Poll finds that Latinos overwhelmingly hate the word “Latinx.” Ghazi Gringos btfo and on suicide watch.

1  2019-12-17 by dootwthesickness_II


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But I really want to correct everyone saying "chicano" to "chicanx" etc! Ghazelles are being inconsiderate towards enbies!

Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Poll finds that Latinos overwhelmin... - archive.org, archive.today

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Oh you can't say that fact! You'll get crucified by the liberal army of reddit

Unbelievable levels of COPE in that thread.

It’s meant to make nonbinary people feel comfortable!!!

Friendship cancelled with transgender people, enbies are my new best friend 😎

It’s meant to make nonbinary people feel comfortable!!!

Won't somebody think of the tranny larpers? 🙀

they're not even real trannies, every nb person I've met is literally just a foid with short hair. Hell, even most of then still date men and don't even act like tomboys

I can't fucking believe how quickly nb has become an accepted thing. It is literally 100% made up. It's so made up that if you asked leftoids what it means they'd all give you a different answer

It's just cheater points for the Oppression Olympics

Some of them are dudes, that just look like dudes. I've only ever known a few, but one in particular stands out.

I used to work for Jimmy John's, and a guy named Jacob always referred to himself and his other weirdo friends as "they". He would always refer to his girlfriend as his "partner", and was a staunch vegan. One time a customer ordered the sandwich that has the most meat and *they shook *their head and said "people have no respect for the dead".

He got fired because a customer didn't tip him well, and he complained to her about it. When our GM (a white cis-male oppressor) confronted him and told he was done for not controlling himself he said "that's ableist!! I have anxiety and bipolar! I need to make enough money to feed my partner!"

I swear I'm not making this up to paint these people bad. This is a true story.

I believe you.

I disbelieve because I don’t want it to be true

Won't somebody think of the tranny

God I hope not

Hey Transphobes, if enbies aren't real why are they so HECKIN cute and valid?!?!/!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! UWUWUWUWUWUWU

This is probably unironically posted in some shitty meme somewhere

They literally call themselves "tucutes," as in "too cute to be cis."


I've never met an attractive person that identified as trans/nonbinary.


It was a pretty upvoted post here the other day, actually.

Nigger what the actual fuck. The end of days can't some soon enough.

Literally a high school male that posts in girl gamers lmao

The girl(male) gamers subreddit is probably mostly pedos with a few high school age girls(male).

This is why LGBT acceptance is falling.

As a gay they really piss me off

Gatekeep your weird alphabet club a little better and the problem will stop.

I literally can’t, gays who don’t go along are uncle toms and considered worse than cis mayo moids.

Inshallah, you will all be kept at The Gates soon enough.

I like the term "truscum" because finally there's one of these labels that I can identify with.

Are you a transgendered individual suffering from gender dysphoria?

Well... no... but I agree with them. Isn't that enough for me to join their club?

ah you identify with the sentiment behind the term, but don't identify as the term itself.

PM TransGirlTradWife and ask her.

I would but she already said "I already told you I have a husband stop PMing me you freak" or something like that

And of course they're furries.

Day of the fleas when?

Emos/goths of the current year era

even worse when adults unironically talk like that

Don’t remind me of that post


Friendship cancelled with transgender people

That's transgender FOLX, bigot.

Volks, got it.

Ein Volk

Ein Reich

The funny thing, I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with enbies and all about not addressing mixed gender groups with masculine words.

And anyone with a high school Spanish class under their belt would know that Espanol is a fucking gendered language and Latino can refer to mixed gendered groups. Shit, half the time gendered words don't even correspond to the gender in question. Like vestido (dress) or bulso (purse).

These idiots want to degender a gendered language.

Every Latino I know just wants these mayos to shut the fuck up already

Noooooo didn't you read the thread, it's totally not middle-class mayos pushing this, the middle-class mayos said so!!!

Espanol is a fucking gendered language and Latino can refer to mixed gendered groups

b...b...b...but it's sexist to refer to members of a mixed-gendered group as if they were male by default!

lmao, same shit happened in Russia, because in Russian language everything is gendered - nouns, verbs, proverbs, adjectives, etc.

So a while back there was a BBC article about some Russian non-binary girl, who came up with another gender. So she provided some examples of the additions to Russian language and it ended up looking like the person writing this was having a stroke.

To this day I wonder if BBC was interviewing a troll.

There are literally dozens of them

So much cope they’re going to need Narcan to undo the overdose.

