am an anti semite

(((They're))) losing control of the narrative

I actually find this a really interesting development in American conservative politics. Daddy is the biggest Israel whore ever, but meanwhile his fans are realizing that this contradicts the whole America first isolationist narrative. You see it on T_D as well, but their mods heavily censor anti Israel posting (they have a special report button for it)

Just search "Israel" on their YouTube page and that's pretty much all you need to know about PragerU.
Ex. Israel: The world's most Moral Army

The best is what happened with Candace Owens podcast, which is run by Prager. She started using Jews and and Israel as an example all the time, probably because she has to listen to Dennis all day. But Dennis was not prepared for this, and came on the show and essentially told her to stop doing that.

tfw PhD at PragerU

Down with Israel

It is pretty fascinating how the right includes both the biggest Israelcucks and also straight up anti-Semites. Strange bedfellows.

Does rightwing just mean small government? Or something else?

Hi, I'd like to register for courses at your Youtube channel. I just want to know if my Business credits from Trump University transfer to Prager U.


t. Stonetoss
