I Will Never Forgive White People for Donald Trump

1  2019-12-19 by BronzeGladiator


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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the “grab them by the” you-know-what guy

t. A five year old

This is the reality of the situation. Lots and lots of white people will vote to make sure the people they view as unworthy of basic human rights, of citizenship, of even being deemed equal on any level, are punished for their existence and their desire to even the playing field. And they’ll do this even if it hurts them, and it will. And you’re right, most of these racists, fascists and other right wing thugs can and do exist “peacefully” amongst the people they secretly despise. It’s why when a racist troll tries to argue for plausible deniability, it falls on deaf ears (as it should). Being a racist doesn’t mean you automatically melt in the company of a POC or other marginalized human beings. It just means you view them as lesser, and you’ll do everything you can to maintain that status quo.

I just want to ask those people: is it really that important to maintain white hegemony, white supremacy, in spite of yourselves?

I think of all the white “tye dye” hippy Facebook boomers who frequently troll for Trump. They often have images of animal shelters, and environmental concerns, on their pages. Yet they’re willing to vote for a corrupt corporatist who promises to all but outright destroy the environment. Many of these people live in beautiful, natural spaces. But they will vote for fascism because they hate the Other.

I think of all the seemingly proud white atheists who willingly vote for a man who seeks to empower evangelical christian fascists in order to shape America as an oppressive theocracy. These are people who take pride in “taking down” your usual religious loon, yet they side with the same evil people who want to further their control?

I think of all the white women who actively demonize feminism and liberalism, as though every right and freedom they’ve gained didn’t arise from the hard work of their feminist, liberal predescesors.

I think of all the white doctors, scientists, and educators who will vote for a man who seeks to not only make their jobs more difficult, but actively cut funding from their professions. Many of which have a notoriously hard time already getting tax payer money allocated for their research and work.

I think of all the white laborers and other workers, who will actively vote for a man who would rather see them die of work-related injuries or diseases before he ever grants them the sort of rights that workers and socialists of the past fought so hard for.

And I think of all the fringe allies for white supremacy: the POC, Jewish folks, and other marginalized people who foolishly believe they’ll be protected, or gain something powerful, for siding with a man who not only hates them, but wants them to pay dearly for being here. A man who pretends to stand by them while he actively strips any government mandated protections that were set up because of institutional white supremacy’s power and control over this land.

Not to mention the recorded history of how fascists and other authoritarian despots turn on their devotees and acolytes once they’ve run out of easier targets and scapegoats. It really is only a matter of time before your delusion of privilege and safety are destroyed by this right wing cancer.

Is whiteness, and the criminalization (and forced displacement) of the Other so important to you that you’d risk it all just to get it? Just for ethnic cleansing? Just for a fleeting and ultimately meaningless sense of superiority and hierarchy?

And for the right wing trolls who will answer to this in the affirmative out of sheer sociopathic glee and out of love for cruelty: I already know your answer, and all I can say is you too will not come out of this unscathed.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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It's honestly really amazing reading their imaginary hate-conspiracy version of the white menace that exists entirely in their own heads.

Meanwhile the actual people who voted for Trump just want jobs and to not be beheaded by mexican drug cartels.

Damn. You've outdone yourself here, invictus.

Yt pippo

How are we gonna move on?

Also yt pippo

By re-electing Trump in 2020

Only good thing wyt ppl have done since the bing bang


Dudes reading through the thesaurus while writing this seethefest of a essay

If racism is America’s most essential element—the fulcrum everything from our livelihoods to our legal system hinges upon—then maybe it’s unreasonable to expect individual whites to possess enough willpower to resist the sway of a 400-year-old behemoth.

Imagine believing this and being so cucked that you continue to live here

I like how the whole comment section is just mayos talking about how evil they are (except them of course, they’re one of the good ones).

I will never forgive white people

Good. Never forgive those devils my brotha. Down with the mayo menace

Dude I never said sorry and I promise I never will.

Donald Trump murdered my father

Imagine not hating white people in the first place.

Lol didn't this author also write about the homoerotic undercurrents of black barbershops? I believe a certain based man in an ill-fitting suit took great umbrage with that article

Point is, no one cares and everyone is retarded

Based to an impossible degree even

Why is this giving me the urge to vote for Donald trump
