Man becomes homeless after getting cucked out of his house by his E-thot wife who left him for another and took all their money. Still he is somehow convinced she still loves him.

1  2019-12-16 by Bijzettafeltje


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I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Man becomes homeless after getting ... -,

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This sounds terrible but imagine if the role were reversed the woman would be raped, murdered or even raped just be happy that isn't what happened

No. Chad would have kept both bitches.

prayforwomen 🙏🏾

When someone takes all my money, they are immediately enemies to me. How the fuck are people okay with this and willing to downgrade their life and still love the benefactors? Dude, you got cucked hard, and you have issues

Based. Then again, they're both coomer stars, and I'm pretty sure fucking over your partner and leaving them with no money is a standard business practice.

How the fuck are people okay with this

Did you see what subreddit it was posted on? I wonder if that particular location happens to be in Western Europe 🤔🤔🤔

Yeah but OP's a burger

An American who marries a literal whore who picks up and move his entire life to a country and culture known for literal whoredom.

I want to make something clear: I've put her through enough stress already by trying to get her back several times. I know she still loves me and I still love her with all my heart but she doesn't want me anymore and wants to live this new life with her new partner in peace

The guy is insane, and I mean that literally. Some people live in an imaginary world in their heads. I mean, technically all do, but some people's worlds have large parts not based in any reality at all.

I won't be surprised if one of the reasons she's cucking him so hard is to make him constantly confront the reality that she doesn't in fact love him. Or conversely she takes advantage of him cucking himself like that instead of lawyering up.

This is actually more pathetic than I expected.

He's Dutch and Michael Caine was right about the Dutch.

Also this:

I know I can kick this guy out of my house since he's not on the lease, but she's happy with him, and doing that would really really hurt her and she needs his support for our breakup.


He literally has legal approval to not be a cuck and still chooses to be a cuck 🤔

Sometimes the cuck runs too deep.

Nah hes an amerimutt who moved to holland.

I'm a dutch citizen, I moved her here to Amsterdam from America but she also used DAFT since it was easier.

You misread. The eThot ex-wife and her new boyfriend are Americans. OP is 100% Europoor.

FFS can you not keep your whore women in check?

Europoor and getting cucked, can you name a more dynamic duo?

So we have a treaty that says the Dutch have to take all of our trash people? What can we do to encourage more of this?

Only if you give us Joe Biden.

Only if you agree to take Hunter too.

Increase the slots of that exchange program to 100 million and rescind everyone's citizenship once they hit international waters.

But what cam site? There are so many of them!

NGL this thread has led me down a bunch of rabbit holes and turns out as a burger I can just move to Holland whenever I feel like it (pretty much).

Yea but why would you want to live around the freaky deaky Dutch?!

Of course an /r/fhenetherlands has a thread where no one uses Dutch...

This guy is fucking with everyone right? This can’t be real

I believe it. A guy I knew in college let his girlfriend carjack him from the passenger seat because he asked to go to a friend's birthday party. Left him by the side of the road. Said friend stopped by his parents later to pick him up. He was sitting in his bedroom with the lights off and wouldn't come to the party because she said no.

There's whipped, and then there's broken.

You can be assured that his life doesn't get better from this point forward.

So you are a, self confessed, manipulative ex partner of a woman who you used to make money with by making adult videos.

The only problem I see is why she did not kick you out before.

Be DenCuck

Wife cheats on you, kicks you out on the street, takes all your money, moves a new guy into your house, cuts off all communication with you

”how dare you, she is brave and strong and you’re a manipulative asshole”


Be DenCuck

The absolute state of burger education

Inb4 hurr dur I don't have know this because my country can beat up your country

Sorry about the cucking bro

My country can beat up your country 😎

Your country also pays for my country's defense so that I can have free healthcare 😎

The Netherlands truly is an awful place. Let the dykes break.

sounds really terrible. i'm more upset that she didnt keep him around for threesomes. i'm always down for a good spit roast.

I moved her here to Amsterdam from America

ya did this to yourself m80

I want to make something clear: I've put her through enough stress already by trying to get her back several times. I know she still loves me and I still love her with all my heart but she doesn't want me anymore and wants to live this new life with her new partner in peace - I have to respect that, but I also need to be able to move on myself now.

there's no way this isn't a troll

nobody can be THIS MUCH of a cucked loser

Lol dmca that account

What is the name of the channel where he used to post those vids?