Insane foid hasn't eaten in days since the trauma she endured during the latest Starwars movie

1  2019-12-20 by hi_0


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Insane foid hasn't eaten in days si... -,

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Fan girls deading

You love to see it

maybe we can cry together

Imagine being so fucking soft in life that you cry over a movie character dying

Ughhh its honostly gross seeing such a creepy dedicated subreddit like this stay up. That sub should be banned and everyone who has ever posted there should be on a list.

They're 100% convinced that he hates his wife and will definitely leave her any day now. There's weekly posts where they write paragraphs about body language analysis when he poses with his wife or with costars

Everytime he is "miserable" next to his wife or "glowing" next to some other woman. They're all crazy

Ugh why do they do tbis? This is the reason /r/emotionalcheating exists

Adam Driver should advertise it.

Is that the moid take on /r/loveafterporn?


Have they considered that he is more comfortable with his wife and isnโ€™t trying so hard when heโ€™s with her? Of course not.

What a beautiful rabbit hole to go down.

This is some grade A crazy. Like you can go find forums specifically for schizophrenics and they will post less balls-out insane shit than this. This is like all the personality disorders came together and had a baby. Jesus Christ.

When Proometheus stole fire from the gods to return it to humanity, he was punished by having his liver torn out for eternity.

Humanity was punished for their receipt of stolen goods by the creation of Pandora, the first woman.

What you see before you is proof that humanity got the worse punishment.

That is standard operating procedure for these stan communities.

Jesus Iโ€™m looking at that subredddit now. Heโ€™s making the same fucking face in every single picture!

I love white women ๐Ÿ˜

body language analysis

They can't analyze the general room but apparently they can analyze that?


Is he actually hot?

Iโ€™m gonna CONSOOOOM

Can we talk about... maybe we can cry together because... I've talked and talked and I'm still suffocated.

If talking didn't work what makes your think crying will? This bitch has ineffectual methods.

I recommend aggresive electroconvulsive therapy and a sentence of 12 hours sending resumes to employers.

President Pence can't come soon enough ๐ŸŒฉ

Adam Driver is so ugly though, Iโ€™d Rather fuck Any other celebrity.

Lena Dunham?


This star wars shit is as bad as the crazy women who had the reaction videos to Twilight, which was a terrible movie(s).

Really? Oh God thanks for this. Now I'm feeling better I'm not alone. I have a same problem. My mates think that I'm mad...."it's only just a movie" they say....Ehm for me it's not just a movie, for me it's a broken heart like my love left me die somewhere. I could not explain how my soul is now full of sh*** thinking...and empty.

Presented without comment.

it's a broken heart like my love left me die somewhere

aiight homie whatever meds ur on they're not enough

You should see a therapist, please. It's a fictional character and should not have that much power over your real life.

Look, if you don't like Star Wars, or Ben Solo I don't welcome your opinion. I was very explicit in inviting people to discuss in case they have seen or have been spoiled. Since you can't understand or at least have a bit of some compassion because, unfortunately I not the only one feeling like this, then maybe you should see a therapist because lack of compassion and empathy are signs of a psychopath, and that is even more concerning than me crying over a movie that basically crushed all the expectations I had and basically crushed everything that was built in favor of something that wasn't even good. Please don't bother answering back, I do not wish to have a pointless discussion on how I should feel. You don't know me, so keep it to yourself.


Who knew female autism could be this EPIC

"Join the club. I've been a mess since yesterday, barely slept, been crying the entire day, stalking twitter after kindred-minded opinions that Adam Driver and his character...."

Uh.....the hell is wrong with these people....?

They're foids

I don't know... I wish I could go back to two years ago and erase everything that happened with my personal life that ended up linked to this movie and start over.

Those swords and dolls have zero resale value

Inshallah this woman finds/is wed to a husband who can care for her as prescribed by the Qu'aran and prevent silly things like this from happening - by providing some much needed structure and sanity.

I support Adam's silent/polite way to say FUCK YOU to the entire DLF by skipping premieres when possible.

I think he's been skipping events to avoid you deranged fangirls and your creepy """gifts"""

Also he has some weird phobia of seeing or hearing himself perform, there was some drama last week I think where he walked out of an interview because they were going to play a clip of him when he asked them not to.

Wait, are you saying he doesn't want to get love letters written in period blood?

57% upvoted


why he could not hide they're divorced? The ring can be a cover maneuver (purposely I choose a military word).

We got ourselves the next Q here.

I agree it is terrifying people coming at here to bully people for being sad over a movie that we have waited for two years.

It is very normal to someone having that lack of empathy and compassion... talking about psychopaths, am I right?


bottom tier Spaceshit

Women are children

I won't be repeating it. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker. I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake god it's awful.

My favorite part, lololol

Isnโ€™t this old pasta?

Never saw it before today, I know that

it is

Spaceshit should burn already.

I honestly thought the Millie Bobbie Brown subreddit was creepy as shit, but this sub gives it a run for it's money

I hope driverโ€™s wife is under 24 hr police protection from Relyos. Good thing foids are incompetent or who knows what would happen.

Wtf is a relyo and do I want to know

A community of foids that obsess over Adam driver. They genuinely believe his wife abuses him, that he hates her, and that he is on the brink of divorcing her any second now if only he could just escape her sadistic abuse, and recognize his true love for daisy ridley.

They weaved this very sane tale by analyzing his body language in every photo of him and his wife and regularly wish death upon her.

Didnt his character murder thousands of people, yet the ladies are fawning over him?

Christ, the incels may be pathetic degens but they are right about foids.

friendly reminder that hybristophilia is in vast majority of cases present in females

friendly reminder that all women want a man who has the potential to murder someone, including all the terfs/femcels

friendly reminder this is why Allah created the male anus

It would be nice if spaceshit fags could become a new 40% club.