Notice all of these states are rushing to allow undocumented immigrants to get a driver’s license. In many of these states you only need a drivers license in order to vote. They are trying to create a new voting bloc to undermine Black Americans

1  2019-12-19 by Kaiser-romulus


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Notice all of these states are rush... -,

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How do you manage to be more sentient than major Tech company artificial assistants?

Democraps RUSHING literally MILLIONS of undocumented IMMIGRANTS to.. the DMV!!! To get their DRIVERS LICENSE??... and then they can VOTE AND DRIVE!!! This is where I take a stand 😤😤

This is the future pizzaneet wants for America.

Do you have a daily quota of post you have to meet where you must mention pizzashill or something? I guess pizza derangement syndrome is totally a thing. Go see a therapist and get a new gimmick, sweaty

Pizza defense force is in full force today I see.


90% of your comments in this sub are in defense of pizza shill yet you call me obsessed. Really makes you think.

You and your band of weirdos really are obsessed with pizza. Pizza is best engaged like your retarded brother, get him to say really dumb shit, laugh and call him a retard, and then move on with your day. I've never seen him actually get under someone's skin as much as y'all, which really puts y'all on his level. Should we be ordering you some handlers?

It’s crazy how much one insult against pizza will make the people here seethe lmao

No one is seething except you and your merry band of mongs. I make fun of pizza all the time, but only when he shows his galaxy brain. Y'all bring him up out of nowhere and it makes it look like a weird schoolboy crush.

Idk bro he seem to cope pretty hard whenever someone dare insult pizza lmao. Idk why else you’d write this whole paragraph seething over me.

Because I'm not so illiterate that a paragraph is a chore lol.

Just saying. If there is one way to piss off this sub it’s to bash pizzashill lol.

If you really want to upset people, start calling all the political posters try hards. That causes so much coping and seething.

no u


Cope, seethe, and dilate.

Based, BTFO, and Pilled.

Doesn't that combo lose to everything?

Rent free


Pizza refused his advances so now he copes as a scorned lover.

Probably because he's over pizza's age limit.

Forced meme

Based Tariq. Only with the combined powers of the mayo and the basketball can we ever hope to tackle the taco menace.

Tariq is going to come out as a Trump voter in 2020. Mark my words.

He is a heterosexual man, so, yes.

That begs the question, can you be heterosexual and a cuck, or does being a cuck mean that you are a twink?

Good question. A cuck is probably one of those babysteps on the way to homotown.

Fucking insulting. Gays are far superior to cucks. Cuckoldry is a weird coping mechanism for cheating/fear of cheating due to ones own insecurity.

Gay means proudly pounding a bussy or getting your bussy pounded.

You'll never purge us. We're already here and have spread like fire ants. Fire ants that drive shitty f-150s with body damage and dry wall cement smeared on the sides.

and dry wall cement smeared on the sides

Worked in construction in southern California as a teenager at a 99% Hispanic company and this is accurate as shit.

It’s the poor mans bondo

Wait so they're actually using it to patch up their truck and not just because they're messy?

It’s 50/50 I’ve seen both lol

I'm honestly baffled how you get drywall cement on your truck

They often mix it will sitting on or near there truck and also just wipe stuff off on their trucks. Hispanics don’t give any fucks when it comes to their work trucks. They will pack four up front on a bunch seat and a couple in the bed and head to work. I see it like everyday.

It's all about riding old Walmart mountain bikes.

That’s why Mexicans are basically browner rednecks. Thats an insult but I would take it as a compliment.

Tbh though there are also zoomed sjw latinX’s cause it’s easy for professors to brainwash first gen college students.


Meanwhile the bagel rubs its hands together

i'd believe it


When a BLACK king speaks, you LISTEN

This but unironically

Going to side with Dindu tasheeeeit on this one.

now that historically black familys in america have clout and claim through lineage and education their ability to expand into higher positions demands we have a new boogie-man by the burritos. Before you know it the blacks will be the new white supremacist

Blacks have always been racist and they have plenty of friction with mexicans it aint something new.

The US is the only country where you don't need an ID to vote.

It's a real mystery why the Democrats are so hardcore against it.

