The ending of new spaceshit steals from the ending of latests capeshit. This is the fate of thee who mess with strong women.

1  2019-12-18 by Slump_o



You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


  1. The ending of new spaceshit steals ... -,

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Lol what a farce, I can't wait til the Plinkett review drops

Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker is the most disappointing thing since my son.

The E;R one is the one I’m waiting for.

Honestly he’s the only funny nazi left and it’s sad

omg this is so bad lmao

wait, why couldnt palpatine quit using his lightning?

Lol nigga loves the feel of his monster balls being zapped
