GC drops a πŸ’£NUCLEARπŸ’£ hot take

1  2019-12-18 by 600_lbs_of_sin


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  1. GC drops a πŸ’£NUCLEARπŸ’£ hot take - archive.org, archive.today

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Das rite

Every day that dawns is one day closer to the Day of Consumption Snappy.

Absurdly B A S E D

Almost inconceivably so. Make me wonder if these are actually foids πŸ€”

Makes me wonder if these are actually foids πŸ€”


Are you />implying/ something sweaty? Γ’wΓ”

Well yeah its chocked full of lesbians


Yes, that's what he said. Lesbians.

I'm a lesbian. I'm fatally attracted to foids.

Same but mostly I just fucking hate black people


female vs male vs TERF digit ratios signifying prenatal testosterone levels

I'm too stupid to keep up with this sentence

When a woman(male) becomes pregnant with a female child, the fetus gets exposed to mother's testosterone, gets masculinesed in various aspects including the ratio of index and ring finger lengths, and oftentimes grows up into a bull dyke pussyhound. Simple as that!

I like how this inadvertantly adds evidence to the already-large body of evidence that proves trans people are a thing and valid

A study in Germany has found a correlation between digit ratio and male-to-female transgender women. Trans women were found to have a higher digit ratio than males. This was not true for trans men, however, who were within the average range for biological females.[143]

Aka literally the opposite of what you thought it would when it comes to women.

Correlation-driven bio-"""science""" is pretty much all bullshit anyway. Not the correlations themselves, but most of the conclusions drawn from them. The only really common thing between a woman and someone saying "ackshually I am a woman because my ring finger is larger than my index finger" is that they both probably believe in astrology.

Trans women were found to have a higher digit ratio than males

Aka literally the opposite of what you thought it would when it comes to real women.

Higher means more feminine, wtf are you on?

real women

Learn to read.

Oh so by real women you meant trans men, ok.

Well, maybe all really masculinized women ended up believing that there's no psychological differences between women (themselves) and men and so TERFs, like the study I linked shows. Women are weird like that, you know.

This... NOT!

You are so correct, faggot


Terfs are transmen in denial.

this but you have it backward

"im not male! im not male!!", i continue to insist as i caress my 4 inch corn cob

Women don’t actually exist, in real life and especially on the internet. Everyone knows that.

Absolutely the best take I've seen in my life honestly.

Watching anime is more of a mental illness than being a tranny

c'est la joke

I don't speak foreign

I dont speak deuxrama


Pardon my french, but I don't speak french.

Anime is actually not a mental illness, it's a brain parasite.

It's a sickness of the mind and the body

Being a tranny is an illness of mind, watching anime is an illness of soul

And the treatment for gender dysphoria is transitioning. The treatment for anime is [I'm not allowed to say because the badmins will suspended me again]

And the treatment for gender dysphoria is [I'm not allowed to say because the badmins will suspended me again]

No not my sexy troids! 😭😭😭


Cope. r/drama is an anime subreddit.

You're sick in the head. Get some help

Seething. Maybe you should go back to Facebook if you hate anime so much bro.

Watching anime is a mental sickness. This is verified fact.

It's also true that 100% of anime watchers are attracted to children

Yes, and?

There is a way to cure your pedophillia

It better not be capeshit. Western media literally makes me sick 🀒🀒🀒

Capeshit is better than pedophile cartoons




There's not much on this Earth that is worse than pedophile cartoons

Imagine unironically defending capeshit to own the anime fans πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

anime fans

I think the proper term is pedophiles

Ummmm bro are you sure you can afford to keep replying to me? Dont you have a brand new spaceshit movie to watch? I've heard this one's REALLY good 😏😏

This is concentrated gigacope.

"At least us pedophiles aren't capeshitters"

And the worst part is that you're incorrect

Sounds like one hell of a deflection to me capeshitbro. I'm sorry I disturbed you during your 41st rewatch of Avengers but that's no reason to get so mad.

The death throes of someone who finally realized they're lower on the totem pole than capeshitters

You hate to see it

Sorry bro but us animeCHADS have always been and will always be superior to shitters that watch w*stern media.

You can cope as much as you like but nothing will change that cold hard fact.

"us child molesters are actually top dog, pal"

Pathetic cope

where's the lie though?

