Evangelical Christian newspaper comes out against Trump, causing literally tens of thousands of Boomers to rage in the comments

1  2019-12-20 by seshfan2


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Evangelical Christian newspaper com... - archive.org, archive.today

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Some choice cuts:

Wow, this is the second article that is not right. We are to pray for our leaders. Trump may be rough (says things I dislike) but stands up for Christians, is Pro-Life & tries to work for the American people. King David as I recall was not perfect yet our God called him to lead.

This FAKE Christian rag didn't say ONE word about Obama's push for homosexual marriage. They were silent when Obama signed an executive order FORCING public schools to allow boys in girls bathrooms. They were silent on Obama support for abortion. Trump is Pro-life!!!

My fellow #Christians. Flee from a liberal tool to politicize God’s word & confuse your walk with Him. Turn to the Bible, follow God’s teachings & unfollow this corrupt fake-Christian piggy bank of a non profit that lines its pockets with donations!

You fools! President Trump has done more for Christianity and Christians, not only in America but across the world, than any former president including President Reagan! Your liberal rag is not welcome in my home

We're reaching levels of cope and seeth we never previously thought possible.

how could you miss Daddy's own seethe posts about it?

he then said "I won't be reading ET again!" because lol retard

no President has ever done what I have done for ... religion itself!


He's right though, no other president has tongued the collective Evangelical asshole even half as hard as Daddy has.

I want daddy to decide he has the power to appoint bishops.

Daddy can consecrate me anytime🤤🤤🍆🍆

I find it amusing that these folks are calling an extremely pro-life and conservative magazine a liberal one for going against their cult leader.

The one accusing it of being corrupt and stealing donations is especially ironic given the fiasco with the Trump Foundation.


Trump supporters are something else

Who’s gonna tell mayo liberals that no one is going to care what a lol magazine says about drupf. Are boomers actually reading magazines still 🤔. Virtually anyone in the ‘journalism’ field is gonna be part of the resistance, why would anyone be shocked.

["Who’s gonna tell mayo liberals that no one is going to care what a lol magazine says about drupf"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/096/564/2f7.jpg

no one is going to care

lol seethe cope and dilate

Ya I read some comments after making OP, apparently there are tons of boomer christiancels that actually care 🤷🏿‍♂️

Daddy himself has numerous tweets seething about it lol

LOTS of fucking people care, it's hilarious.

Oh man that’s pretty good, he’s totes not mad at all lol. I was just at the market and looked to see if they still sell magazines and they do, to my surprise. Also apparently Billy Graham’s son weighed in on Twitter too assure allegiances to daddy

Franklin Graham has been the unironic shill that his dad was careful not to become.

I don’t really know much about any of them. You think his son would make up that his father supported daddy?

No, but Billy Graham was smart enough not to blatantly take sides. He was obviously conservative but he still worked with people in both parties and had a relation with both Carter and Clinton.

I think this Tweet broke the Internet in all the right ways. Can't get into your site due to heavy traffic, but can't wait to read based on the positive comments. Finally sanity restored. As a Christian... Trump just disgusts me in every way.

broke the Internet


christshitters MAD x24

So much god seethe here. Boomers are the new snowflakes

boomers have literally always been snowflakes. that's kinda what defines that whole generation.