Moms against guns founder pulls a swallwell and endorses using drones on americans

1  2019-12-18 by unrulyfarmhand


It’s a hate group, pure and simple.


Commies licking Xi's boots is expected. Commies fellating the boots of the US fucking military is a precious sight even in these days.

That's why you move to a more urban area.

That way you have hundreds of meat shields


I think she was making subtle hints about people needing more and bigger guns, if current are inadequate...

I demand my right under the second amendment to own a fleet of predator drones.

Russian made S400 is also covered.


Moms are emotional vampires, the slave masters in a world that persecutes gamers.

We must rise up against this oppression. Women didnt have the vote note because of the patriarchy but because history has shown time and time again that having a woman in charge of anything more complicated than hair straighters or a sink and before you know it you have drones shooting people.

Pandoras Box was God warning us, Terminator was Him showing how close we are.

wow so poetic. are you a professional quote maker

Is she wrong though?


She's talking about fighting an armed militia not robbing a bank retard

Tfw the armed militia hides in her neighborhood and she and 10 of her neighbors gets vaporized by a drone so the gubmint can kill 1 dudes with a poverty pony

And that's a good thing

I've been seeing this a lot. Who in their right mind is going to let some crazed camo wearing butter ball wandle in and hide in their house?

A person who doesn't have a gun and cant the gun owning wacko to fuck off.

Lighter and febreze. Works like a charm.

Who in their right mind is gonna dress like a fuckin commando when the national guard has been given orders to detain or kill guys dressed like guerrilla fighters?


and yet the fact that one dude with a gun can rob a bank with an AR-15 and one dude with a predator drone cannot is still an easy example of why one dude with an AR-15 is a more versatile military force when it comes to on the ground objectives

If you don’t have big guns and bombs the most you can do in modern warfare is hide a lot and harass your enemy until they leave. Like seriously don’t go out into the open and try to fight a pitched battle backed purely by rifle fire, you’ll get shredded.

That said you do need infantry on the ground of course to patrol the area and hold the territory. Regardless of how much killing you can do from up in the sky you can’t control a country without infantry. They have to work together.


rob a bank an armory with a predator drone. tell me how it goes.

If it breaks out into civil war sure as hell we’re both going to be using bombs against each other. You guys jerk off guns but you cannot fight a modern war purely on a rifle infantry, artillery and bombers do the vast majority of the actual killing. Of course when you guys said the second amendment protects the people I guess that means we’re just supposed to sit back and let you guys run in and kill everyone in the cities, while playing fair and not using any calvary, just present our necks to your glorious freedom guns. That’s scrub shit my friend, you play a war, you play it to win.


Pick one.


Sadly predator drones were in short supply back then.

But consider what extent of the military would willingly go scorched Earth on the country, let alone how to deal with the rednecks with elephant guns hiding out in the wood. People who spout the whole

oh but the government has tanks and drones

Lack critical thinking

Both sides will form their own armies partially formed from the looted corpse of the current one I imagine

When gun nuts get access to a few hundred of these then your argument might start to make sense.

Why would you use that instead of an EFP that can junk a multi-million dollar tank?

How is Taliban still around?

Well because they hide among the civilian population. Which apparently won't be an issue here in the USA?

Hmm, makes you think 🤔🤔🤔

How do you figure that? You think there aren't civilians in USA?

Yeah I’m sure the US would be far far less tolerant of civilian casualties in a civil war than they are in Afghanistan. I mean Afghanistan is just endless humanitarian compassion, we go to endless lengths to protect their citizens because we love them so much. Everytime that drone operator sees a child skipping away to school up from his camera up in the sky, he cries a small little tear, this is what makes it worth it, these beautiful Afghani people, pure souls, pure innocence. Then he drones her, and gets up to take his morning shit.

Lol yes exactly. That response Stevie made was fucking delusion.

Yes that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm not saying the opposite of that


Ok that is a relief. My mistake. So many people say exactly what you say all the time regarding military versus Americans.

There were people on Twitter mentioning B-2 bombers...

The same people sperg out about any collateral damage in the Middle East lmao

Lmao America does attacks with 50:1 ratios all the time, that’s on the lower end tbh, pretty cucked. The Taliban are not stupid, 50 Afghan civilians have never in all of history stopped an America bomb, they know better than to try and bet their lives on the compassion of an American drone operator. Btw this is fucking Afghanistan, it’s an incredibly mountainous territory, a mountain stops an America drone missile 100x better than a million Afghan children that those soft hearted Americans apparently cry so many crocodile tears over. This isn’t fucking Gaza where you’ve packed everyone onto a postage stamp sized piece of land and then pretty much just play shooting fish in the barrel while crying to the media about how evil it is that the Gazans government “hides” among their own people. Like yes you are still evil when you say that garbage, but it’s at least vaguely plausible, Afghanistan, it is not, it’s a huge empty wasteland full of mountains.

BTW can someone go drop a nuke an American city with a military base and then be like tsk tsk, those savage Americans made me kill all those civilians, just sad that they had to make me do that trying to hide among their people.

Someone has to supply the raw materials to make the fentanyl.

Imagine being a coping guncel forced to strawman this hard

Ok coomer

Shut the fuck up no gun coomer faggot

be me


citizens don't want to give up their guns

tell the military to kill them all

80% of military defects

tell the remaining 20% to just fuckin nuke em all

everyone dies

am now president of a giant radioactive pile of rubble

checkmate, guntards.

You can't become a victim of gun crime if you're already dead

If we believe they would use drones on Americans. Why would I disarm?

Imagine the gubmint bombs your neighborhood and killed a few dozen people, but it's okay because they got the one guy with a 10/22.

You'd better thank them for their cervix

I’d imagine the government doing somethin like that would make up the minds of a lot of fence sitters

using drones on americans

This is unfathomably stupid. Wish war on your own country and friends? Okay. Let's drop you in Syria for 5 minutes and I bet I can get you to the other side of this coin

You guys are literally constantly making death threats and talking about how you’re going to kill them in a civil war lmao

Syria is another place that was pretty OK before America dropped a shit ton of weapons on their local Al Qaeda branch

Of course it’s just because they’re lo iq and have an inferior culture tho I guess

How many Syrian terrorists were there before you decided to grant them the freedom of ISIS and the drone, not a lot, thanks bruh


Politicians and other elites talk about using drones and nukes on citizens to take their guns.

Citizens say they’d probably resist that in some way.

Watermark1917: ”wow, death threats, really?”

How unfathomably based.

>using drones on americans

this but unironically


Jeffrey Epstein did, before he didn't kill himself

I’m pretty sure the future of humanity is just a bunch of drones bombing everywhere.

Everyone in this thread is on so many levels of trying to be ironic about wars that they don't know anything about, it's like being a special ed teacher and running a stand up comedy show with all your students.