User was banned for pro-anime sentiment

Thank you based God tribesman

Based beyond belief



The jew fears the samurai

Seriously, all these people are all like "hurr durr anime is all low frame-rate child porn" but in reality, there was this one anime back in the 1980s that didn't even have any child porn.

Honestly watching anime is already enough to renounce your manhood

A broken clock and all that

hate troids

enemy of der coomers

aware of the moid menace

patrol snapchat/instagram thots

At some point you have to admit that the miserable crones at GC are more based than broken

Whoa now, no dissing my traps

I've been solemnly advised that traps != troids, so you're good

Apparently traps do not identify as transgender, and troids are insulted and offended when referred to as traps

GC doesn't give half a shit about traps; their only interest is in "trapping" men, which makes it exclusively a male (on male) matter - and emotional labour on behalf of males is verboten

Nah. Traps for me equals both, and they are all good

Uummm, sweaty, please educate yourself and stop it with the transphobic dismissals ((gaymer alternative))[https://steamcommunity.com/app/951000/discussions/0/1813170373224131902/]

Please refer to the "Defamatory Language" section to understand why your interpretation is not okay

Now please, apologize, grow, and be better. Being a trans ally is more than jerking off to men in skirts

Dont care, want girldick

True. But they are like tigers at a zoo. They are fun to watch from distance but you don't want to get in their cage cause they hate moids more than troids.

they hate moids more than troids

πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€”

They also hate moids which is based as well

I still don't get why people hate coomers. Just let the degenerates wank themselves to death

Or maybe a rational adult should just tell them no and get them to proper therapy.

I know their seems to be this idea that anime makes you trans but I've not read any creditable papers regarding this, if anyone can link me to some I'd really like to read them.

Their obsession with anime is probably more of a flag that the content itself thought I will admit some of the content is pretty bad and that's not even going into hentai.

fuggin based "correlation does not mean causation" GC poster

no drama there, it's literally just fat foids all patting themselves on the back for hating that dudes are better women than they are.

Ok chaser

Bold move implying anyone is chasing anything but bussy round here bucko.

Trussy is bussy but with extra gay steps

Trussy is discount bussy

These days you often have to take your drama in separate containers because the cows won't leave their safe space.

Fortunately for all of us they get milked regardless.

To all the weebs lurking in this thread:


Liking anime beyond the age of 12 is like being an adult watching Nicktoons and praising them for the mature storytelling and emotional complexity.

Ugh the "DO nOt PaSs gO, dO NoT CoLLeCt 20-" is so reddity lmao.


What does that even mean?

You're not adulting very good if you watch capeshit animeshit wandshit ringshit or anything not educational or thought provoking hehehhehe. /r/Drama is pretty giga-cringey about shit like this for some reason. The original observation that people obsessed with shit like this are immature and usually brainlets is true, but retards on this sub always spam shit until it doesn't mean anything. I also feel like there's this weird "I'm an adult" virtue-signaling that's going on in this sub and it's just so cringe it makes me want to die. The 4chan retirements home needs to be gassed.

but retards on this sub always spam shit until it doesn't mean anything.



I can't tell if you're being ironic and agreeing with me or are just retarded

. The original observation that people obsessed with shit like this are immature and usually brainlets is true, but retards on this sub always spam shit until it doesn't mean anything.

Dude bussy lmao

hmm let's unpack this sweaty.

first, imagine defending in any way the terminal illness that is weeb culture.

second, the whole point of this sub is to be smug and shit on everything and everyone sweaty. if you don't like it then OUT OUT OUT.

it wasn't serious until they attacked my anime, okay?

retards on this sub always spam shit until it doesn't mean anything




At what point did the multiple-Oscar-winning-and-critically-acclaimed LotR trilogy get put on the same level as capeshit, wandshit, starshit, and cloakshit?

the moment it made someone butthurt

Sorry you're a plebian child who lacks my advanced taste in kinography

User was banned for pro-anime sentiment

HNGGG 😩😩 oh yes, dear janitor, clean up that mess 😫😫😫 SWEEP that shit under the rug and mop it up spotless 🀀🀀🀀🀀

I'd agree as I hate weebs with a passion but Akira is most definitely not for kids (since it's drawn it's technically anime). That shit will scar you for life.


I admit having watched 3 episodes of Berserk but it's not the fact that it's a cartoon that puts me off anime, it's the inherent cringeness and it being riddled with filler and fan serivce. Not to mention the blatant pedophaelia.

