Murder daddy Mike "cancelled" Boudet temper tantrums a reddit jannie, who looks exactly as you would expect. Boudet (bidet) mad - "prepare for legal war" over janny rights.

1  2019-12-21 by TITUS__-ANDRONICUS-


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Murder daddy Mike "cancelled" Boude... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

That's a lot of work ...for free.

How did this start? The guy who runs the podcast wanted the sub shut down because people were criticising him?

Basically in short, awhile back there was Twitter outrage over some of his behaviour. Did some creepy stuff in dms I think. But mostly just saying edgy shit that got lots of Twittertards fuming. His main sponsor or platform or whatever shoved him so he took his bat and ball, got some random woman to host the podcast and took off for little.

He's back now and has habbit of being a pretty smug host with little stabs at all the Twitter drama being anti """sjw""". He is pure cringe but so are the hysterical cancel crowd.

Now the swordandscale subreddit seeeeths about him. Every episode sees some sort of big brain critique. It's fucking hilarious.

I guess I gotta side with the reddit jannie then (🤢). It's not illegal to start a subreddit.

That is the way of radical centrism - sometimes one side is simply more retarded than the other.

It should be tho