MDEtards notice that soyboys like cereal, then immediately start obsessing and arguing amongst themselves about if it's ok to eat cereal.

1  2019-12-19 by TeeEssDoubleU


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I hope that this is the end. r/Drama has a unique way of bringing out the worst in people. It really does, I think. The dynamic here is just so fucking toxic and it turns people into the worst possible people they can be.

Drama is an addiction. It should be classified as something more like heroine or meth than a game.

The legacy of Drama has been written large in blood, quite literally. Several Drama posters have committed mayocide, and this place enabled their downward spirals. u/DarqWolff's insanity was made far worse by this place. I've come to the conclusion that the internet, as a social platform, was a mistake.

It radicalizes people by isolating them with other people just like them and so they spiral into the worst versions of themselves. Drama made me a worse person, and it's made most of you worse people. It's been the breeding ground of pedophile groomers, alt-right killers, and suicidal narcissists. This place is a total fucking shithole and I spent three years of my life that I'll never get back immersed in it. It was a total waste and I'm going to regret this period of my life for the rest of my existence as will most of you.

Even the most moral people have been made worse for being here. I think that the fundamental issue with Drama is that due to the way reputations work, betrayal, secret cabals, two-faced bs, and bad faith negotiation isn't just prioritized, it's the only effective way to operate. Being a huge piece of shit to everybody around you and tearing them down like crabs in a bucket isn't just a viable strategy, it's actually the only viable strategy once Drama reached a certain size. It's all just a bunch of assholes circlejerking over how bad all the other assholes are, because it's impossible to do anything else short of outright genociding anybody who poses any sort of threat to Drama's security and dominance.


  1. MDEtards notice that soyboys like c... -,

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Excuse me, Seinfeld is not a soyboy

What's up with those soys and breathing? Imagine being so cucked you have to have oxygen.

Reminds me of contrarianposting

> he fell for the oxygen meme

Consuming the air jew

Why do you thing their noses are so big

Because it's free, duh.

I recommend you goyim resist consuming it

Is that why they open their mouths so big?

Tbh though soys should stop breathing. That weird smile face is so annoying and does nothing to hide how internally tortured they are to basically be mentally and hormonally neutered.

Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds. Almond milk and a sliced organic banana on top.

Honey bunches is actually delicious. Almond milk should be illegal tho. 2% or whole is where it’s at

I still drink 2% or whole on occasion but I've grown slightly lactose intolerant in my 30s. The plain almond milk is fairly close to regular milk and it keeps for a long time in the refrigerator. I don't eat much cereal but when I do I eat it like an adult.

Have you tried lactaid? Lots of people in my family are lactose intolerant and drink that

It tastes pretty good

No I haven't tried it but I'll check it out sometime. 2% or whole used to be my jam. I can still eat grilled cheese and pizza and all that stuff but if I were to drink a bowl of whole milk I will end up on the shitter 20 minutes later. I find the almond milk compliments the honey bunches with almonds the best. It's not as good on reese's puffs which would be my #2.

He could also try not being a cuck to a simple sugar molecule.

Imagine not being able to digest lactose

Yes imagine it. Even with your pure 56% northern European bloodline it might happen to you when you eventually turn 15.


durr cOpE

I'll cope as long as you imagine it. Are you imagining it? Are you closing your eyes and picturing this hypothetical scenario in your mind? Are you thinking about it ever so hard? Are both your brain cells working overtime to imagine all the novel and unique possibilities? Are you imagining it bro? Are you?


Are you imagining me seething so very hard? Are you overcome with a sense of joy and wonderment as your imagination runs wild bro?

Imagine drinking titty juice like a baby. Real men drink NUT JUICE.


That roasted coconut a d almond blend is so fucking good

That does sound pretty tasty. I've only tried the vanilla and I didn't like it as much as the plain

Honestly Eggs and Bacon/Sausage/Protein is the correct choice and has been demonized by Big Corn to sell you more cere

Eating is a scam created and pushed by Big Food. We should starve ourselves to death.

