The retarded online rightoid infighting continues as catboy enthusiast Nick Fuentes confronts Benlet Shapiro over a speech he made talking about Nick.

1  2019-12-21 by The_Live_Ghost


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. The retarded online rightoid infigh... -,

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War of the manlets

A jew and a white supremacist called Fuentes, both under 5'2 and voices that sound like they already half through transitioning, fight for supreme leadership of conservatives.

its the best time to be alive

The only man who can solve this is, ironically, Vince McMahon. He needs to get Trump, Fuentes, and Shapiro in a ring together. Can you imagine the septigenerean, yet 6'2" Trump towering over those two? I'm thinking a double chokeslam to assert leadership is on order.

I was going to say I'd vote for McMahon if the XFL wasn't such a disaster but that just makes me want to support him more

I respect anyone who can survive that many scandals while being totally out of his mind on exogenous testosterone. It's like he watched Ed Wood's film catalogue and said "this was prudish and overly subtle"

You mean WWE Hall Of Famer Trump. Put some respeck on his name.

we need to start a Height Supremacist movement


Fuentes seems like a huge douche, leave people out in public with their families alone you retard.

Yeah. Ben is a piece of shit but he seems more than willing to talk/debate with anyone (that’s like his mo) but don’t bug him when he’s carrying his little kid.

At least he wasn’t nasty or anything tho, just annoying.

Benlet sharpie picked up his child as soon as he saw nick to use it as a shield against conversation, or thats my opinion atleast. Also the motherfucker gave an hour long speech about nick and the the grand "exchange of ideas debater" refuses to talk to him, and nick aknowledges multiple times that "i know he's with his kids but i can't reach him anywhere else".

Benlet sharpie picked up his child as soon as he saw nick to use it as a shield against conversation, or thats my opinion atleast

Adolf Spic-ler is a fucking sex creep into underage cat boys. I'd be picking up my hypothetical kid just to make sure Fuentes couldn't try to run off with and rape him.

Thats a meme but okay.


Also excellent positioning by Ben to use his foid as a barrier between him and his son.

Hey guys, reminder, stop downvoting the lolcows. We get few enough as it is, so stop downvoting this guy ^

but he seems more than willing to talk/debate with anyone

Oh yea

I don't keep up with any of this autism but isn't the whole point of this video that shapiro is avoiding debate with him? or am I missing something here

Ben said that would not debate spic-ler cause that beaner keeps making Jewish jokes

Literally the whole reason for this is that Ben is refusing to debate Nick after smearing him in a 45 minute speech.

Isn’t all he said “why did you give a 45 minute speech about me but can’t even look my direction”?

Why didn’t Shapiro just say get lost I’m with my family? This whole thing is honestly pathetic and the fact that it’s even causing drama is also pathetic

“why did you give a 45 minute speech about me but can’t even look my direction”?

Strange. I didn't hear him say anything in the video. I think his vocal cords are so tiny he produces a high pitched squeaking noise that not everyone can hear.

Well then Ben Shapiro must be able to understand it considering he’s afflicted with the same issue

Won't someone think of the children??

God fucking forbid anyone stop being a selfish douche for two minutes and think of the children.

I Donno Shapiro seems like a pussy here too, I can't imagine my father taking this without yelling at a minimum two slurs at Fuentes

I loved how Ben used his kid as a human shield against mean words.

Do people really watch this Neo Nazi zoomer? 🤔

Conservatives are very diverse

these are the people who tell you that you aren’t white

They're not wrong, large parts of the internet is just non whites having a slap fight over who is less of a shitskin

These pictures tell me that uggos are the real menace

Uggocide (by plastic surgery) when

gettin real sick of you internet racist tough guys besmirching the honorable huffington post due to that picture

everybody with functioning eyes can see they have atleast ONE token negro in the far back left hidden behind the flip.

Fuentes is such a smug cocksucker. I'd really love to see someone beat his ass in public lol.

Good that rightoids finally support punching nazis.

I mean, specifically I just support punching manlets.

You don't have to repeat my comment.

Yeah Hitler was a 5'9 Manlet

Marx 5'9

Hitler 5'9

Lenin 5'5

Stalin 5'3

Chruchill 5'6

We rule the world with an iron fist. Talk shit to the manlets and you'll be put in a camp. We don't fuck around with you tallfags.

We rule the world with an iron fist.

First you have to close out the hentai tabs, wipe the dorito dust off your penis like Dr. Peterson told you to, and make your bed.

Why would we need to do that? That's what tallfags do while we innovate, create, and rule. Just accept the manlet masterrace. No use in denying it.

*head pat*

German suplex right onto your giraffe neck. Our center of gravity makes it so you lanklets can't even compete with us.


