Isn't it great that we are heading into a new decade and 2020 with so many concurrently living Hitlers?

1  2019-12-17 by tHeSiD

  1. USA, Trump - Boomer Hitler with a Twitter
  2. UK, Boris - Downy Hitler standing in the middle of the fire exit during a fire
  3. Canada, Justin T - Brown Hitler with 3 wishes
  4. Brazil, Bolsonaro - Forest Hitler, aka Saruman and his orcs
  5. Russia, Putin - Don’t coom find a troon Hitler
  6. India, Modi - Hitler by 2020 with a fat ass Himmler by his side
  7. Turkey, Erdogan - Hitler didn't happen Hitler
  8. South Africa, Ramaphosa - Reverse Hitler
  9. North Korea, Kim Jong Un - Baby Hitler
  10. Philippines, Duterte - Do drugs end or up in a rug Hitler


  1. China, Xi Jinping - Copy cat Hitler, Reverse engineered and perfected with added efficiency

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Isn't it great that we are heading ... -,

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Put this on an image and unironically post it to /r/political humor.

They will be offended with some terms


And then they ban this.

It'll be cancelled out by calling Trump Hitler

Do it

Also unironically cross-posted to ENLIGHTEDCENTRISM because the list isn't exclusive to Trump.

or starterpacks

China, Xi Jinping - Copy cat Hitler, Reverse engineered and perfected with added efficiency

Xi really did revive the hitler ideology. Nobody is going to stop him though because china had a huge cock deep in every buisness

We really need to sanction the shit out of them and crash their economy so they collapse from internal discontent.

The lynchpin reason why the Chinese people accept their anthill is because they deliver on the promise of economic growth, once that stop being the case, shit will go down.

Aww you ameritards can't compete now and looking to sow discontent? Looks like you learned something from your Jew masters.

lol shut up faggot

I usually don't approve of the word faggot, though in this case it seems appropriate. Fuck r/sino shitposters.

Says the r/teenagers pedo. How many kids have you diddled today?

Chinks were a mistake

Get a life outside Reddit fucking fag. Holy shit imagine having 100k karma lol.

Imagine being such a lowlife that you shill for the CCP on the internet for pennies per post.

You don't know how many times I've had to remove this at r/copypasta

Best copypasta outside of Epstein didn't kill himself.

lmao he has no comments after this post. Mainlander shills btfo.

Of course, if he kept reading he'd get shoa'd.

It's called having a life.

Big words from a guy spending time calling people fags online.

Lmao, have you seen the rest of this thread?

Lol I'm just imagining a literal human sized ant seething and coping behind a keyboard

You and your little buddies are the ones invested in this thread calling for the extermination of chinks unironically. Who's seething and coping?

I'm sorry man, didn't mean to hurt you in any way. I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a JOLLY NEW YEAR!!! (:


Wow you’re Chinese, how did you learn such good English??

Lol imagine being such a brainwashed retard YOU DO IT FOR FREE.

Imagine prostituting your free will to ants.

You're mad because your 4 inch dick cant satisfy Asian women, which is why they flock to white men like me

youre both a bunch of racist morons and you both should be banned from this sub

Imagine thinking racism will get you banned from here of all places new fag

We generally prefer to just make fun of actual racist lolcows.

Also, it's pretty obvious when someone is legit racist or when they're just using slurs to piss someone off.

Lastly, Fuck China. Racism against them is right and good

We generally prefer to just make fun of actual racist lolcows.

Also, it's pretty obvious when someone is legit racist or when they're just using slurs to piss someone off.

Lastly, Fuck China. Racism against them is right and good


Fuck off chink

Nah, let them spread their BS here. Only on Reddit can you call for violence against Chinese people unironically and not get banned. And they claim Reddit is owned by China lol. Tencent needs to see this and pull out their retarded investment into this failing shithole of a website.

Mmm, I do enjoy white cock as well so I know what you're talking about. But don't delude yourself, incel. The only action you're getting is from sexpating trannies and kids in Thailand. This Asian bussy is for white Chads only. Sub 7 mayo moids like yourself aren't human.

Not even American, the CCP is an existential threat, better to stamp it out before the cancer spreads beyond their borders, see: South America and Africa.

Lol @ comparing China to low iq countries. Keep coping fag.

I wasn't comparing them, wumao.