Imagine not pounding a cup of coffee on an empty stomach like a real adult

I'm more of a bloody mary fan. Now that's a quality breakfast.

Coffee is for queers. 4 shots of espresso on ice or caffeine pills for me

caffeine pills


The only Chad move is not eating breakfast at all.

Breakfast is just a scam perpetuated by big breakfast


I drink enough Bang the kill anyone that weighs 3lbs less than me.

lmao, classic faggot move. if you're not mainlining a cocktail of amphetamines and pyrovalerones every morning then you're not even trying.

If you don't mix an ounce of butter in your quadruple espresso, you're a cuck.

You some kind of pleb you wash down your 4 caffeine pills with 4 shots of expresso, one for each pill. If your in a hurry you just toss some beans in your mouth chew them up and wash them down with some boiling water from the kettle

Just do a quick bump of coke you pussy.

He needs coffee

Coffee is for simpletons

Ubermensch, like myself, prefer green tea

green tea

Bussy bottoms smdh

There are easier was to come out of the closet

  • Doesn't stain teeth

  • antioxidants (mainly a meme)

  • great for skin

Coffee is for unkempt drug addicts

Doesn't stain teeth, great for skin

LMAO you want to look like a little girl?

Real men have brown teeth and leather skin with wrinkles as deep as canyons.

t. bong

bongs have pearly white skin and teeth as bright as egg yolks

t. bong

Says the tea-drinking twink

bongs drink black teas, not herbal teas

Does do a number on your liver if you drink too much though.

In college I'd legit have a shot of wild turkey and a double espresso for breakfast.

Rightoid Zoomers are just imitating everything they see in movies about Dads at this point. Soon enough they're going to be bitching about how golfing is actually good for you because reasons

golfing is actually good for you

This but unironically

it's healthier than reddit

low bar tho

Brought to you by communist gang

Air is pushed by Big Breathe

I wonder which large nosed demographic could be behind this ...



If it isn't a Big Food scam why are burgers fat? Hmmm? Destroy big food and be healthy by eating grass

Eating and nutrition being an “inconvenience” was literally why soylent was invented, you rootless cosmopolitan.

The thread is correct and you’re proving it correct

Indulging in food is peak degeneracy. Tasteless sludge containing all necessary micro- and macronutrients is the ideal Christian sustenance, voluntarily seeking and consuming anything more fancy is godless hedonism.

Pastor Graham was actually a libturd and he invented the graham cracker bc his wife kept cucking him. Protestants are the worst

"The world is the general name for all the passions. When we wish to call the passions by a common name, we call them the world. But when we wish to distinguish them by their special names, we call them the passions. The passions are the following: love of riches, desire for possessions, bodily pleasure from which comes sexual passion, love of honour which gives rise to envy, lust for power, arrogance and pride of position, the craving to adorn oneself with luxurious clothes and vain ornaments, the itch for human glory which is a source of rancour and resentment, and physical fear. Where these passions cease to be active, there the world is dead; for though living in the flesh, they did not live for the flesh. See for which of these passions you are alive. Then you will know how far you are alive to the world and how far you are dead to it."

  • St. Isaac the Syrian

"Remember to coom and consume" -A dead arab

He's saying the exact opposite, mong.

bodily pleasure from which comes sexual passion

the craving to adorn oneself with luxurious clothes and vain ornaments

Where these passions cease to be active, there the world is dead

Yeah, this ain't it chief.

Death to the world is the goal, what's wrong with you?

Based and dead to the world pilled

My breakfast of a banana and a coffee is hardly inconvenient.

Absorb your nutrients from the sun like a plant you cuck

Imagine not liking Frosted Flakes lmao

Ok fatty

> cold cereal

Before a long day of cooming? I think not.

There's cereal and then there's the 99% sugar shit for kids.

Imagine not being able to eat something because someone you laugh at eats them.

The real alpha move is obsessively caring about what a bunch of retards on the internet have to say about yor nutrition habits.

