Dognutters mad

1  2019-12-18 by RedditModsEatMyAss


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Dognutters mad -,

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Something is in my trash; better murder it!




the good boy dindu nuffin

Don't discriminate against burguer culture.

The dog owner was known to let both of his dogs regularly roam and kill livestock.

There's always that one comment that makes everything right and understandable.


Lots of urb*nites exposing themselves in response

just call animal control!

City folk just don't get it

If you call my local animal control and tell them about how your neighbors dogs are killing your animals/livestock, they will tell you to shoot the dogs then to call them. They dont want you to try and catch them, or shoo them off, if theyre killing your animals, just shoot them.

Country folk make do.

The amnt of animal love before all faggotry on reddit dude.

It the smoking gun that indicates most retardeders at best are unwashed gamers with 4 pets to an apartment and a fat gf with depression that smells like weed.

they won't get it when the food shipments are cut off yeah

Farmers only dot com


The dogs name was Nymeria so the owner was also a swordshitter. He needs to be put down asap

You’re a swordshitter for knowing that

It sounded way too exotic for a fentanyl American to use so I Googled it faggot. Sure enough it was Got reference

Why would you believe a random Reddit comment is this literally your first day on the site?

It makes the most sense. It seems like usually when crazy people kill dogs for no/stupid reason, they lay out rat poison or something like that nature and don't take responsibility for it. Then again, if the dogs were killing livestock then why didn't he mention it?

I doubt that comment. My real guess is the guy saw an animal going through his garbage. He probably thought it was a raccoon or some other pest. It wasn't until after shooting the dog did he realize he killed a pet.

As I read it the person with the dead chickens is a different family from the one who shot the dog. It's just that the dog already was doomed anyways and the owner bragged about "letting his wolf hybrid run free"

and the owner bragged about "letting his wolf hybrid run free"

poor dog but if that's the case then the owner was asking for it

Yeah I'm inclined to automatically assume the worst of anyone who owns a meme breed, let alone something like a wolf hybrid.

My neighborhood has chihuahua that roam like chickens. My roommates pittbull kissed one in the backyard. I wasn't sad, who the fuck just let's their dogs roam like that.

That pitbull is going to rip your nads off one day, and your roommate is just going to laugh as you bleed to death.


Kidnap the dog, and demand a ransom and compensation for the destroyed livestock. It's not hard. First, send the collar. Next, send him some hair. Then, see if the dog has any rotting teeth that can be pulled.

Do not encourage, glorify, or incite violence.

For example: "Kill yourself", "It wouldn't be so bad if we killed all the pedophiles", "This guy needs to die", "I hope this guy gets stabbed to death with a rusty screwdriver", etc.

hnnnnnnng r*ddit is so fucking boring

It doesn't say "I'm gonna kill you in Minecraft" so at least that's ok

Why is a human’s life more precious than a dog’s?

Yours isn't if you have to ask this question

Id like to point out that dogs have had sex with more white women in 2019 than this sub combined in their life, so the glee is understandable.

Depends on the human and depends on the dog. If all of you and my dog were drowning, I'd save the dog.


Why is a dog's life more precious than the animals it mauled to death? Reminds me of the time my neighbor's dog got in my yard and mauled my chickens then it got mauled by my dog and of course they blame it all on me. I hate these nutters.

absolutely based and i say this as a dog owner

wish it was legal to open carry and shoot unleashed dogs in my cuckcountry would make taking my dog out for walks so less annoying

Just kick them for maximum drama.

I used to have a dog that for some reason other dogs just fucking hated. Every time I walked him around unleashed dogs, they would run up and start barking and snapping at him. One time I kicked one of these dogs as his owner was ineffectively calling him to come back. She started screaming at me, asked if I felt like a big man and threatened to call the cops. I miss that mutt.

imagine letting your dog roam free on streets

literally throwed around meat filled with shattered glass and isoniazid when I still cared to combat the fleacart menace




Your parents tried the same thing with you.Razor blades in the candy apple, cyanide in the apple pie, arsenic in the almond milk. Your tubby little belly just dissolved it all. Shame it didn't work.


Letting your dogs roam free is never a good idea. Once they are out of your control, they aren't just pets anymore.

The doggorino pupperino good boï probably infringed the NAP

Seeing as it entered another property (NAP violation #1) and attempted to steal trash (NAP violation #2), the owner should really count themselves lucky that they got a note, and not a bill for the bullet.

Chinese pilled

Edgelord bait

Do Americans really just shoot unknown dogs?

Sadly, yes. Especially out in the country when they have just killed 2 of your chickens.

I'm just gonna say it. If you don't like dogs you are subhuman. Don't @ me.