Man gets cucked by game grumps

1  2019-12-18 by CapeshitterCOPE


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  1. Man gets cucked by game grumps -,

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Right again, Snappy

Meh this is no fun without any support evidence. At least make up a text conversation and screencap it. Little things people.

It's still pretty entertaining. Reminds me a bit of the Sarah Saga

It reminds me of the Sam and Tolki debacle, except that was extremely well documented in real time.

I've heard of that, what's the deal with it?

Sam and Tolki are a married couple who run the popular twitch stream ShowVideoGames. They became most famous for their long marathons and interaction with their viewers. During the height of their popularity, Sam and Tolki went to a speedrunning event called SGDQ in the summer of 2014 and Tolki ended up having an affair with a popular speedrunner named Stivitybobo and another streamer named GiantWaffle.

That seems like a shitshow, thanks for the rec.

What was that?

Can't believe you don't know about this. agenteABIN posted it already but it was a Mormon couple that streamed video games on twitch. They went to a speedrunning event and Tolki ended up banging multiple spreedrunners in a hotel which the fanbase figured out as it was happening. I think they're still together but I haven't paid attention since the big happening.

Damn I gotta look into this some more. I don't really keep up with youtubers/streamers because watching someone talk about dumb shit on cam is boring

It's super boring, especially speedrunners, but people wrote essay length investigations about this so you don't need to watch anything. It's essential a sex scandal about extremely boring geeks(not to mention they were Mormons who dropped out of high school to get married), the only thing that makes it interesting is how aware the fans were of the whole situation.

Sex scandals involving boring e-celebs are a guilty pleasure; I'll try and find some of them essays.

You actually wasted your time reading through that shit?

Watches a cuck, becomes a cuck. Such is life.

JonTron was pretty based tho.

Jon "Empty the nine in the welfare line" Jafari.

Jon "chimp choking champion" Jafari

Jon "never relax around blacks" Jafari

How do you even become alt-right with that last name lmao?

By having "Aryan" as your middle name.

That just makes him seem even more Iranian-y lmao

He's still getting shipped back

he GTFO before the cringe started

Imagine thinking anyone is going to read all that bullshit.

Well written for fan fiction. But jesus fucking christ, why is it crazies are always the ones into youtubers?


MagFest? I hate Mag 😡

This is such a fucking weird story, this can’t be real