China is using tactics to slowly buy up their nations, like loans they cannot possibly pay back.

Good. China can play and benefit from imperialism like the West did in the past.

Can't blame em. If I we're getting cucked for over a century and a half I'd want to join the bull gang too. They should ask Japan for advice

How dare they steal the IMF’s tactics

True, but one side is slightly tyrannical, the other is full on ants.

At least we don't get shoa'd for posting a meme, yet.

people who post terrible memes should be re-educated tho

Start with your own house

If you think China is so great, why don’t you go live there? Seriously here is a link on how to emigrate get the fuck out of our country traitor

Because I like earning money by exploiting people via capitalism in the US. From dumbasses that only consoom and can't save enough cash to buy houses. Only in the US can you make six figures without much effort. In China you'd have to compete with smart people working 12 hr days? No thanks lol.

Lol such a pathetic excuse. You actually use China’s shitty wages and poor work conditions as a reason why it’s better. Following your logic we all should move to New Guinea because there we’d only have to compete with the cannibals

China's current system is terrible for an entitled, lazy Americans like me but it's a necessary evil to industrialize into a first world country. You think Americans had it good during its industrialization period? You had to endure it for a century while China is going to blaze past it even with quadruple the population.

Difficult to compete with a mindless ant colony of identical workers who lack the ability to question their surroundings

Lol come up with another original cope. Calling work ethic ants lmao. No wonder America is filled with lazy fat fuck consoomers like you.

Work ethic =/= mindless and repetitive hand and arm movements to make Fisher Price products. Japan should have finished the job in the 30s and 40s tbh.

The willingness to do mindless, repetitive tasks is what built civilization. What did you think people in the agricultural/industrialization age were doing?

If by "people", you mean actual antenna-less people with opposable thumbs, emotions, and critical thinking skills.... Then I bet they were caring for their loved ones and shit like that. Something a "person" from China lacks the ability to do.

Yes, Americans mayos are well known for caring for their loved ones, such as kicking their parents into retirement "homes." And let's not forget the entire country wanting to kill each other over different political opinions lmao. Mayos are so nice, they are even handing over their home countries in Europe over to the mudslimes. Wow, I wish I had your empathy and compassion.

Bro this was actually a rly good comment. You win

Lol, don't give up so easily. Here, I'll do it for you:

  • Chinksects are so cheap they'd rather let their parents suffer and rot away at home instead of sending their parents to an actual retirement home.

  • At least in the US we have the freedom to wish death on those who disagree, unlike in China where if you disagree with the CCP, the gov't will snuff you out silently and have your organs harvested.

I can't think of anything for the suicidal tendencies of the Europeans though.

It won't work the globe doesn't care, even as much as bleeding heart euros cry they aren't willing to do that

Then start caring, at least there will be one more and there is a lot of anti-CCP sentiment in Europe, our leaders are Renminbi-cucked though.

You mayos are gonna be outbred soon. It's just a matter of time. There won't be an Europe anymore. At least in the West. Eastern Europe is based and pro-CCP.

Slavs are alcoholic doomers, cucked by everyone since the beginning of time.

Glad you admit slavs aren't white btw.

Gotta go cold turkey.

Venezuela, Maduro - Runescape popularizer Hitler

Iran, Hassan Rouhani - La ilane Allah-u Hitler

How can a communist be like hitler? lol

Xi Jinping is ostensibly communist and arguably the best modern day Hitler comp.

The link between political ideologies is complex, and cannot be simplified to a left-right axis.

Being authoritarian doesn't mean you're a hitler. Maduro just wants an army of dumb half-dead starving people to serve his corruption. Hitler at least had a fucked up idea in his mind. Maduro is just the dirty of corruption getting advantage upon a bunch of braindead people. He's got no agenda, just self interests. Trust me, I'm from SA.

Well, you start by invading Poland.

Don't forget viktor orban of hungary, he's made policies that encourage the hungarians to have children all while not acccepting "refugees"


what's hungary

Hung Gary

Is that sexual harrasment!?

It's bullying

The only black Hungarian?

egy geci

Literally Hitler

he is a clown

I thought people were cool with Justin? What happened that made him Hitler?

He cosplayed a black character at an anime convention and woke twitter cancelled him.

I havent followed politics since I got a full time job. Are you for real? He cosplayed a black anime character?