Oh right, the guys who let a woman run their country.

Okay, you can talk shit about manlets all you want, but don't you dare get lippy to Hitler granddaughter. That is crossing a fucking line.


Abe Lincoln 6'4 🎩💪

John Wilkes Booth 5'8

The manlet always gets the last laugh.

Ceausescu was 5'6" Tito was 5'7" Mussolini was 5'7" Franco was 5'4" (also a monorchist)

Nazbols up top


Nick Fuentes trying to take the title of "Spic Hitler" from George Zimmerman. Love it.

I do not understand this season of JoJo at all, what's the arc called again, "Heightlets are Unbearable"?

Punctuation goes in quotations, grammarlet.

I'm well aware of the rule, and I choose to flout it. It looks fucking retarded. It would look like I was asking if the title was "Heightlets are Unbearable?" with the punctuation included.

It looks the exact same except for actually being correct.

Next you're going to whip out a dictionary and tell me "akshually black people can be racist too".

Basketball people cant be racist, Bigot. You’re racist for typing with AAVE grammar. It’s not yours, racist.

AAVE is just talking like hick white people did 50 years ago. Prove me wrong.

Why would I? Hicks are simply fried chicken glazed with mayonnaise.



AAVE is based on the Old South accent, it tended to preserve the features of it while actually diverging more from general american. The modern southern accent on the other hand tended to converge with general american. Even people with a "thick" accent today don't sound anything like how southern people talked in videos from like 50 years back. It was thick af.

Black people tend to code switch heavily though, like they'll talk to other black people with really thick AAVE and then turn around to a white person and suddenly they're using general american. The modern southern accent speakers can do the same, it's just not as often. Like modern southern is already a higher prestige accent than AAVE, so they don't adopt general american when talking to black people. People only tend to code switch from a lower prestige accent to a higher prestige one, not the other way around. But if they up north frequently they'll be a lot more conformant, and then when visiting the south the accent comes out.

Black people tend to code switch heavily though, like they'll talk to other black people with really thick AAVE and then turn around to a white person and suddenly they're using general american

Haha! See fellow klansmen, how I ruthlessly parody the paternalistic contempt the leftist has for the negro!

Like modern southern is already a higher prestige accent than AAVE, so they don't adopt general american when talking to black people.

And here I conveniently forget that this is only true when talking to other people from the south. Outside the south, studies have shown that a southern accent is the worst possible accent including AAVE to bring to a job interview. Of course I don't "know" this when I'm in my watermark persona

I hereby issue a fatwa against this annoying wingcuck.

I reported this comment for inciting violence :)

Ok. That's fine. Do you think I care if I lose my free reddit account?

Jannies, help!

I bet your ass gets beat a lot, faggot. If you're so tough then why don't you go beat him yourself you queer?

let's take a chill pill sweaty


Idek what the original comment said but your reply to it is 10/10 seethe

Nickers mad

Picking on little Benjamin because you hate the global elites is like picking on Barron because you hate Trump. SAD!

Anyone with an active Twitter account should do the thing that always gets me muted when I suggest it.

Eating their own lul

How does it feel to be catcalled, Benlet?

I’m glad that sport coats are really making a comeback

Calling this infighting is like calling a black person eating chocolate cannibalism.

Ben Shapiro is a preformance act to demonstrate that there no one on the right that left doesn't advocate for violence against.

He is the model for what the left claims they want a "respectable" person on the right to be, but they want him dead anyway.

I don't even know who the tranny is.

Fuentes is the tranny. You can tell by the overcompensating he does with his rightoidism. Also he is a zoomer manlet whose opinions can thus be swiftly discarded.

Think of how many times the people in this video have tattled on someone to their teachers.

Nigga running around with an army of dudes behind him like a highschool musical villain

Dude calls himself a "groyper" lmao. Did he not think of how close that is to groper? You know, someone who gropes women.

He did think of that, actually. One of the jokes that nick says all the time is that people like ben are getting groyped by our movement, aka raped

What a fucking moron lmao

This guy is really gonna get smacked one day.

Who bitch this is

Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on here? Who is this annoying manlet and why are him and (((him))) beefing?

Benjy dedicated an hour speaking event at a college to ranting about the hispanic white nationalist and his twitter war against tp usa. Since then he has refused to engage with spicolas or debate him, fearing manlet on manlet violence.

hot oily manlet on manlet action.

Seriously what is there to fear?

Lol Ben is an absolute fucking pussy. My dad would may a retarded boomer but at very least he would have cursed him out.

you keep repeating that because you're trying to sound important when you're not

based foid bringing the bantz

So what if he is with his family? He just wanted answers.

Wtf I love this sub even more now!