"Literally Who"-tier Democratic candidate (whose campaign slogan literally is "Not me. Y'all.") wishes cancer on Black Daddy via Twatter. Deletes his tweet. Then tweets that cancer is too merciful, and #44 deserves turbocancer instead.

1  2019-12-17 by dootwthesickness_II


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. "Literally Who"-tier Democratic can... - archive.org, archive.today

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Oh God, that necklace! I think I'm gonna be sick!

What do you want to bet that he's an "artist" but sucks at every medium?

Wow that's a godawful website, why is there a fucking runway of empty space at the bottom? Dude's probably just trying to stir some shit and get commies to donate for him so he can use the money on weed.

And he's not even the most pathetic socialist running for congress, there's literally a dude who posts his own "epic dunks" on Chapo



Just to make sure everyone knows how tough of a guy he is, he posted this


That dude is a hoot.

I hope Mr. Heck shoots this kid in the head.

I genuinely don’t understand why Chapos hate landlords above everyone else. What’s so bad about owning housing?

Commies believe that the only things you can own are the ones you are personally using. They’re mad because they think they should have control of their apartment. Never lend anything to one.

look, if you are genuinely concerned about the cost of living you should be advocating for and supporting on the ballot land use policies that increase the density and total amount of development and reduce its costs per unit.

chapos just want to be mad and would rather pay unnecessarily much for their substandard rental housing than give one inch to the evil capitalists who build stuff.

That's too complicated tho... like... how about I get a free place where I can smoke weed and not have to listen to my parents? Why are you making my life invalid? Why are you denying my existence? Why do you want me to die?

dude weed lmao
dude free shit lmao
dude daddy issues lmao
dude online validation lmao
dude cry me a river lmao

This is exactly what Chapos sound like.

Why do you want me to die?

Because you're a smelly Marxist?

As if there needs to be any other reason!

They are super weird about housing. 1) no suburbs, everyone should live in a crowded city except the bare minimum amount if farmers needed so we dint starve

2) you are not entitled to your own apartment. If you have more rooms than you need in your apartment or house, the extra rooms should be socialized and you get roommates.

3) they actually think landlords are rent seeking. They dont know words

Are landlords not rent-seeking, or am I misunderstanding what that word means?

You're not. Rent-seeking is trying to increase your wealth without doing anything that actually creates anything of value. The term is generally used when people talk about things like tax breaks and subsidies that distort market forces.

The term doesn't apply to landlords, because landlords generally have to do things like maintenance and upkeep that retain or enhance the value of their rental property. What they do does create value, even if morons like Chapos don't understand how. The value of renting is:

  • You're not invested in a property that could possibly lose value over time.
  • A year-to-year leases gives the renter the ability to move without the hassle of buying and selling property.
  • Rent payments remain fixed during the period of their lease (homeowners with ARMs run the risk of increased mortgage payments during rate hikes).
  • The landlord pays the taxes on the property.
  • The landlord is responsible for maintenance, improvement, and repairs. If an appliance stops working or your roof starts to leak, the landlord is legally obligated to get it fixed in a timely fashion. Homeowners, on the other hand, are responsible for all home repairs, maintenance, and renovation costs.

Renting is more expensive than buying, but that's mainly because you're paying someone else to deal with all the headaches that come with owning and maintaining property.

I used to be a property manager and their childish understanding of how things work is hilarious...though in their defense, the McMansions their parents own just seemed to always be there magically...

Having to pay for stuff is fascism

Landlords make tens of thousands a year doing fuck all. The only people who defend this are landlords and retards (big overlap).

you look like a retard when you fail to rebut any of the very valid points made above

rebute point Call retards retards

What has drama become

If it's that easy just become a landlord then you child

Rent seeking is when someone sets themself up to make money without contributing anything. For example, if I have a bar and I lobby the government to stoo giving out liquor licenses, Ive made my own license (and therefore my business) more valuable without having to be more productive.

A landlord does provide a service: first he provides housing at face value to people who either dont want or cant afford housing. Rent is 500 a month, regardless of property tax increases or renovations that need to be made on the house. This is a service that chapos dont understand because they see everything as labor and commodities. A chapo would say a landlord didnt build the house, so why should he make money off the house? Same reason that a waiter makes money at a restaurant without cooking the food: middleman service that we pay for.

no suburbs, everyone should live in a crowded city except the bare minimum amount if farmers needed so we dint starve

This is correct though, day of the internalised negative externality when?

Chapo's are bourgeois.