If this is only referring to US based people...then another study is needed. I’m from Mexico and I’ve already seen it being used by certain institutions along with “latines.” A lot of people are fine with it, and some just don’t care.

FACT: It's even less common in Mexico.

FACT: This bitch left Mexico when xhe was 2 and is less culturally Latinxo than George Zimmerman.

Yeah like Rutgers used Alumnx for their linguistic department because liberal Arts always end up retarded. It exists as a joke

What's funny is a lot of people are claiming that white people are the one's who are trying to promote Latinx, whereas in Latin countries and cultures alternatives to Latino/Latina are already being used. It seems like people just want to diminish the importance of non-gendered language

This person is playing 4D chess against himself



wtf i can comment now


Latinx is retardex.




I think we onto somethinex




X gonna give it to ya

Barx! Barx!

Macintosh OS X

Iphone X


xtrarded makes more senx.

I’d like to hear someone pronouncing “lxs latinxs satisfechxs”.

Quierx mxrirme

It sounds like something a Mexican space Alien would call himself.

(((Anglos))) need to stay away from Latinos. Don't want they're degeneracy rubbing off on us.

I wonder if languages with grammatical gender shape their speakers’ minds to reject this lunacy. Germany, France, and the entire Hispanic/Lusophone world seem to be protected from it. I’m aware that Turkish is genderless, but they have Islam to protect them.

What's funny is a lot of people are claiming that white people are the one's who are trying to promote Latinx, whereas in Latin countries and cultures alternatives to Latino/Latina are already being used. It seems like people just want to diminish the importance of non-gendered language

Like I don’t think this is true at all.

These people don't leave their homes, let along the city limits, they might get lynched by nazis! They have to rely on the serious labor done by the people they follow on Twitter to provide them with an accurate view of the rest of the world.

Conversely, it's plausible that a small subset of activist-scholars at Central American universities are hijacking their language to push a weird agenda. You know, like they do at Burger schools.

Yeah I wrote that in my other comment. I assume there are of course wokeoid Hispanics I’ve just never met one.


All countries have academiccels that are like that. Most countries just don't have as many as Burgerland.

This is why Pinochet replaced academicels with military leaders at the universities.

You'll never believe what Pol Pot did

People complained about /pol/ pot, but have they looked at whether Cambodia is less gay than other countries now?

Certainly less gay than Thailand, but that's not saying much

Heterosexual men are forced to prostitute themselves to survive in Cambodia.

La femme Cambodge, very horny!


lol I'm Mexican and this is not true. The only "people" pushing for this "latinx" nonsense are SJWs from twitter, y'know, those lesbians with dyed hair who grew up fatherless.

have any of these people ever actually met a Mexican? like, for real from Mexico, and not some white cunt who has an uncle whose father spent a week in Mexico so now she's """"""""latina""""""""

because holy shit do Mexicans NOT give a shit about any of this garbage. unless you are straight up calling them a lazy wetback to their face or something, they don't fucking care.

Bro, they are trying to lynch a gay dude that drew Emiliano Zapata as a gay icon down in Mexico.

Mexican's don't give a fuck about gay culture. Try that shit down there and consequences get real really quick.

i was more talking about racism towards mexicans. i work with a few and asked them about shit that supposedly offended them like Speedy Gonzales or that mayo ventriloquist's jalapeno puppet.

they were basically just like "what? no. why would that offend me? i love jalapenos."

Never forget in 2002 when Cartoon Network took speedy's movies off the air for racism only for Mexican American associations to demand he be brought back on air

Well Yeah Speedy Gonzales is always the winner a couple stereotypes doesn't change that

Speedy “Viva la Reconquista” Gonzalez

And don't forget when Slowpoke Rodriguez, his cousin, used stand your ground laws to defend his family against a marauding cat. 🔫

Slowpoke Rodriguez was the shit.

They lynch police for doing their job, so it's not surprising.

My favorite part about Coco was all the police being honest, hardworking and incorruptible, because every Mexican police officer like that is dead.

Basados y rojopastillados.

Deciphering using my schoolboy French, that is fucking funny.

Da fuck you talking about homeslice? Mexico is gay as fuck, theres gay bars in every city down there. Every fucking time I go down there and pop onto Grindr I get barrage of brown cock shots. Hell when I am home at my family's I get hit up by dudes over the border all the fucking time. If you gay, you gay, Mexicans don't give a fuck!


