MDEcels have been banned from yet another subreddit

1  2019-12-17 by denuvo_sucks


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. MDEcels have been banned from yet a... -,

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Imagine being so pathetic you still try to use Plebbit after being kicked off 109 times.

I mean as long as ahs and tmor are seething its worth it

Whelp, they're just going to move to another sub and start the same hate again, and all the libcuck redditors act all surprised. No matter how many times you film it, the audiance things they've seen it for the first time

why don't they just go to /pol/. do they think people will miss them?

It's ok we still have /r/happyworlddaddy

Mde sucked ass and has produced maybe thirty minutes of worthwhile content in it's entirety