Eat bugs and go live in a pod


Owning housing is like skipping the middle-man and going right into the upper "exploiter" class.

It probably has to do with how inhuman and exploitative most landlords are. I'm no commie but that does align with my experience.

Lol ....wait ..are you serious?....LOL!!!!

Well, I'm serious about that being the most common reason behind the recent overall hate for landlords. And that that reason aligns with my experience with landlords.

I don't share that belief because some small shred of me thinks there are probably decent human beings who happen to be landlords out there. I just have never rented from one.




And I've never met a renter that wasn't a shithead.

I literally lost three units once because an idiot didn't know that the lint tray on the dryer needed to be cleared after every load.

And don't get me started on the morons that paint an apartment some horrific color and then are shocked they won't get their security deposit back.

Well you just sound like a slumlord.


You should look up terms before you use them. It would help you not sound like a spoiled, sheltered child...

I'm confident in my use of all 7 of those words.

Your market is 100% shitheads, that's a clue dude.

Hmmmm....I think you should look up the term "Slumlord" champ.

This is like when your mom tells you to clean up your room....she isn't Hitler no matter how many times you scream that at her....

OK, I did.

I remain confident in my use of 'slumlord', based on you only renting to shitheads.

Oh so I am supposed to discriminate against the stupid?

Dude if people were allowed to do that, you would starve...

Dude you're bad at this. Work on it.

Bad at what? Am I supposed to agree with the moronic edgy shit you post?

Okay...every single property owner is literally a slumlord. Housing should be a right and free. All hail Bernie Sanders....am I missing anything?

Better effort but bad job honing in on my ideals.

Cool we can stop interacting now.

praise allah

Imagine wanting to be a shithead instead of a landowner.

Your market is 100% shitheads, that's a clue dude.

Sounds like he should raise rent to filter out the riff raff

Hell yeah. That's what I'm sayin'.

A slumlord would force them to repaint it and keep the security deposit.

Because Mao is their hero.

This is one of the few things they're not stupid for, even if they go about it stupidly. Property ownership is, at its essence, theft from the unborn. Like locking the door behind you while everyone else is still bringing in the groceries.

Note the disapproval isn't accompanied by a counter-argument.

Okay tankie


Houses just spring up full formed from the ground in your world?

I'm more concerned with the land the houses sit on. Not that you'd have a point either way.

Chapos are economic incels who think they deserve to live in the most desirable locations.

This guy is such a tool.


Lmfao: https://twitter.com/Joshua4Congress/status/1180641340117442561

What an absolute moron.


The guy HE KNOWS was killed by police was actually killed in a drug deal by some black dudes:


Unbelievable cringelord:


He quotes the retiring congressman to make himself look good, but it really just makes him look like an immature child:

He just announced his retirement. Here is a quote from Heck- "At times, it is as though there are no rules or boundaries. Success seems to be measured by how many Twitter followers one has which are largely gained by saying increasingly outrageous things, the more personal the better. There are simply too many hyperbolic adjectives and too few nouns. Civility is out. Compromise is out. All or nothing is in."

Now, this is clearly about me. The moment I passed him in followers, he knew he was done. I literally bullied him out of the race.

Here's the full quote in context because it's not entirely clear the guy is even talking about this chapo:

In the spirit of complete openness, part of me is also discouraged. The countless hours I have spent in the investigation of Russian election interference and the impeachment inquiry have rendered my soul weary. I will never understand how some of my colleagues, in many ways good people, could ignore or deny the President’s unrelenting attack on a free press, his vicious character assassination of anyone who disagreed with him, and his demonstrably very distant relationship with the truth.

As has been observed, however, to some degree he is a symptom and not the cause or at least the only cause. The truth is that civic discourse began degrading before him. At times, it is as though there are no rules or boundaries. Success seems to be measured by how many Twitter followers one has which are largely gained by saying increasingly outrageous things, the more personal the better. There are simply too many hyperbolic adjectives and too few nouns. Civility is out. Compromise is out. All or nothing is in.

Seems he was mostly referring to Trump and Republicans, but it does apply to this chapo as well.

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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Ugh, off brand commie mommies.

He does like cute for a chapo. That's the only positive thing I have to say about him.

At the bottom of what?

English is not my first language, so I'm not sure if I'm right but I feel like the use of "y'all" is really forced.

If you aren’t either black or from a small town in the hills of Tennessee where everyone is cousins with everyone else, then the word “y’all” has no place on your lips.

remembers spending summers with mi abuelita in San Antonio as a teenager

Great, now we got Bizarro Beto. The fucking Justice League needs to get off their dead asses and put a stop to this shit.