The US is the only country


Bottom text

Because the Republicans are only doing this because they know it disproportionally effects Democrat voters (read: Basketball Americans). So of course, being eternally retarded, the Dem's decide that the way to combat this is NOT to come up with some universal voter ID system that solves everyone's problems and then makes the Republicans look slimy if they reject it. No no, they have to go and be complete idiots and just rally against voter ID laws, which plays perfectly into the Republican's hand and makes it look like Democrats literally want unsafe elections so they can get illegals to vote blahblahblah. The Dems are so fucking retarded about shit like this you'd think that they actively want to lose.

They would be smart to embrace it because voter ID laws are supported by a majority of everyone. Even blacks and Democrats lol.

Of course they do, Black people have been victimized by bullshit voter stuff since forever, why wouldn't they want super secure elections that guarantee their right to vote? Again, all Democrats have to do is package and advertise it as "Free and Fair Elections, Voter ID's for Everyone" and they win this debate / issue.

Is part of it because those IDs are state-issued? I’m guessing for example a Republican-run state would deliberately drag their heels or do a bad job getting IDs to people who would obviously vote against them.

Right now Republicans want voter ID laws because statistical analysis has shown that white people, and especially the types of white people pre-disposed to vote for Republicans, overwhelmingly have Driver's licenses or other acceptable versions of ID (we're talking high 90's of percentages). But the opposite is true for the demo's that vote Democratic (college aged and / or urban whites, all forms of coloreds), so as of right now voter ID laws are a quick way to disenfranchise Democrats. It's not even anything to do with the issuing of ID's, it's just that basically every demo that leans left already doesn't have them.

Because the actual leaders of the Democratic party are complete retards, their response to this was to claim having a fucking photo ID to vote is racist. Which is easily the dumbest response to this gambit they could have had, so naturally that's what they went with and are still caught up in justifying. Technically the implementation was racially motivated, but having a godamn ID to vote is like rule #2 or #3 in every 1st world country, so why they didn't just flip the table on this is further proof that they're all paid actors staged to look like an opposition party. Because the only other option is that they're immeasurably retarded.

most democrats don’t have a drivers license/don’t drive, never buy booze or nicotine, and haven’t opened a bank account

T. Retard

Pretty sure that Republicans have shot down most of the free ID and auto registration initiatives across the country. Alabama, the shining example of liberal democracy closed many DMVs in majority black districts for uh

cost cutting reasons

Republicans are only doing this because they know it disproportionally effects Democrat voters


it disproportionally effects Democrat voters

yeah, illegals tend to vote for Democrats.

read: Basketball Americans

Bullshit. They all know where the next DMV is.

I seem to remember a video pointing out how racist this line of thinking is.

I'm confused, do black people not have ids? How do you even get a drivers license of you are an illegal immigrant, I had to show my passport and visa documents just to apply..

Not everyone knows where to get an ID and even less people have the patience to stand in a line for an ID

So you think people are unable to find the DMV, you know, the building where most of your interaction with the government happens, yet these people are interested enough, and informed enough, about the political process to vote in an election? They know where the voting booth is, but not the DMV? That doesnt happen.

They may know where it is but lack the patience to wait at the DMV for an ID. That’s why California let’s people use a utility bill to prove ID.

lack the patience to wait at the DMV for an ID

Sounds like a personal problem.

Nope, an American problem. That is why voter ID is the new poll tax.


They have the right and ability to get an ID to be able to vote. If you're too lazy to get an ID, you dont get to vote, nor should you, since you obviously lack the capacity to make well thought out decisions. But I know personal responsibility is the leftoids anathema.

If you’re too lazy

The racist stereotypes of African Americans continue. They lack the patience, they aren’t lazy.

LMAO you're complaining about racist stereotypes, right after you claimed that blacks have genetic ADHD and can't wait in line like a normal person.

A lack of patience != laziness. There is a difference.

Yeah, you weren't claiming black people are lazy, you were only claiming they don't have the attention span to wait in line at the DMV.

Did you know that most black people have driver's license, which they got at the DMV by waiting in line? This must seem like a miracle to you..

The issue isn’t most. The issue is that voter ID is this generation’s poll tax. That is why it is illegal to make demand of any ID at the polls.

lmao this is a complete BS excuse and you know it

if you cant figure out how to get an ID you shouldnt be voting in the first place

That’s called a poll tax

Not everyone knows where to get an ID and even less people have the patience to stand in a line for an ID

Imagine thinking black people are this dumb.

