pajeet DJ with russian mail order bride gets linked on poorama. fights in thread before culturally enriching the sub with a six hour street shitting session

1  2019-12-20 by AltOverNow

it all started with an innocent link to a post by our "effeminate fellow" 15 hours ago titled "It’s only one of the most historic artifacts of time; the day White Supremacy lost! Get your paper today everyone!!!!"

the ignorant deuxcels had no idea what a beastly chad they had just challenged. our heroic pajeet showed up in the thread to defend his honor.

now he's spent the last six hours putting poorama in its place with his epic reddit posts.

Chad has entered the chat! Unfortunately, your real life self speaks for itself. Pics or it didn’t happen.

A little song I sang for all of you!

Look at me. I am your Captain now.

My wife hand makes her outfits and mine (jeans are hers admittedly)

GG2EZ nice subreddit you got here.

This is not your personal army, Chaddot.

I'm just a humble man on a mission.


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. pajeet DJ with russian mail order b... -,

  2. it all started with an innocent lin... -,

  3. Chad has entered the chat! Unfortun... -,

  4. A little song I sang for all of you... -,

  5. Look at me. I am your Captain now. -,

  6. My wife hand makes her outfits and ... -,

  7. GG2EZ nice subreddit you got here. -,

  8. This is not your personal army, Cha... -,

  9. I'm just a humble man on a mission. -,

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Why is he over there? Hey dude, come over here. Give us a song dammit. 😠😠😠


the pinging removalution and its consequences have been a disaster for the dramoid race

Jealous much? Deuxchads can ping away to their hearts content.

Yeah, I post there sometimes. The pinging isn’t all that worth it.

It really doesn't get used much. There's only like 3 people with any sort of halfway decent banter there.

Roughly 3 more than this place

We'd have more quality banter if the mods stopped banning people for trolling.

They do what

The mods just randomly ban people when they get assmad about whatever's being said to rile people up.

Yikes. I'm next on the list then. I call her out all the time.


Unironically stockpile accounts because your account has to be at least 3-months-old to post here. It's the only thing about this place that genuinely pisses me off - only CJ, Watermark, and Pizza are allowed to freely roam around and be as retarded as can be. Anyone else will eventually trigger a mod, since for some reason they're incapable of telling what's blatant trolling and what's seriousposting. Usually it's rightoid-style things that piss them off and trigger cries of "MDEfugee!!! OUT!!!" when you're just trying to bait some dipshit from /r/all.

That does kind of sound like what an MDEfugee would say...

The main difference is that MDEfugees genuinely believe the retarded shit they're saying. I guarantee you that when I told Pizza that "Trump is basically the second coming of Ghandi", I was far from seriousposting, lol.

Not to mention, why are MDEfugees even supposedly a problem? If they piss people off and make retarded arguments, why wouldn't we want them here? I daresay the mods that do this are leftoids, and not the "radical centrists" they claim to be. Because a TRUE dramanaut and radical centrist would have no issue with any extremist, and instead of exiling them, would simply bait them like we all do with Pizza and Watermark. Instead we just get Chapo extremists like Watermark, and aren't even allowed to bait them without risk of being called an MDEfugee.

Not to mention, why are MDEfugees even supposedly a problem?

Uh... because they support a racist right-wing ideology?

Which makes them good for drama!

We like to have fun here, but at some point you have to say "there are things that it is not ok to joke about", and white supremacy is one of those topics. I'm not comfortable making jokes when people are actually dying as a result of bigotry.

That's the spirit. We have to bait each other now that we can't ping.

Jesus, now I'm seeing why you're afraid of getting banned. I try to engage you honestly and you accuse me of baiting.



chapo extremists like basedmark



We have to talk shit about him and let him see it to get him to come here. Comment on how small indian weiners are (maybe he'll post a picture of his dick, seeing as he likes to show off) or ask if his wife has adopted the ways of the street shitter, and link back here from Deuxrama.

I told him to come here, let’s see if it works. If he wants lots of attention he’s in the wrong place, Deuxcels comment like once every 7 hours.

i already talked to him making a special post for deux, you better not fuck that up big guy

First of all, for you.

Secondly I am probably the best ambassador this sub has.

all i'm saying is if he doesn't come through on it now, someone's getting mopped 👀

Hey. That wouldn’t be my fault. Put the custodial equipment down, we can be reasonable here. 😥

what if i... y'all'd you? ...haha just kidding... unless..? 😏🧹️

Haha, but actually ironically. 😳🙅🏼‍♀️🚼

I’m here just learning to see what approach vector this will require.

He's here!

I pinged him and started this particular manic episode.

This is what happens when you have longing 😢

He's still going btw. Even snappy is taking his side now. It's over for Deuxcels.

This is the most insane person I’ve ever interacted with on reddit. If you go back thru his post history you’ll see he posts photos whoring out his curry stained baby to r/interracialdating talking about how she physically and mentally develops faster because she’s mixed. He uses r/nyc as his personal Instagram bragging about things no one cares about, talking about a big conspiracy of trump supporters following him. Posts very irrelevant thought he has to showerthoughts and ends up talking about fucking guys or getting his prostate fingered. His green card wife literally fucks other guys because he can’t satisfy her and he brags about it. He’s absolutely deranged

Yup. I’m deranged because I celebrate having a healthy baby living in Park Slope seeing many kids doomed by hereditary diseases.

I don’t understand why you think my wife fucks other men or whether or not she needed me to come here (hint: she didn’t, I met her here and if anything her Jewish ex husband got her Green card for her before he went power crazy and she left him for me).

I’m just a simple man. I like fingers in my butt from my wife and some of her girls. I enjoy long walks on the beach. Oh, and watching Trump go down.