Even the kind you think is for adults is for children

Did I fucking stutter?

My sister says this

I taught it to her




Do you have a humiliation fetish or something? Actually posting that you like anime.

In Japan adults work and die. You're watching cartoons for children. Redundant, but you need it stated.

We got one!


Watch whatever u want, just dont be a weeb

What’s a pass go? Do you have 200$ for me bby? 😏😘

So is Reddit, and yet here we are

all anime is for children

Bible Black

That's hentai my man

For horny teens. Still for children.

Even the tentacle rape I masturbate to?

I will most likely rewatch Mononoke again soon.

It's basically the same thing but I bet at least 75% would revert if they didn't go on whatever safe space they endlessly spammed. Whether it's tumblr, reddit, or discord.

Holy shit, I'm being fucking criticalpilled and loving it

She's not wrong though.



You know it's a women only sub when their humor just discovered the "anime watchers shouldn't have human rights" meme from 2007.

I mean, are they wrong?

Where’s the lie πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

No but they're just copying what men were already doing

I'm kinda envious, humor was way better back then.

fucking based harpies.


Thank you """"terfs"""", very cool

Dabbed on 3 subs pretty hard with this post, I only hope the SRDines also bite

πŸ“’ BONUS DRAMA: GenderCynical discusses this thread, featuring a whole bunch of comments that know a suspicious amount about Chinese cartoons

What the fuck. I have never seen a more based reddit post, and I've spent over a year in mde subs


holy shit, God's choosen Mod is on fire today

Slay King πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜


They HAVE to go back

Unironically a king πŸ‘‘

Bye faggot

Does anime make people more likely to become trans? Or does it seem more likely that anime appeals more to the autistic, and autisitc people are more likely to be trans

The latter

Only an autistic retard could find anime enjoyable

Where's the lie tho?

Are they still mad that the average man in a dress looks better than them?


Everyone knows that if you watch anime you are emotionally stunted but in other interesting research commenting on drama even once means you were diddle-fiddled as a kid at least twice.

They have a point, one of the tranny weebs I know just announced that he's writing a light novel about "a 30-year-old trans woman who finds out she can go to magical girl school".

Anime was a mistake.

Don't you fucking dare take programming socks away from me!


ah, one of us


I'm genuinely undecided about whether or not to troid myself, but things like this definitely make me want to do it just to spite foids.

but if you trioded wouldn't you be larping as a food? I don't understand why trans women want desperately to be seen as women, but at the same time they hate women and want to destroy them.

i don't hate women, I just hate modern feminism. I don't like how the male gender role is basically getting even shittier as "male privileges" are taken away but all the disadvantages are still there, and men are expected to constantly apologize for our existence and avoid being "toxically masculine", etc. It's insufferable. Literally the only things I like about being a man are things that feminists call "toxic".

None of that by itself would make me troid though, I'm only considering it because I hate having disgusting male features like facial hair, deep voice, wide shoulders, etc. And I want to be railed by a strong black man, which wouldn't feel right unless I had a feminine, cute body.

And I want to be railed by a strong black man

You and me both, sista 😍😍😍

And I want to be railed by a strong black man, which wouldn't feel right unless I had a feminine, cute body.

Work on your own self hatred and homophobia instead of cutting off your dick, retard

i'm not homophobic. I have no problem with gay people, I just don't have any interest in being one myself

I have no problem with gay people, I just don't have any interest in being one myself

Am I getting baited

based and autogynephilia-pilled

I know we're not supposed to, but it's really hard not to upvote that.

Heck the rules, I updoot who I want 😎

Wow u stole my drama karma

2slo bruh

What a bunch of stupid cunts. Hate when you guys pretend they’re smart. Cunny forever. Suck it.


It's true. The venn diagram of trussy to anime/otaku/porn fans is a circle.

That's why this pic was so accurate. And why they keep insisting random fictional nerd characters are trans, even though there's zero indication of it in the lore. They don't have role models, because aside from traps, most trussy looks like this

Or This

That first pic had to be created by a self-hating weebtroid (is there any other kind?).

Fur suits were a mistake

This but unironically

Whats the problem here? Seems a reasonable ask.


But seriously though. Read this. There are so many weeb trannies. Ever wonder about that?

i love it

I love those angry cat ladies the best

What is it with troids and those socks anyway?