What's his problem?
1 2019-12-20 by snallygaster
He's staring directly at you, brows furrowed, mouth agape, as if he caught you doing something unspeakable. What's his deal, or, conversely, what did you do that was so shocking that he took time out of his gay threesome to judge you?
1 SnapshillBot 2019-12-20
Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.
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1 byobombs 2019-12-20
“Dude bussy lmao”
1 Nom_Chompy 2019-12-20
That's rieman in my headcanon. Also I see it the other way around, he's been caught and is in shock at all these people staring at him, mouth agape and eyes frozen like a deer in headlights.
1 BasicallyADoctor 2019-12-20
Interestingly he is engaged in the threesome only by the very tip of his penis. None of the affectionate touching of the middle gentleman, none of the dedication of the rightmost, being the bitch of the bunch. Note the outfits: santa and 2 elves. If I had to say, I would suggest that this is a poignant message about the capitalist class (santa) engaging with the working class (elves) on only the most bare minimum level, not with the solidarity bricking of allies in the class war.
1 BasicallyADoctor 2019-12-20
Interestingly he is engaged in the threesome only by the very tip of his penis. None of the affectionate touching of the middle gentleman, none of the dedication of the rightmost, being the bitch of the bunch. Note the outfits: santa and 2 elves. If I had to say, I would suggest that this is a poignant message about the capitalist class (santa) engaging with the working class (elves) on only the most bare minimum level, not with the solidarity becoming of allies in the class war.
1 UpvoteIfYouDare 2019-12-20
It's a commentary on how rampant consumerism has robbed the Christmas season of its intimacy and focus on familial connections. What was once a holiday centered on spending time bonding with family and friends and giving to others has become a egoistic pursuit of material wealth and hedonism.
1 CountChadvonCisberg 2019-12-20
I need this to now be a snappy copy pasta
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-12-20
i guess we all find different things interesting
the spice of life
1 somestupidname1 2019-12-20
Recently watched a porno in which the stepdaughter (of course) dared her stepdad to stick just the tip in. Of course this didn't last long and neither did I, as usual. I don't think this comment has as much relevance as I hoped and I'm not sure how to end it. I'm happy that I happened to skip opening this post while at work though.
1 WistopherWalken 2019-12-20
He has already spent his load and now he is merely an active bystander
1 acidoverbasic 2019-12-20
I didn't know it was a costume party 😥
1 shitpersonality 2019-12-20
Nice family photo! Thanks for sharing! Happy holidays! ✌️
1 alphetaboss 2019-12-20
You showed up in your furry diaper costume and didn't realize this was a Christmas themed party. You're now over dressed and making everyone feel uncomfortable that they didn't dress to the nines as well.
1 thowaway_throwaway 2019-12-20
Maybe he's only gay for pay.
1 tenebrous_cloud 2019-12-20
Take it to writing prompts
1 snallygaster 2019-12-20
1 Doctor-Pavel 2019-12-20
let me take you on a date then
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-12-20
how many gay porn christmas covers did you have to browse through to find one with a funny expression
1 OniTan 2019-12-20
Hopefully they're all dead of AIDS by now.
1 pol__invictus__risen 2019-12-20
What a fucking douche.
1 snallygaster 2019-12-20
I know right? He's been staring at us for years, with those stupid beady little eyes
1 pol__invictus__risen 2019-12-20
Now that I look more closely, they're all staring at us?
The other two are just more drugged out due to probably being gay4pay and being the ones taking it.
But they're all judging us. (And rightly.)
1 snallygaster 2019-12-20
I think the guy in the middle is trying his best, but the ones on the sides are just disgusted by what they see
1 transgirltradwife 2019-12-20
1 TheEntertainment89 2019-12-20
I must have glanced lustfully at a femoid
1 TheColdTurtle 2019-12-20
Is that Der Coomer???