Imagine constantly falling for this bait.

Most do since you need one to by smokes and liquor even if you don't have a car.

When the voter ID laws first became a big issue one of the national nightly news programs ran this piece about this absolutely ancient black lady who was like 104 or some shit who hadn't had a driver's license since Reagan was President. The whole thing was about how with Pennsylvania's new voter ID law she'd be unable to vote because she was literally incapable of going to the DMV to get her ID or she'd fucking die. Like, actually godamn die. Of course, the usual super liberal reddit types (who normally think anyone over 50 should be barred from voting Ok BOOMER) thought this was a travesty and proof of a racist plot to suppress black votes.

That's the democrat myth, that requiring ID would prevent poor black women from voting. In reality that's nonsense, it's really only one group who has difficulties getting ID: illegals.

I'm sure that's why the academic community is all united in showing that illegal immigrants are the ones primarily affected by this, and that it has no measurable impact on black voter patterns.

Surely thats's the reason that Republicans are the only ones pursuing this in spite of there being no evidence that there have been any significant evidence of illegals voting in any election.

street interviews are well known to get the best and brightest

In your view the "best and brightest" African Americans would be those who don't know how to find the DMV or use the internet?

The liberal arts crowd at the beginning didn't seem very best or brightest, but that's just how they are. Huffing farts, parroting radlib memes.

It's not about finding the DMV, it's about making it hard to get to. The majority of Alabama DMV's close at 4 or 4:30, making it difficult to get to if you work hourly labor, and guess which demographic does that more than any other?

how do black people in alabama buy liquor?

Rural liquor stores hardly ever check ID lol, unless you're obviously underage. Enforced carding really only ever happens in bigger cities where stings are more frequent.

The whole concern over voter ID reqs was way overblown by leftoids from 2012-16, but it absolutely was still a suppression tactic. People in bumfuck Alabama/Georgia/Mississippi/Louisiana podunks in predominantly black areas were forced to go to one of the, like, one or two DMVs in their whole county, sometimes a long drive away, that was only open one day a week (or even just once a month) from like 12pm-4pm. And then would have to pay a fee on top of it, usually $20-40, which (if you work a shit job and have kids to feed and bills to pay) isn't always something you can just casually drop on a non-essential.

Back when voter ID laws were first being implemented I was working as a reporter, and covered the early laws across a couple of stories. IIRC the initial estimate was something like 800,000+ people who could have potentially been shut out of voting in 2012. But the courts struck down pretty much every state's law within 2yrs, on the basis that the ID fee served as an unconstitutional poll tax, so the states just allowed for free IDs to get around the ruling... which still did nothing to address the rural inaccessibility issue.

I mean, I get and agree with the argument that "if you want to vote, you'll put the effort in," and tbh the vast majority of people without IDs probably aren't planning to vote anyway, but it's still an intentional obstacle designed for explicitly political purposes. (At the 2012 state convention, the Republican governor of Pennsylvania literally said in a speech that voter ID was gonna win the state for Romney, lmao.) Same goes for all the "accidental" voter roll purges of valid registered voters that conveniently happen right before a close election, like Florida in almost every presidential year or Georgia in 2018, or in the 2016 New York primary.

There's a reason that dude went to Harlem instead of the Black Belt in Alabama lol, obviously every person who lives in Manhattan is going to have a fucking ID and not know anybody who doesn't. Same doesn't necessarily go for places where people still talk like it's 1840.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

liar bot

Sensible, not letting pesky things like 'truth' or 'facts' get in the way of a good narrative.

In 8 seconds of googling I already turned up that Auz does not require an ID. I'm not going to keep looking. So I'll just call into question your mental fitness then see myself out.

I wouldn't exactly call Convict Island a country

The Democrats were butthurt the last election because not only did they cheat, they cheated and Trump still won.

When Trump wins 2020 that's when the salt will really flow and there will probably be blood.

Do you really think that’s true or is this a weird troll I’m not getting?

This but unironically

Good God I love this man

Tariq better make his own political party to take all of the Black votes.

It would be so great to see it happening in real life.


I fucking told yall!

How can a man be such a mongoloid and yet so based at the same time?

Is this his redemption arc??

Those illegals sure do know how to make protest signs in English.