Inceltears user tries to organize a second protest against lookism after first one fails

1  2019-12-17 by texanapocalypse33


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Inceltears user tries to organize a... -,

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Can't fight biology

You can if you ignore science

I thought there are the guys who say women are too soft... Now the tables have fucking turned and here is our new class of snowflakes

/r/IncelTears are the incels in denial who blame incels for being too weak

Part of them are femcels now.

good drama, i like the part where someone made a bait account, got a whole bunch of "no not really replies" and then nothing happened

That's wierd since the only group I know that talks about "lookism" is Trufemcels.

2 days account, right ?

Stop posting in day old thread you tards. Just comment here.

Imagine going a incel hate sub and thinking they'll care about supporting anything that has to do with ugly people

Uggos mad

Uggos seething

Why do you think it doesn't exist? Do you really think black people and white people are treated the same? Short and tall? Fat and skinny? Symmetric and asymmetric?

the only point im willing to give you is treatment of black vs treatment of white, and that's called racism not lookism

^ this """"person"""" has a non-stop posting history in inceltears, trollx and justneckbeardthings