If you think that's crazy, you won't believe what he stuck in his pants while cosplaying

Drama teachers apparently make sure to have all the details right when portraying characters 🍆

lmao this is even worse than nigladdin 🤣

He was asked by a press member how many more of these photos may come out and he literally had to admit that he has done black face so many times as a teenager and young man that he can't remember how many times he did it.

He didn't just do it, obviously. He did it years ago, and the photos just surfaced.

Can't wait for all of these people to be reelected anyway.

2020 is going to be a good year for dramacoin.

Modi got reelected in May 2019 with best victory since 1984, the democrat version got less than 1/10th of the seats

As a currycel I just want trump to win again because we already elected Modi for another 5 years and I don't want the burgers to have the upper hand in political discussions for a while. UK electing Boris ruled the bongs out. r/India's retarded takes and seethe tears will keep me going.


this but unironically

it was irnoical. you may now seethe for 4 years and 5 months more

Japan, Abe - Weeb Hitler

Netenyahu made him eat from a shoe which is like a muslim eating pork in japan culture lmaooo

More like ninja Hitler, don't hear much about him

What about Bashar "your ass is gassed" Assad?

Perhaps the real hitler is the hitlers we have made along the way.

None of those are on meth except Duterte. Although there are rumours Trump likes to snort Addy... anyway, my point is, you cannot be Hitler without a crippling meth addiction.

are you gatekeeping Hitler?!

No, I'm trying to help you do due diligence in regards to your hypothesis. You cannot be Hitler without meth.

its 2019 bro, you don't have to do meth to be a Hitler

Jaroslaw Kaczynski

In case you don't know, everyone is a nazi now.

You are a nazi for saying that

Well, the population in 1944 was 1/11th of what it is today, so this must be true.

We can rest assured that since there are 11 Hitlers right now, there are 11 Hitlers who will ultimately stop the 11 Hitlers.

You forgot...

Pewdiepie: YouTube Hitler

Doug Ford, used car salesman Hitler

Ralph Northam:

Virginia Kkk Mr. Blackface Coonman Grab em guns abortoman Hitler.

Damn now that I say it he’s probably #1

Brown Hitler with 3 wishes

I laughed. Well done.

How is Ramaphosa Reverse Hitler but Netanyahu only gets to be Jew Hitler?

Is this even an above average proportion of Hitlers though?

Al assad didnt gas anyone you white helmet fucking fuck!!!!


You sure he didn't let out a really bad toot one day?

Good point! 💨 💨

You are a disgrace to allah

Saruman and his orcs

swordshit normies OUT OUT OUT


Fuck u ringshit is the best

Dont forget Mohammed Bin Salman. Turkish consulates are his Auschwitz

Who's calling justin trudeau hitler?

Don’t forget Matteo Salvini in Italy — currently living Mussolini

You forgot Poland's Jarosław "gag the fags" Kaczynski.

Jeffrey Epstein did nothing wrong. Those WHORES consensually agreed to fuck him and his rich friends. They were given plenty of money and were happy at the moment, but those WHORES became greedy and wanted more money. So they got together and told the cops because if he was charged and convicted then that would guarantee a humungous payout later in civil court (close to $100 million). Those WHORES agreed on their own volition to fuck him, they loved being fucked by him (whores always love powerful rich older Chads pounding their pussy), and on top of that were paid lots of money. If you ask me, those WHORES should be sent to prison. Send them to prison for life and throw the keys away. Besides the age of consent should be 12 anyway. Most holes (aka women) lose their virginity to an older man at that age FYI. These days 12 year old holes (aka girls) are trawling discord, reddit, tinder, snapchat, instagram, facebook, twitter, tiktok looking for Chads who will give them a good dicking. By the time they are 15 they have have over 20+ dicks inside them. These fucking cunts are going to get even more degenerate in the future.

How is Trump like Hitler? Beside the fact that he doesn't listen to his generals, didn't do well in school, and picks on people with disabilities e.g Greta Thunberg.

How is Trump like Hitler? Besides the fact that he doesn't listen to his generals, didn't do well in school, wasn't taken seriously by the New York Times, targets minorities, and mocks people with congenital disabilities despite being mentally disabled himself.

Kamala Harris - locked people up, doesn't like weed, literally hitler

Whoever the fuck runs Myanmar

There should be a reason for all these. What's that?

Late to see this but this is seriously the funniest reddit post I've ever read.