"Why do people make political tweets on random subreddits" [114 responses in 3 hours]

1  2019-12-17 by WineDine69stein


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. "Why do people make political tweet... - archive.org, archive.today

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Edit: Y'all are salty today

Edit again: This is hilarious and making my whole day.


What a fucking cis white guy thing to say. And cis white guy is still not an insult you fucking cracker.

This is dumb cause most black people never even think about politics let a lone vote for anything.

Imagine your life when your entire personality is based on talking about politics online.

Newsflash, politics affects pretty much everything

No, no it doesn’t. In fact, it is possible to goes hours, even days without thinking about drumpf.

I see this at just about any sub that isn't meant to be political. Some asshole has to ruin the fun and start a war