But there's being gay like "I like getting liquored up and ass-blasted every weekend", and then there's gay like "I'm going to lecture the poor, stupid brown people about why their mother tongue is sexist and needs to change". One probably flies just fine in Mexico, the other hopefully not too much. But I can't claim a super in-depth understanding of Mexico's gay scene, you would probably know better than me.

There's a difference between blasting bussy, and being a public homo outside of gay bars. They don't do the latter.

Okay lol, I'll try to remember that next time I go to Rocky Point or Hermosillo. Hell, even Nogales has a pretty poppin drag scene and that city is ghetto as fuck.

In all seriousness, being gay down there is not different then being gay in the south a few years ago. Be on your guard and use discretion in public as needed, but it's not like your gonna get lynched for holding a dude's hand in public. Everyone in Mexico has a gay cousin or two, just like everyone has a cousin or two that works for the Cartels. Say what you will about the catholics, they never fully turn their backs on their familial fuckups and outcasts.

Granted being a humongous tattooed white dude gives me a little more leeway than your average beaner fairy. If my outward gayness makes someone uncomfortable, they're going to need a little more courage to call me out than, say a little Mexi Twink.

Yeah dude, central america is INCREDIBLY conservative when it comes to shit like that.

I had a coworker and friend that was born in one of the deepest regions of Mexico and grew up there then moved here to the US, he was one of the most absolutely racist people I’d ever met.

I’m talking like yelling the n word out the window of his car and shit it was ridiculous

I had a Mexican coworker who was soooooooooo fucking racist and paranoid around Dominicans and Jamaicans. Shit was confusing. I have never seen anyone be that fucking racist to caribbean blacks before. Like he was totally fine towards american blacks and african blacks but holy shit that dude seethed harder than every white foid on election night when Trump won around caribbean blacks.

That’s bc Latinos think they’re white but no one that’s actually white thinks they are lol

Actual Mexicans are based as fuck tbh

Mexican hivemind here, yes d-amazo speaks for us. We don't have any internet sjw problems, that's exclusively a mayo thing.

Have you ever heard Mexican audienced radio stations in the US? They always have a guy larp as a gay, make sexist jokes, talk about doing drugs and getting drunk. It's amazing comparing them to US audienced stations.

Lots of Mexicans are tainted by the blood of Huns, therefore their opinions of what anyone calls them is negated.

I really don't hate Mexicans as long as they don't vote Democrat or drive drunk constantly or have 15 children or play shitty accordion music at 3am or join narco gangs or turn into fatass chalupas by age 23

It's always all or nothing with their work ethic, too.

Lol at the /r/asablackman posts in that thread

You can only link that sub when the colored people think for themselves.

You can't wear a sombrero on Halloween, that's offensive! Now, back to changing another culture's language

If this is only referring to US based people...then another study is needed. I’m from Mexico and I’ve already seen it being used by certain institutions along with “latines.”

The closer to latrines, the better

Like I’m sure these is wokeoid “institutions” in Mexico too. That doesn’t mean the average person agrees with it.

tfw this person is just referring to white women who happen to be in mexico

I love it when when mayos try to tell them there poc what they akshullee think

So much whitesplaining smh

Absolutely love all the white kids in there talking about how native latinos "don't want to use gendered language".

Spanish is by definition a gendered language lmfao

And they can fuck right off with their anglocentrism, our languages will remain gendered. We're not going to fundamentally rework Portugeuse and Spanish to please a bunch of troids from the US lol.

It's a gendered language. It's not by definition a gendered language. That doesn't even make sense.


you're by definition a retard


You know what real prejudice and bigotry is? Downvoting lolcows.

Eh, shitting on his millennial hyperbole isn't lolcowing. Fugees sure are mad about it tho.

That hurt to read.

Please stop.

Spanish people don't want to talk Spanish, it is true! Here is my anecdote to help me cope.

The fuck do people care if we're called Latinx? Tbh idgaf, ill continue to call myself latino and that's it.

To say nothing of swathes of South Americans that despite being all lumped into the "Latino" grouping. The maddest I've ever seen anyone are the Chileans I know get called Latino. It's fucking hilarious.

Tbh I usually call people from south america, south americans, and us islanders latinos, idk why.

PR or DR?

That's fairly common there.

South Americans I meet hateee the term Latino because they think it's a central term.

PR, tbh since we're educated about south america I rarely call them latino.

