If you are the drama poster who cares about people caring too much about the new thing and posting it too often, you are contributing to the drama. So I guess that makes you a LOLCow, but I don't know. It's fine. I don't care.

1  2019-12-19 by SandorClegane_AMA


This is why we need mayocide.


  1. If you are the drama poster who car... - archive.org, archive.today

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and if you are the drama poster who cares about the drama poster who cares about people caring too much about the new thing and posting it too often, you are contributing to the drama. So I guess that makes you BABY YODA! OMG HOW FUCKING CUTE IS BABY YODA?!?! I WOULD LITERALLY DIE FOR BABY YODA HE'S SO ADORABLE!

You know how I'm defeating the SJWs / Zionists / Patriarchy / Communists (delete as appropriate)?

Well, I'm glad you asked. I'm going to take a side on the TV Disney spaceshit vs. cinema Disney spaceshit and get people to vote with their wallets so Disney makes same net amount of money. This will teach them not to spread feminism / patriarchy / German Nationalist Socialist Worker's Party / Comintern (delete as appropriate).

This is a bad apology that blames me for feeling excluded by your exclusionary wording. Please leave me alone now.

STFU Comrade Hitler.

What's the new thing? Tomatocide?

I think it’s time for you to change your username. That’s the problem with giving names like that. It’s not generic enough and now that GOT’s over with the disgraceful last season, your name just sounds cringy.

If you cry about Dany deathdealers ending you are a closeted Nazi and you don't even know it.

Greatest TV show that ever was or will be. It's real TV, Netflix (including the Irishman) is just web video.

Wow, you’re still talking about this? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Game of Thrones is infinite. You cannot escape it. There will be a book eventually - it's going to upset some. There is a new show starting 2021. It's going to upset some. You are going to whine about the drama - it is going to upset none.

we have moved onto the Expanse

Humorless, no tiddies, 0/10 would not watch.

Awww sweaty sweaty 🤦🏻‍♀️

well, it’s definitely not for the dum dums

If you believe that it is scientifically more accurate than Downton Abbey, you got some of them there bonus chromosomes.

The tard has no life. All he does is GOT post and jerk about how much he wants wants to suck off the producers

I'm not a lolcow. Lysis called me that once on Discord but she was trying to trigger me. I'm far to smart to be a lolcow.



It's fine. I don't care.

Larp some more faggot.

'LARP' - as it is an acronym, you should capitalise it.

DARPA should never have allowed the internet to be used outside of academia and defense tech.


Guys stop being such fags