Our lolcow friend /brucewillischugswine made the front page, where he autisticly responds to almost every single comment for hours. It's beautiful.

1  2019-12-18 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole2


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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. Our lolcow friend /brucewillischugs... - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Jesus, why is this bot so mean? Where does it takes it phrased from ? lol

Literally who?

Aw fuck you nigger

Welcome home son

Glad to be back daddy

How ugly is your wife?

Medium. Kinda Jewish

Those Jewish women that the devil tries to make beautiful, Allah marks them with that nose


Bruce if you didn't want to go outside, you picked the right city to move to. It's a frigid winter wasteland for 7 months out of the year.


Well don't let the /r/drama people get you down. People here have never had intercourse or bonded with a woman or had a place to call their own, so they lash out at you in impotent rage. We're all on this ride called life together. Let's choose love, huh?

Dude, this subreddit is what keeps me alive, what are you taking about. These guys are angels.

Okay I was with you before, but you just used the phrase "taking the piss." You should know that this subreddit is an American space. As a foreigner, you're not explicitly barred from commenting here, but you need to realize that this place is not for you and adjust your tone and deference accordingly.

I’m from Colorado you dumb nigger

Colorado is a Spanish word. You should know that this subreddit is an American space. As a foreigner, you're not explicitly barred from commenting here, but you need to realize that this place is not for you and adjust your tone and deference accordingly.

ÂżQuieres Joder?

wow, this just got steamy. Send me a message on AiM sometime, we can take this thing private.

Username is jaredgayffer27.

i appreciate your candor, but this dude just unironically dropped the n bomb. hes hopeless.

ThIS DuDe jzusT UniRoNicaLly DroPped the N BoMb

guess i missed where i was. just followed your toxic comments from your main post and was surprisingly not surprised to see you make even more depraved comments here. guess thats what youre about though?

Exactly what comments Are those?

maybe i am being a bit sensitive. that said, i think you're just being a bit of a dick, and have been to multiple people in your sob story of a post. nice apartment by the way, congrats.

I think you’re just a bit bitter, and me standing up for myself triggers you the wrong way. Either case, you’re in the wrong sub for your whiny millenial bullshit foid so take it somewhere else. Shit, post about it, I’ll come and fight you like an armored bear.

Dude weed lmao

So he btfoed you 25 days ago and your still seething at him. Lol.

Whose seething? This guys awesome lol

You’re clearly seething, grow up mike

Fuck I'm busted

When's the wedding?

I have to get rid of his ugly jewess GF first

Grow up gook

I don’t speak poor.

I don’t speak to mentally weak “agoraphobics” sorry.

lol I’m glad you edited this I was scrambled for words. We are know your sister grew up with macaroni in her hair

I still fucked tho

You speak jewess though, don’t lie.

Thanks for this. I’m unimportant.

Lolcow?? Anyone care to explain for me pwease



Lurk more lmao

Lurk more faggot

Is that the rules of this sub then? Just be a throbbing thundercunt

Yes, every one here is a throbbing toxic thundercunt fucknugget asswipe. Redditors, stay away, lest you succumb to the toxicity of cuntmuffin far right nazis !


r/cringe r/normie r/selfawarewolves r/whoosh r/sounding


I just want to see the actual picture, can someone link it?

Its been a great read, I can't believe how gullible reddit is. Some of the shit he made up was 100% unbelievable (high profile murders so I became a mortician), and reddit has so much sympathy they couldn't help but shower him with congrats and best wishes

He deleted the post, it was just a 360 of his little apartment. Nothing too special but reddit loves their sob stories lol

Well thanks for linking it, I would've never seen it considering I have cozyplaces filtered out. What a garbage sub, just white sheets, plants, and sunlight in every post

Yeah its a trash sub but dude came in hot off a post a couple weeks back and it was pretty funny so I added him as a friend and was suprised af when I saw he was in the top 10 on /all in the middle of the night lol

Do you mean to tell me he's not trolling

Lol I honestly dont know anymore

I’m not, my life is completely and 100% true, but it definitely makes for some good r/drama material.