Lol I'm from PR Norte (aka Connecticut) and I gotta say all the kids I knew that grew up in there island had good education. Gotta ask are you pro statehood?

Tbh looking at the current state of the island, the state allows us to file bankruptcy thus helping us with the economy, so if theres no other choice, then yes, im pro statehood

Whats your take on it?

I'm not from PR but I hope they go for it tbh. Actually having senators will stop the mainland from ignoring key issues with only getting the fat cats in SJ and the interior to actually pay taxes. Kind of a win-win for the common folk there.

We have fought for statehood, but theres to many interests against it in the USA and PR alike. Since banks want to keep strangling us for money.

Seriously what the banks did was super fucked. But the elites in PR also have a massive propaganda arm to scare the aubella drawing 12k a year will have to pay 30% tax to the feds. If you're rich on the island you got it fucking made, screw everything and everyone else sadly.

If youre rich, got connections or got an american corporation, then its all peachy. If youre middle class its a big fuck you.

Why are there do many Puerto Ricans in CT?

For Hartford it was the tobacco plantations, Bridgeport it was the munitions factories during the war, and New Haven it was massive admissions you yale

Chileans and Argentinians are obsessed with how white they are.

Only the actual chilean mayos are like that, the rest are out there setting buses on fire for their indigenous pride or some bs🙄🙄

They're still Latin Americans. Latino is not a racial term.

Brazilians aren’t Latinos

Technically they are.

You're all darkies to me. I'm albino.

Hi albino., I'm Dad!

Forcing people to use latinx is white colonialism

File this one under "No fucking shit", of fucking course latinx is exclusively mayo nonsense. It's literally linguistic imperialism. You ever notice that about the really neurotic SJW types, how they're almost always the worst offenders of what they claim to hate the most? Just like how all male feminists are rapists, "latinx" is one of the very few bonafide examples of actual imperialism in action today.

I asked exactly one beaner that I know about this once, cause he's generally pretty easy-going and good-humored about racial differences. He was weirded out, hadn't even heard of it, and said that it sounded like "something a crazy white person made up". Beyond that, I have seen a couple of non-whites use it in a university settings, but they were all second-generation Americans that didn't even really speak Spanish, and were clearly just over-compensating for the fact that they have lost touch with their parents' culture. You see similar things from insane privileged Asian kids sometimes too.

This poll doesn't confirm my biases so it's not really a useful metric tbh. What they should have done was poll the people that think the right way. Fuck the u.s. btw.

Sounds about right, because terms like latinx are bs.

Sounds about white

These ungrateful M*xicans should be should be tipping the Kofis and Patreons of the deathfat femayoid academics who put so much effort into inventing a term that actual latinos clearly couldn't come up with.

Same thing happened with the Catholics of Italian descent they all had babies that ended up republican. Dumb ass dems trying to sell the opposite of the American dream is not working


Why do leftists type so much do they just like listening to themselves?

Bro, Ghazi isn't leftist.

OK back to r/stupidpol now.


Supporting people like Hillary at every opportunity


Not a single person in that thread can speak Spanish nor knows a native Spanish speaker.

It's so fucking stupid. For the love of God white people ...just because you are taking Spanish 101 from a community college, you aren't an expert on the Spanish language....

Mexicans are busy trying not to get their head chooped by a cartel to worry about faggy words


-Progressive whites

Horseshoe theory strikes again.

“We’re so sorry for colonizing, pillaging, and oppressing you”

“Now accept this name we made up for you, BOY. And you BETTER LIKE IT”

Just don't police our language. How hard is that to understand?

How hard is that to understand?

Extremadamente difícil. Ellos no hablan español 😞

La amenaza gringa nunca dejará de existir a menos que el mayonecidio tome lugar.

el mayonecidio



Caliente, me gusta. Whoever said that calls for genocide never brought different cultures together?

La revolútion industrial y sus consecuencias haben sido un desastre por la raza humana

If this is only referring to US based people...then another study is needed. I’m from Mexico and I’ve already seen it being used by certain institutions along with “latines."

Press X to doubt

Mexicans absolutely despise this woke shite

No one is even 100% confident on how to pronounce Latinx IRL.

Its like X-men dummy

I go with "latinks" because it sounds appropriately retarded.

Hijos de la chingada. Stop butchering my language

Isnt X pronounced like a hard h in Spanish? Would it be pronounced "latinhuh"?

