Pizzashill confirmed 100% mayo

1  2019-12-16 by entheogeneric


Indo-Europeans aren't white, only Uralic people like we Hungarians, and our cousins the Finns are whites.

That's what I call a Mongolian cope.

Says the guy whose Germanic ancestors were fucked by Roman niggers, while we were still in the Urals protecting our white purity.

At least Roman niggers can be still called humans. Not like Uralic subhumans which biggest achievement to date is getting raped by Mongols.

getting raped by Mongols

Soon a similar event will happen to Indo-Europeans when they let all those Moslems in their countries.

By that time nobody will live in your shithole Mongol country. Even getting raped by some Muslims is a better choice than pretending to be white, like Hungarians do. Proof: the number of Hungarians moving out.

Quit making me unironically agree with you

I say the same when I read one of pizzashill's new comments.

Hopefully only the ones on foids and jews. His other takes are shit-tier

I like his takes on Trump.

Imagine being this retarded.

Imagine being so obsessed with him that his name is one of your most frequently used words on reddit.

Hmm it's almost as if I only use this account for trolling on arrrh slash drama

Nah, that couldn't be

Imagine beings such a loser that have not one but multiple reddit accounts

you got me there

Romans contributed more to humanity in one year than G*rmoids have in their entire existence.

Maygarcels out


ching chong to you too my friend

Lmao. As if you weren't continually conquered and raped by Ottomans and Slavs throughout history.

> Finngolians

> white

Only us Basques are white


You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


  1. Pizzashill confirmed 100% mayo -,

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Whiter then you Muhammed.

He ain't wrong, though. My Italian DNA mixed with my Elizabeth Warren DNA is the reason I look like a beaner.

That makes me half black 😎 Fuck outta here, mayos

Anglos aren’t white and neither are krauts.. ????

So only eastern europoors and nordcucks make the cut?

I’m sure this mongoloid can def trace his ancestry to Genghis Khan

No, you mongoloid. Only Mediterraneans are truly huwite

Based and heirs of Romepilled

.... I never said being white was a good thing 👀 🤭

G*rmanoids are mayos which is bad. Meds are white (good kind).

Krauts are just Anglos withought the romance. Back in my day we’d call them “barbarians”

Wait I thought pizza was a basketball

Greek, South Italian


One drop rule boys.

What about his Neanderthal DNA?

You seeing any semblance of a brow ridge?

That’s not what they look for. We need a pic of his lower back to see if he’s less hairy than most. Something about sneezing reaction to dark chocolate. We need his height. Or just assume based on pizza posts and commentary it’s probably quite high.

Or just assume based on pizza posts and commentary it’s probably quite high.

> 100% chance

we need a pic of his lower back

Just ask for the bussy pics, no need to be so round about

You ask him. He doesn’t like women.

He likes troids though so you should be fine


Post dick already

Post dick already

Imagine not using "post hog" non ironically

Chapos OUT OUT!

i am not a chapo, sweetie

uses hog

claims not a chapo


>> quotes a meme

> doesnt 100% believe meme

galaxy IQ

You really are a special kind of stupid



Micro shame. So cannot 😞😞😞


I don’t need or want anything from the mods... no point.


Mayos are the descendants of Neanderthals

I done a 23andMe. Drama feels like home.

Who the fuck is pizzashill?

Your blissful ignorance of PS marks the first time I've ever been jealous of someone on arr drama.

Ya I don’t know who this guy is but he sounds like a faggot. What kind of retard would want to be famous on some incel forum?


We already know his ethnicity is what you get when you cross a pregnancy and alcohol



Imagine being so stupid you willingly send in your DNA to these databases to be put on record just so you can see "muh heritage".

It's white foid-tier.

Some people just want to make sure their blood isn’t (((dirty)))

If you're that much of a poltard you should still be concerned about them looking at your sperm and figuring out you're the local serial dog rapist.

If you're that much of a poltard you should still be concerned about them looking at your sperm and figuring out you're the local serial dog rapist.

LOL, as if I ever leave the bodies where they can find them.

It's a good thing to send your DNA to these people because if you're of pure Aryan genes they can keep it to clone you and if you're ubermenschen (Italian) they know who to cull.

Germanic Europe

Der Ewige Kraut

does anyone else think he would make a pretty hot chick? pizzashill at least consider it ok

No go outside for once

it would help if you played along, i can't trans pizzashill all by myself

You are right, his Inceldom is so advanced that trannymaxxing might be the only course of action.

That would be a horrendous tranny

Isn't that every tranny?

Imagine beings such a loser that have not one but multiple reddit accounts