kings take the war to the enemy by hanging out in an exclusive #girlboss social club to take up space, bring in fast food and perv on the outraged female clientele

1  2019-12-17 by Rentokill_boy

This absolutely hilarious article is worth reading in full, but I know you're all incapable of clicking on links so here's a summary:

The Wing was supposed to be the ultimate sanctuary for women: decidedly feminine in design, with walls and furniture in shades of millennial pink and a thermometer set at a women’s-clothing-friendly 72 degrees. Conference rooms and telephone booths are named after feminist icons like Anita Hill and fictional literary heroines such as Hermione Granger of “Harry Potter” fame. It offers perks that other co-working spaces can’t match — showers stocked with high-end beauty products and events featuring big names such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

But, what's this! All is not right in stacey heaven...

“There’s usually at least one [man] whenever I visit,” says Kaitlin Phillips, 29. “It’s bizarre to choose to occupy a space women specifically wanted for themselves. Classic patriarchal entitlement complex.”

the men physically take up too much space with their bigger bodies and belongings. They hog up the phone booths. And they aren’t respectful of some of the rules, ignoring the four-hour cap on guest visits and bringing in outside food. While they aren’t using the members-only changing rooms and showers (yet), they are in the guest bathrooms.

“It started about a year ago and it’s getting worse. A guy even checked me out a few weeks ago. The whole purpose of the space is to not have to deal with anything like that.”

when the space was truly a women-only sanctuary, members said they could comfortably walk around braless in a robe after a shower. Now, they say, they’re constantly looking over their shoulders wondering who the loud dude is chewing his lunch.

vigorous analysis of the problem is underway, but the wingtards aren't equipped to understand the complexities of the male psyche...

Why would a man want to go the Wing, anyway? Just because he can? To hit on women? To be a troll?

“Why do men need to be there? Why can’t they respect the spirit of the place? Men have to have everything.”

The San Francisco location, numerous members tell The Post, “is really bad — like, filled with tech bros.”

“I think they’re just losers,” she says of the male plus-ones. “Or cucked boyfriends. It’s a legal fluke.”

The real hilarity is that the clumsy way the club was set up prevents men from being excluded, particularly after an especially based moid sued them for discrimination after he was shut out of the harem.

The only thing left for the patrons to do is seethe. Luckily they're very good at it.

“I glare at the men and I glare at the members who bring them,” says the anonymous New York member.

“Maybe make it one day a week that men are allowed?” White says. “There has to be a legal way to work this out that still respects the space.”

Salute to all the Kings who enter this hellish nest of harpies to eat chicken wings and talk loudly over women, truly you're the great explorers of the modern era




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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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“Maybe make it one day a week that men are allowed?” White says. “There has to be a legal way to work this out that still respects the space.”

What could go wrong?

I quite like the idea of having a 'man day' once a week when we come in on our tricycles with our propeller hats on and spill barbecue sauce everywhere. They can have it for the rest of the week lol

Lol let's have a ping tournament there but you can only air-jordan slam dunk your shots. They'd be soaking their panties if they saw that ALPHA tier shit

let's demand they set up a woodworking shop for us

What are you a boomer? What kind of millenial or zoomer would even know woodworking? You need to make it Legos or something fam. Thats how you get the real male feminists to coom en masse.

Reminds me of negro day in Hairspray

fictional literary heroines such as Hermione Granger of “Harry Potter” fame


Literally can't get a paragraph into the book without bringing it up

People always talk about going back in time to stop Hitler, but if you went back to help Hitler, then Rowling probably wouldn't even exist.

Islam is Right about Women. No more Coed spaces.

It would be incredibly based to do all these things that the harpies are complaining about then rip ass when you leave.

i'm going to buy a $250 dollar membership simply so I can cropdust


do it fgt

hire ten lactose intolerant people and feed theme cheese sandwiches

They made a mistake when they tried to be classy and call it something ambiguous like The Wing. They should have called it something like "The She-Ra Manhaters Club: No Boys Allowed"


My vagina is so wet reading about all the hunks pervin out in feminist spaces

It can only get better if one of them gets accused of male feminism.

You mean rape huh

Retarded cunts botched their stupid, little heads off about how it was unfair that they couldn't be part of boy's clubs, so now they are allowed in. Now that men are wanting to get into the women's clubs, the extremely fragile femininity of women is starting to break into a million pieces as they try to cope with the concept of equality. You dumb twats wanted this and now you got it.

Sides are currently in low earf orbit reading the comments. I love you guys no homo

I love you full homo

This kind of stuff is already pretty common tbh. Anyone who's ever looked for somewhere to live has had to scroll past all of the female only houses.

Its only illegal if men only do it sorry

Classic patriarchal entitlement complex.

I’m pretty sure it is way more entitled to have your own special clubhouse you don’t want any of the out group to go into than having a basic expectation that you can visit as a man.

I was inspired ->