Nah, only for older and fossilized words, like México. Most of the time is pronounced just like in English, as in éxito ("success") or sexo ("sex"). Either way "latinx" will never happen because the neutral plural is "latinos".

Ah, I don't have a lot of experience with pronunciation of specific letters in Spanish, I didn't realize.

Yeah, I knew male was the default, but I was trying to see if latinx could be pronounced that didn't sound artificial or retarded, but it turns out it's like "la tea necks", which to me sounds kind of retarded.

What is clear from our research is that the appeal of “Latinx” is extremely limited. In fact, it did not register above 3% as a preferred term among any geographic, income, education, or age subgroup we tested. Paradoxically, ad agencies and political campaigns that believe they are being trendy by using the term may be alienating or confusing the voters and consumers with whom they are attempting to build meaningful connections.

It is unclear whether “Latinx” is just a fad or an ethnic label that is here to stay. Given the very small number of people who identify with the term, I would advise my colleagues across the various marketing, human resources, journalism and communication disciplines to avoid using “Latinx” as a descriptor for all Latinos.

LA Times and NPR use "Latinx" regularly and it makes me cringe every time.

NPR has jumped the shark a while back. The LA Times was never good to begin with.

Isn't having a "ks" sound at the end of a word phonologically impossible in Spanish? If you want to make a woke word at least make the word pronounceable to the target demographic.

This would actually be pronounced as a raspy 'h,' like the J in "Jesús." Of course, having a word end in an n followed by that sound is equally impossible in Spanish.

Definitely an n-word.

Oh hey, I haven’t seen you in a while!

I briefly went from 100 problems to 99. My life wasn't complicated enough, so I'm going for a high score.

Also, I now have enough gold to ban someone :D Who should it be?

Who should it be?

When it's time, you won't need to ask

Imagine those white woman dressed up as half naked natives at the music festival high on e just started talking in Cherokee

If you want to make a woke word at least make the word pronounceable to the target demographic.

The word "philipino" is history's greatest troll.

No clusters in codas as far as I know but it's still trivially pronounceable by anyone.

You're not supposed to actually pronounce it as an <x>, though, to make it even more subhumanly retarded. Usually it's the original /o/, the competing /e/ or, if you wanna go full SLAY KWEEEEEEN, /a/.

I’m from Mexico and I’ve already seen it being used by certain institutions along with “latines.”


He's speaking bullshit

I don't think so; I'm from Argentina and it's something you see every now and then. University communications and other woke retards insist on it.

academics live in a different universe from the rest of the population, regardless of country

Literally in ivory towers.

That's how mayo they are.

What I learned from that thread is that 98% of Ghazis know better than Hispanics.

Who do you trust to make changes to your language? People who speak it and are not woke or kids who don't speak the language but are very woke?

I think the question answers itself.

I dont get latinx. The neutral form of latino/latina is just latin.

Yeah but then you run the risk of offending the Romans.

Shhhh...... Let them further embarrass themselves.

Nonsense made up by ivory tower white people doesn't resonate with the ethnic minority that said academics were talking down to when they created said nonsense? I am shocked, SHOCKED.

Well not that shocked, im sure

Uh, did anyone even consider asking what the latinas thought?

Why did they chose “Latinx” over “Latine”? The latter sounds like an actual Spanish and is pronounceable.

Not really. The reason for Latinx is to combat the gendered language of Spanish. Because it excludes people who are non-binary in the language. It forces them to choose a gender to identify with when speaking the language

Imagine hating languages that are gendered because it forces people to say items are gendered lmao. Leche is Spanish for milk and it's gendered female in Spanish for obvious reasons


A better word for Mexican trannies is "Latrino"

no idea what a bloody latinx is but i doubt ill ever need to know a word about 7 people use

My biggest gripe with Latinx is that you can’t fucking pronounce it. Someone in the other thread suggested Latines for the gender neutral pleural. I’m fine with that.


oh dear

If this is only referring to US based people...then another study is needed. I’m from Mexico and I’ve already seen it being used by certain institutions along with “latines.” A lot of people are fine with it, and some just don’t care.

Yeah no that's not how this shit works.

Usually, the source of the faggotry has the most use of the term.

If anything there might be less Mexicans that know wtf a latinx is than there are people in America that use it.

And even then, a big chunk of them will probably beat you to death with their chihuahua for thinking they agree with you.

Typical mayo bullshit where after an entire race says they don't like something that mayos are trying to push on them, the mayos want to argue back like they know better.