Two mentally unstable redditors slap fight across Reddit as one was raped when she was 8 and the other is a schizo who thinks they can summon spirits says she’s making it up.

1  2019-12-17 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Two mentally unstable redditors sla... -,

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There’s more in both their histories as they follow each other around a few subs arguing and calling each other out.


Lmao one of them is a trans autist that posts on aspiememes which makes it even better because you know they’re taking this super serious 😂

Every time

Lol, the other sounds like he belongs in an institution


Man nobody recognizes this bitch? She's a pretty decent lolcow.

She ain't trans trans, she's "nonbinary" which means she's fat (NSFL).

I also remember this post since it got linked here, we're even mentioned in the thread and have all our comments deleted <3.

Also she was apparently a stripper, may Allah break the bones of every single moid paying to see that 🤢

Oh and she even dragged this onto twitter

It's like a fucking bingo:





-childhood trauma

-had an alt-right BF (allegedly)

She looks like one of those white girls who pull their hair back really far and tie their hair in a bun 24/7. You know the ones I’m talking about.

With a stained pink zip-up hoodie and too-tight sweatpants showing every fold?

Easily spotted in any small town Walmart parking lot

They think it hides all of the grease lingering in their hair.



Kill me

I could watch teenagers in obvious denial of their own severe mental illness making idiots of themselves in public all day every day.

lmao the bot over there has linked this post and it's title. It is the first comment from the original post. Funny as fuck that those schizo bitches are reading this title as soon as they click the post.

It feels like a crime mainlining drama this pure