Climate change activists try to stop coal train with their bodies, unfortunately nobody was hurt

1  2019-12-19 by unrulyfarmhand


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Climate change activists try to sto... -,

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Oh wow! These people are stupid, hopefully they are all on suicide watch. We don't want this happening again

Silly protestors, don't they know that all trains engaged in right wing activities have no brakes, like the infamous Trump Train?

In college I lived in a town that had trains running right through the middle of it 75X a day. (I heard it's like 150 now). My friend lived on the edge of downtown right next to the tracks. The trains were required to slow down to 35mph and blow their horns as they entered town and started crossing all the streets so they would always start blowing their horns right outside of his house. (The tracks were about 40-50ft from his backyard). He was a bartender and we would always go back to his place and party and smoke weed and play vidya after the bars closed and we amassed quite an empty bottle collection. When the trains would go by we would all run out to the backyard and huck bottles over the fence at the train. It was fun and satisfying af. We would hear a train coming and be like "oh shit, train!" and run out to the backyard and grab a liquor bottle. We always yeeted big fat liquor bottles at the engine and tried to hit the conductor's window for extra points (a fifth of tanqueray flies the best imo). Then we would unload the magazine of beer bottles at the rest of the train. The fucking train was so loud none of the neighbors could hear the bottles smashing and even though we nailed the conductor's window flat on plenty of times no cops ever showed up to the house and we did this for a couple of years. Fuck trains.