Gaymers mad when their video game show 🤮 receives a poor review

1  2019-12-20 by fgdhsizbsisvsizbaj


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Gaymers mad when their video game s... -,

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watches first two episodes then skips to the fifth and shit all over it

most based series reviewer in the business

thats hilarious. what a legend

Well they only watched 40% of the show. How can they even begin to get an idea of how good it actually is?

If they felt like skipping after the second episode, I think they have a good idea.

If 40% of something isn't good, theres a damn good chance the other 60% is just as bad.

The first 3 seasons are bad, but it really picks up in the 4th.

you sound like some pathetic addict trying to get me to watch their weebshit

Having flashbacks to all the Final Fantasy 13 fans going "it really picks up about 30 hours in".

that's currently Death Stranding fans

"It really gets good after the first mindnumbing 40 hours of copy-pasted delivery quests"

My first thought was Code Geass actually.

How about 42%?

I would normally agree with your reasoning, but these people are both journalists and urban pop culture fanatics, so their opinion must be wrong by default.

It's a bideo game tv adaptation lmao

are you the kind of retard who eats an entire steak at a restaurant and then when it's all gone you complain to the manager that it was undercooked?

I'm a vegan. All I'm saying is if you only do your job half way, why do we need that job done in the first place? Read a fucking book now and then, it'll help you take in and digest information like a big boy.

Your conceit is out of place, vegan.

Oh cool! A child killer!

Vegans are barely a step above pedos.

Honestly, if it takes hours to drag you in that should mean that they nailed the feeling of playing one of the games.

The only thing next is that it becomes mundane and unchallenging around the middle all throughout the end.

needing to consume more than 40% to get to the good shit

the authentic witcher experience

How dare he not praise geraldo 😡😡😡😡

I can't get into that fucking game no matter how many times I try. I think feel similarly to the TV reviewers.

r/unwholesome 😡😡😡

I was there when he opened All Capone's vault.

I was there when Bill O'Reilly yelled at him.

I was there when he starred as himself in a metaepisode of My Name is Earl.

I was there when Bill O'Reilly yelled at him.

I was there when Bill O'Reilly yelled at him.

Now, I will not abandon him in the face of such slander 😠

so you weren't there when he got shot at in afghanistan?

you already abandoned him

No, but I did abandon him when he drew a map of troop positions on live tv 😞

I'm 100% convinced it has everything to do with being on Netflix. This person is taking bribes from cable television companies to smear original streaming content.

And y'all wanna say the deep state don't exist sips tea

Isn't it based on that Polish dudes book and not the game?

Yes, so monster fights are supposed to be rare and something special because most monsters are endangered now.

Not like in the third game, where every shithole village and settlement has someone begging you “Oi, master witcher! We got ourselves a monster problem, will you help?”

Then you bully them into paying you way too much, putting themselves into financial ruin like the Chad you are.

This is the shades of gray morality that goomers covet

They can be broke or they can be dead. Doesn't make a difference to me.

I also steal all their food and water.

I'll just watch this for Henry Cavill's ass

The show's probably shit and nobody should need a review to know that.

I'm glad if it's a dumpster fire. Reddit tricks me into buying Witcher 3.

listening to redditor's opinions on what to purchase

you deserved it.

Imagine being paid to watch TV shows and being too lazy even for that while still keeping your job lol

author's getting ratio'd on twitter

That's the only bad review I've seen, the rest range from slow start but gets good to great. Though these reviewers come off as people who unironically like Baby Yoda memes

Nobody who likes the books and games thought this would be good. Feel bad for caville because he's actually a Chad turbo nerd who loves the series and total war games

I watched the first couple episodes. It's not amazing but it's good enough to binge