The vegetable people are upset, call forcing children to eat meat abuse

1  2019-12-20 by lifts_throwawayFC


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. The vegetable people are upset, cal... -,

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Your kid is obese or diabetic because you can not be bothered to cook for them and instead they spend every mealtime at McDonals or get Mac and Cheese from the microwave? Totally normal and accepted. That type of forcing never gets called out.

It gets called out all the time and those people aren't giving McDonald's to their 2 year olds because their 2 aren't dying

No sweaty didn't you know? Being fat is worse than being dead.

Cucked by cows. Humanity was a mistake.

Lol my Family went pescetarian recently (only after I told them I wouldn't eat with them any longer if they continued this bullshit) but they get my 10 year old sister her chicken nuggets or bolognese every once in a while if she's just persistent enough. If I get upset about it I'm the antagonsit because I try to force my beliefs on my little sister, I'm "radical and a fanatic".

Meanwhile she's not allowed to have nutella or any cereal that contains too much sugar, no matter how much she cries.

Of course, it's awesome! On the other hand it was horribly overdue for a family that's super concerned about the environment, climate change and plastic in the ocean. Sorry about your family, that really sucks :/

Imagine being part of this fucking family

I'd rather fucking starve myself than be a part of this foid's family tbh


Lol my Family went pescetarian recently (only after I told them I wouldn't eat with them any longer if they continued this bullshit) but they get my 10 year old sister her chicken nuggets or bolognese every once in a while if she's just persistent enough. If I get upset about it I'm the antagonsit because I try to force my beliefs on my little sister, I'm "radical and a fanatic"."


The radical and fanatic forces insane amounts of fish into 10-year-old with this one trick carnivores mildly dislike him.