The reason I don’t eat dog turds isn’t because I find masterlawlz so hilarious. They’re bad for yoy

"Adults est cheerios or wheat thins or other cereal that's more healthy than the sugar-infused crap"

Cheerios healthy

Unless you eat the plain kind it's literally the same sugar content lmao. Have these people never heard of oats?

And since when do people put milk on fucking wheat thins

Lmao, that's where the true retardism lies

who refers to anything but the plain kind??!

Thinking Cheerios are healthy is peak fatso

They have some good takes, but then they go ahead and do this... How do I disassociate politically from these retards?

good takes

their only good take is “bro we should like... workout”.

fair enough

i never truly understood where terms like toxic masculinity came from until i saw hordes of MDEtards constantly one-upping eachother on how making their life more difficult and bland is based

look at this shit

bro don't eat cereal, eat raw egg

bro make sure your eggs are pasteurized

bro I have my own chickens

Oh yeah bro? I eat my girlfriend's eggs 💪

Guarantee you they don't have their own chickens lol



Let's be real here, none of those retards have girlfriends lmaooo You can't be a raging online rightoid if your balls are getting drained on the regular

Do you like them fried or fertilized?

Isn’t miso soup literally soy..?

yes, it is about the most soy-filled thing you can eat next to actual soy beans, along with other food products made almost entirely out of soy

I cut out the middleman and just shove soy up my ass. Good calorie free snack.

I-it's a different kind of soy.


grorious nippon hafu taught me the delicious way of whitu raisu wis tamago, sugoi!

trying way too hard to sound like a gruff blue collar power lifter when he’s a le stem dweeb

doesn’t brush teeth

like pieces of a puzzle

White rice with tuna or smoked salmon on top

uh fish for breakfast is going to be a yikes from me unless you don't really care about people being physically repulsed by the stench of your breath

eating breakfast after brushing your teeth

If you think brushing your teeth gets rid of fish smell in your breath, youve been eating some artificial gmo-based clone farmed monsanto shit

mate if you really think that, you are not brushing your teeth thoroughly.

Dinner leftovers

So poor you eat the same thing for breakfast you has for dinner.

At least wait until lunch

I wanna post something about collecting lunchboxes and the soyboy capeshitting coomers that collect them... like Dave Bautista, who was a grandfather by 42. I'm sure the cope and seethe will be omega-level.

oatmeal has extremely high concentrations of glyphosate

why is that bad

glyphosate is a pesticide toxic to humans

My boy Glyphosate doesn't have to take this slander and lies, roll your own if you're so worried

Unironically this.

And people think the rightoids don't purity-test.

These faggots are complete wastes and will never amount to anything. Larping about living some traditional lifestyle is the best they will ever do. Absolutely more pathetic than soyboys because at least they have the capacity to actually enjoy something

That sub used to be cool and I still think that bugmen deserve to be made fun of, but now it’s just MDEcels fantasizing about having 8 kids and living on the frontier like true alpha males, but they’re still narrow-shouldered, skinny-fat cubicle workers that listen to Jordan Peterson and think that makes them dominant

Not to mention if you can't make it through the day without sperging out about what some idiot on social media posts you probably won't be able to handle all the nonsense kids make you put up with

Cope and seethe

Cope these nuts

I learned about the rice breakfasts during my stay in Japan.

lol this alpha chad is a weeb who takes his nutrition advice from tiny japanese men.

he also posts on r/wiiu

these are the people calling you "soyboy" on the internet. rofl.

I really want to see a selfie thread of these self proclaimed ultra Chad's. I bet it's full of 130 lb skinny fats and 250 lb+ hamplanets.

Imagine d not eating Apple Jacks every Morning like a real person.

lmao what kind of non-child eats cereal? have these people never heard of oats or greek yogurt?

I eat wheaties, because it helps me poop.

Outside Of politics I instantly judge you if you eat cereal regularly. You might as well wake up and eat a candy bar

What does MDE mean?