My estrogen level spiked just seeing a picture of this male feminist.




Well he's Texan.

Probably not the way most actual Texans see it, but that is where he has taken up residence.

I looked it up out of curiosity and he was actually born and raised in Flint, MI of all places lmao

I guess he just didn't think they needed his services there

I mean, they should probably all die of cancer for voting a war criminal though right? I'm I doing this right?


If you've ever seen their city counsel at work, you'd understand that time spent on Flint is time wasted. You think it was an accident that they named the city after the Ojibwe god of fire, and destruction?

I thought it was named after a rock.

Shit, this guy could be evidence that the lead in the water was turning people retarded.

Y’all was a thing before wokies decided to take it over

it's come full circle

first the dindu steals it from the mayos

then the city mayos steal it from the dindu

can politicians let black people have fucking anything? I know we invented ya’ll but it’s the only thing they have going for them anymore.

we invented ya’ll

I had a honky etymology professor from Ole Miss one tell me that it came from Scotland or Ireland or something

Leftypol Redditor: Those inbred yokels in flyover country are too stupid to realize they're voting against they're own interests.

Also Leftypol Redditor: Wears the language and habits of the very same inbred yokels in flyover country who are too stupid to realize they're voting against they're own interests like a cheap, off-the-rack suit because they think it makes them seem authentic and folksy.

The south was a mistake

He is worse than a Southerner, he is--may Allah forgive me for saying this word--a Texan.

You utter filth, this sub-reddit is too pure for this comment

Lord forgive You for using the t word

In the eyes of a ranger, an unsuspecting stranger...

And they wonder why they're hated.

My late Filipino grandfather loved that show

How does any politician think that wishing cancer is the breakthrough move to win? If they are trying to join the Shock Politics bandwagon, trump has already mastered that craft

who was in authority during the deportation of over 3 million immigrants

lmao so he's an open borders retard

Ive been looking at his Twitter for a while , dude is a loony

On the flip side, wishing that Obama would get brain cancer is pretty radically centrist for Texas. That platform might play well with the DDF-affiliated portions of his constituency.

from texas? wow

Totally a man for the average low income worker then

Steers and queers

more based than 99.9% of democrats i respect it

Literally the only way someone can be logically consistent in calling orange daddy a Nazi is to acknowledge this. Contrast to how AOC stumbled after she was given the Obama question.

this faggot is wearing a pooka shell necklace in the current year

bet he plays hackysack.

The working class are known for their love of open border policies

How would this soft-palmed pansy have any idea what "issues are facing the working class?" You can tell he's never done anything remotely resembling labor his whole life just by looking at him.

During the deindustrialization of the Rust Belt in the 90s, I grew up in Flint, Michigan. 

someone whose family has lived in the Texas border region for over 100 years on both sides of the border, has lived through my middle school years El Paso, and remembers spending summers with mi abuelita in San Antonio as a teenager

he was probably also in Chicago when the mafia was big and grew up in Alabama to witness the kkk

a fierce advocate to solve the issues that are facing the working class.

"Also I'll flood the nation with low skilled workers from abroad, take that you fucking rednecks"

His “pronouns” are He/They LMAO

most Texans are the size of two or more people

so are everyone's LMAO

This is one of the rare cases that it's good they listed their pronouns. I was going to assume they went with fag/faggot.

He/They Black flag and red flag in bio Tries to be edgy online Extremely weak physique Talks like a teenage girl from California despite being a grown man

He is worse than a democrat, he is, may Allah forgive the uttering of this word, a chapocel

Imagine living south of the Mason-Dixon line

It's living the dream, baby. Why do you think all the blue-staters are fleeing CA for TX or the northeast for VA and the Carolinas? Why do think old Jews go to FL to die? The south is the fucking tits, you mong.

I detest fame, social media and drama,

he came for Drama

Twatter. Snort.

has twitter pronouns

wants the cool black ex president dead

This is either confusing or he's going to admit he was "hacked."

It's not confusing. Woketards hate everything to the right of circlebroke. Like republicans and democrats are united in hating these morons

there is literally nothing wrong with wishing cancer on people and it should be done more often

True, that's why I refuse to get the HPV vaccine.

I could tell by the profile picture that this loser had his pronouns listed in his bio.

this guy had 500 followers before this outrage how does he have a blue checkmark?

He’s technically a candidate.


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