Chiraq turned “bussy” into a verb

1  2019-12-20 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. Chiraq turned “bussy” into a verb -,

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Now I’m curious how dramatards pronounce bussy. Buhsee or boosee? It’s like “gif” but for the mentally incompetent lmao

It’s pronounced “bussy.” Are you fuckin retarded?


You are dumb as shit. Maybe as dumb as watermark.

It’s like pussy but with a b. It’s not some complicated word.


this is some foreigncel tier pronunciation



Percocet doesn’t come in 30s lol idiots

Okay whatever maybe not in your hood. My plug like makes them special. 😤😤

Oh yeah? Prime, homemade blend?

Yeah bruh. Hits you hard AF. Got the little MP 542 on the side, that’s how you know it 💯 AF.

Love to drop some pyridostigmine from time to time. That moment it hits you is crazy bro.

That man is such a wimp. He bussed out of the deal.

we lowkey bussin while bussin to go bussin. We finna bussin at the JoJo Day party, its hella bussin rn.

we bussin (being under the influence of a narcotic such as ecstasy, molly, percs or whatever Chicago Drill rapper Lil Durk uses) while bussin (taking the bus mode of mass transportation) to go bussin. (enjoying the current situation and having a good time) We gon be finna bussin (Discharging firearms at rival gang bangers), at the JoJo Day party, its bussin (Itz ah lot of people) rn.

You’re obviously Caucasian.

this mayo just took a big fat L

twitter memes

did you go to that sub and searched for "bussy"?

No I was perusing their top posts of all time

This cultural appropriation will not stand.

Dramanauts rise up!

Finally, a community that's whiter than Chapo