Normie posts a pic of himself with a stacy, claiming to have ascended inceldom, incels shit their pants in rage.

1  2019-12-18 by TeeEssDoubleU


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Normie posts a pic of himself with ... -,

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Didn’t we determine a while ago most incels are just autistic, social awkward, or have shit personalities no one can stand to be around? Half that thread is acting like they’re deformed and not just shorty people.

I am OP for linked post... and I can confirm that this is true for myself. I was diagnosed level-1 autistic as a child and have a hard time communicating in anything more than a boiled-down factual manner. Thank you for the insight🙂

Quick question. Did you make the monster with two backs? Knock boots? Put your hangdang in the sweet poontang? In simple terms, are you still celibate?

Unfortunately no, I am😂 kudos for the creative wording... as Borat would say VERY NICE

as Borat would say VERY NICE


Did you bang after the date?

Unfortunately nahh

Damn what a bunch of self pity losers circlejerking their failures around. I mean, come on, I have some REALLY ugly friends and even they can get laid. I’m short as fuck and even I can get laid eventually.

I mean, go to a party, talk to every girl you can and try to feel in the first 30 secs if it can happen or not. After 50 shots something will come up. 1 out of 50 is a pretty damn good chance. Eventually you will end up with a chubby one or something but hey, can’t score well every time.

PS: You guys, living in strongly western countries, be aware of the foids and avoid rape charges please. They can be drunk, just not falling on the ground. Try not to pick the noisy ones as well, they tend to be the foids.

1 out of 50 is a pretty good damn chance. Eventually you will end up with a chubby one or something but hey, can’t score well every time.

Damn, JUST 50 rejections to fuck a person who doesn't even respect her own body? Wonderful odds.

Brother I don’t know where you live but here in Brazil you can find 50 good looking women in a party. Consider that in a club usually goes around 500-600 people, half of that women.

Even you with your ugly face can get something. Not telling you to fuck whales, but staying home masturbating like a virgin wont do anything for you.

Are you sensitive now? Can’t hear a no? Brother you’ll never see any of those women in your life again, don’t be afraid of rejection, soyboy.

Thanks but no, I'm sure as hell not going to fuck any landwhale, I'm 6'3 my man, gotta have some standards and leave the pigs for the manlets.

lol what a chad. I can imagine what your “standards” are if you think being tall is that helpful. Maybe where you live your “standards” are different than mine.

I’ve been all around the world and I know there is no women like in the south of Brazil, where I live. So yeah, keep dreaming.

Dude looks like anders brevik

I don’t know who that is, but he sure sounds like an upstanding young gentleman

He was your king, he died for your sins

Totes died

You could say he was almost a supreme gentleman

Damn, sounds like he’s the bomb then


You love to see it

Normally I'd assume that this cornfed Lutheran Lars motherfucker knows that he's Midwest cute and is deliberately dunking on incelcels, but he looks too wholesome and happy for that sort of thing. My money is on him being autistic and impressionable and being convinced that virginity=inceldom by some sort of tardass normie publication, but ultimately failing at that because he has a job and a personality.

I'm fighting the urge to spend a couple of weeks larping there....gaining acceptance ...and then posting a picture of a male model as myself asking everyone to rate me..

"But I'm short guys!"

Just say you are short and autistic.

The question is... is he still celibate?

Is he a manlet or did a 9 foot tall alpha male take that picture?

You're just a late bloomer, or possibly a mentalcel. You technically are an incel but culturally you're not. Inceldom is usually defined by having physical dealbreaking traits.

Culturally not an incel, LMAO.

cultural appropriation of inceldom


What the fuck is a mentalcel

I swear to God we make fun of non binary gender shit but they have more flavors of whatever-cel than the enb whatever nerds have genders

Found the grumpyboomercel.

Someone who is incel due to being an autistic retard and not his looks

Aka 99% of incels

It's over for culturalcels.

Is it just me or have more non-white people taken over these incels subs as of recently?

They were always like 85% hapas and pajeets.

Pretty much. If you ever saw a selfie thread on r9k maybe like a quarter could pass the paper bag test

As more and more non whites get on the internet expect the incel shit to explode, my work consists of registering the shit people report to the police, and almost every case where a man has assaulted a woman it's some brownie putting a woman to the ground for ignoring him

Islam is religion of getting a piece.

Just be white smfh

😂😂😂 don’t forget blonde and blue eyes?

blonde hair blue eyes only means easy access to pussy if you have the face for it but this dude looks like your average inbred anglo