Is there anything more alpha than being a cuck? I mean just think about it you are forcing two people in a room to do something they usually wouldn't do for your personal enjoyment. That sounds pretty alpha to me...


>Park Slope

How can you brag about living somewhere so boring

Enlighten me,what does that signify? Is it like people in San Francisco thinking they’re the best while the millionaires in Beverly Hills point and laugh?

Park Slope is full of 80 year olds who have owned brownstones for 60 years and also 30 year old rich parents. It’s just a boring, but very nice, neighborhood.

Relationships that start because one of the people left someone else usually end the same way yknow

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

I disagree.

It took god knows how many women to be here. Same with her. Are you right, statistically? Yes.

However, with each successive failure comes new knowledge. If you can admit what you could do better and even admit it to the next girl so she can help you on your way to being a better man, you’ll find one day, a woman to lock you down.

Was she cheating on her husband with you before the divorce? Did she get a bunch of money from the divorce? Also what do you guys actually do for work?

I'm not trying to be a dick and sorry if you've already answered those questions but you're an interesting fellow

Her husband was upset she wasn't from a wealthy family and basically left her on her ass to struggle after she bought a car in her name. He was abusive, very abusive. Let's leave it there and no, she actually ended up losing much more to him.

We are an Entertainment Solutions Provider. We have a talent team of very, VERY diverse people that we regularly develop shows, routines, and costumes for. My wife is now branching into outsourcing her labor to larger productions while I create all audio/visual content for her work. Basically, we met and started as the exact match to the talent we each needed. and when my toxic ex of three years finally pushed me too far?

My wife decided that she wouldn't let that girl take me home after I spent a day purely being her friend and showing her my mind. I guess she saw who I really was inside.

Thanks for the response, keep doing you boo 😘

Who knew Deuxrama could ping? Does anyone even use that sub? Haha

It's one of the best subs on plebbit jerk 😡

I wouldn’t know. Too busy being an approvedcel.

I am also approved


Now you’re approved on the better sub. Congrats.


I go and approve you on Deuxrama and this is how you treat me. 😒

😢 😞 thank you

Mate I don’t even go there,but you can’t pretend we aren’t cucked. Admins took away our pinging by hard coding.

Its better than r/drama reee 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

-mad unapprovedcels

Yea I can see unnaprovedcels saying something like that but not me cause I'm approved 😂😋🤔😏


Ah, a fellow chad.

Deuxrama has actually grown into a fun little spot on its own.

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This title made my entire life.

Thank you everyone, I would like to take this time to thank me, for having the courage and ability to highlight my dick using various straps and lingerie, my wife for hooking them up, and any women or maybe even transsexuals once we agreed we are at later game of our lives.

Besides. We have a cache of videos we make with each other I plan on dropping as a final “bonus package” where like the Wu Tang album, only one person at Sotheby’s gets it and the money goes to our daughter.

I was just happy to own a real NYT and I guess I had enough. Like seriously I’m not out here thinking I’m Channing fucking Tatum but I certainly get treated like him when I’m dancing and flexing in 7 inch Pleaser shoes while my wife is above me on the stage.

I have in a sense had to become used to being touched because it’s too irresistible for my fans. Women will wait until she’s off stage and changing and boom.

I have so much knowledge to offer but I hold off because with this current madhouse of an Administration, Trump supporters will certainly get triggered.

Please tell us. Everyone here is eager to learn.

Also, is your daughter married already or can we make a contract?

I would make a joke but pedophilia is not cool. Why the fuck are men into fucking their own family and kids when having a 4 way intersection with your wife and her friends is so much more fun?

No I meant for when she is grown up. Just wanna put a reservation out there.

Can’t mate. Her choice only and she will be learning how to operate multiple types of training to implement her own defense plan.


You sure? You know, money is not an issue 😉

The King has arrived!

Hello 👋

How do I reach as high as a king level as you king?

I just figure if I enter this world through a woman, I shouldn’t be afraid to love all women for having that potential gift and for those who can’t? You pray for them.

What if women run away from me and call me incel when I try to enter them? Does this mean I'll never be alpha?

Please help I just want to be cool like you

Just observe; I’m heading to work tonight and I’ll be broadcasting on RPAN

Make sure to call out all the trolls and haters! They will all be watching 👀


Hello 👋

Please tell me how you are so alpha I want to be just like you I didn't have a dad and now I am an incel please help


Incel is a state of mind. I don’t deny that every man has a right to want a beautiful woman on his arm to feed him strawberries and listen to him explain why you cast certain spells on a rotation.

Inceldom is basically the Beyblade Arena of men who understand they weren’t born lucky. They try so hard to bring others down with them but let’s be real.

In a world I dream of, every person has a way of getting laid be it from someone who acknowledges love is not their pot but they love to fuck, to the man who’s such a lover he can’t imagine a woman ever betraying him.

I have been a Republican my entire life.... I think you just made me change

Post your hog coward

Nvm thank you :)

What is your height without heels.

5 feet 9 inches

Looked closer to 5'5" in your pictures tho

Do I look like you?

Wow bro sick burn.


W I fit under a tall girl’s dress and short girls LOVE me

Cope. Nah they’re lying to you, the only kind of girls that like short guys are trump loving conservatards.

Man you’re gonna be so mad when I come for round two at work tonight 🤡

🎶🎵she works hard for the money🎵🎶

Ughhhhhh HOW did I not get that in my set list for the strip club?

People like this don't understand they're doing themselves and their political affiliates a disservice. Most people are not degenerates and do not approve of degeneracy, it's not that hard to figure out.

That poor kid is probably already on psychosis meds and will be on hormone blockers before you know it.

Is “my wife, she’s Russian” the “my wife, she’s asian” for brown people?

what’s your job?

Man I really hope he starts posting here

Chad move