What happened to Qoomers?
1 2019-12-20 by Norppa24
Haven't seen any QAnon related drama in a long while, do people still believe he exists? Is the LARP still going on?
1 2019-12-20 by Norppa24
Haven't seen any QAnon related drama in a long while, do people still believe he exists? Is the LARP still going on?
1 SnapshillBot 2019-12-20
Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.
Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.
You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!
It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 -7x- 2019-12-20
Q faggotry keeps growing due to recent Corney bullshit.
1 Kaiser-romulus 2019-12-20
Where is he posting these days?
1 -7x- 2019-12-20
8kun but since it goes down a lot just see his latest "drops" here: https://qmap.pub/
1 Kaiser-romulus 2019-12-20
The fuck is an 8kun and how do they know this is the same do. Also has he actually predicted anything?
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-12-20
It is/was/is? the 4Chan quarantine board.
They don’t.
It’s great fun.
1 Kaiser-romulus 2019-12-20
Oh 8chan became 8kun. Odd lol
1 bebackinanhourorso 2019-12-20
There's also r/serialbran2
1 AlecOzzyHillPitas 2019-12-20
1 Redactor0 2019-12-20
That sub has ended up in any interesting place. They're saying that the video of that little sissy white kid getting beaten up on the schoolbus is fake now. Like he allegedly never wore a MAGA hat so that means he didn't get beaten up or something. At least the Qultists have the common decency to spell out their delusions in detail and claim it was crisis actors or something.
I guess it just goes to show that you can't have a sub that's anti-anyone without it being taken over by the mirror image of whatever group that is.
1 MG87 2019-12-20
They didn't say the video of the kid getting beating up is fake. Just that the motive is bullshit
1 Redactor0 2019-12-20
They didn't directly say that the video of the kid getting beaten up is fake. They just generally said the thing in general is fake. So either they believe he didn't get beaten up or they believe it was okay that he got beaten up because... he wasn't wearing a MAGA hat or something.
When a pack of mayos chimps out like this and attacks a black kid (which does happen), I'm out for blood. Really makes me 🤔 why I'm supposed to ignore what is probably a hate crime in this instance.
1 Slump_o 2019-12-20
Because people get bullied all the time and no one gives a shit unless it can be politically spun. This video was but it turned out to be fake so people go back to not caring.
no you’re not shut up lol
1 Redactor0 2019-12-20
The next time some cop in some rural speedtrap shithole gives a black guy a bullshit ticket it's fine because we expect it, so that makes it okay.
Thanks for following me so closely, newfag. Please point out where I've been sympathetic toward whitoid chimpouts.
1 Slump_o 2019-12-20
Literal retard. The black guy getting a ticket isn’t “ok” but it’s not notable which is what I said about the video.
1 AngelaBeedle 2019-12-20
One of my alts was modded there and I totally forgot.
I logged in after a year and banned everyone and unbanned everyone that was banned, and removed all the posts
The PMs I got were hilarious
1 TheWonkiest 2019-12-20
Lisa page should prepare to go to jail. Q