Imagine dating one of these foids holy shit.

1  2019-12-21 by TeeEssDoubleU


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Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Imagine dating one of these foids h... -,

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That's an interesting suggestion!

It's like fighting a forest fire by burning some of the overgrowth, but with fucking men in the ass 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Not being able to ping is the greatest crime.

Are they masturbating to this or just crazy?

She better be fucking his brains out with all this effort she's putting in to not let him coom on his own. If not they're both pathetic.


theres no way that this isnt just some elaborate femdom chastity fetish

also i thought paying for porn was the most pathetic thing, but imagine paying to NOT watch porn

Do it. My husband, after monitoring his access, just used burner devices, or made a trip to the gym. I track his car, and he has to declare what he is doing at the gym and take a video of him doing it. It is worth it.


Why? Porn is an addiction like any other, and it’s helpful to keep him honest.

Because if you have to resort to all that to keep your marriage going you have a shitty relationship and your husband is a total bitch pushover. It’s pathetic that we would even allow that.

You two will never truly be happy. You’re insane.

Also I really hope you fuck his brains out in every way possible every night because of not, Jesus Christ he has a terrible life. You know what I think? You’re either unattractive or fat (or both) and you don’t and can’t sexually satisfy him. You also can’t leave him because you’ll never find another man.

“You two will never be happy” I saw him as happy as ever when I started tracking his car. Porn addiction stops you from feeling those emotions.

“You’re either unattractive or fat” 220 pounds at 5’4” is fat?

Yes, medically an ideal weight at that height is 108-132 pounds.

I have a lot of muscle for my age group.

You’d have to be obscenely ripped to be nearly 100 pounds overweight and not be fat and I’m going to have to doubt that’s what’s going on here.

I go to the gym 2-3 times a week and you’re doubtful?

Arnold Schwarzenegger weighed 235 for his bodybuilding contests at 6’4”, unless you're more heavily muscled than that I’m going to have to say fat. Good on you for working on your health though, keep it up.

I’m perfectly healthy as is. And we’re getting sidetracked. It doesn’t matter my weight, tracking my husband’s car isn’t a bad thing in this case.

Nah it’s fucking creepy lol.

arnie wasn't 6'4 lol

This is supremely embarrassing

For you or for me

For you? Why would I be embarrassed by your faggotry?


You must be fucking with everyone. Are you joking? You have a BMI of about 37, which is disgustingly obese. That’s only “normal” in the trashiest wastelands of the American Southeast.

I’m sorry to say it, but your husband’s problem with porn is absolutely not his fault.

As a dramanaut, I am both fucking with everyone and have a disgustingly obese BMI.


On the plus side, these bitches can get a job as a network admin. Seriously they're talking about setting up routers and using image analysis software rofl.

Their moxie might be something inspiring for another group of people who may one day need to learn to code.

Journalists are too apathetic, otherwise they would have found another job by then. 90% of their job is just copying AP wires.

Imagine spending that much money on an insecurity - oh wait foids spend billions of dollars a year on make up, that’s really easy to imagine.

Holy shit these dudes have such bad coomer brain they have to be monitored like a child with hyper Christian parents. And these chicks go all NSA on them too. This is just pathetic all around

This si what dating internet jannie looks like

For context my husband did relapse to suggestive YouTube content several months ago

Y'all ever get ERECT while watching youtube?

Yea those Elsa gate videos bruh 🤤🤤

I jerk off to HowToBasic

There's a certain thrill in finding that deeply hidden "educational" internal pov vid or some obscure asian softcore from a movie.

I could just go on PH, but where's the fun in that?


Watch Steve1989MREinfo and tell me you wouldn’t

“Let’s get this onto a tray”



Only if it's instant coffee type II

Bro lawncarenut mows the cleanest stripes hnnngg

watch Netflix and Hulu

It may not be porn but the witcher has a fair amount of tits and a couple of sex scenes. And a lot of other TV series don't shy away from showing tits. Remember kids: It's not porn it's HBO.

You have to get through the bad parts though

Like that matters to them. There was a thread on this sub of a foid that trained her coomer moid to stop watching TV and look down in shame every time a nude scene came on.

netflix is full of artsy lesbian "films" that are really just porn.

Imagine jumping through all those hoops to hold on to a damaged pervert.

Ok femcel

No I just don't get it, if she's not ok with porn and he wants to watch it. Why are they together?

i mean i agree, she should dump him, i get the idea most of these broads can't be too picky for some reason of another, or alternatively, they just get off on their weird dynamic where they control everything they look at and monitor their every move.

like they go to insane levels and basically become fucking IT experts in order to install filters and spy programs, one chick in the comments of this thread literally talks about setting up cameras around her house to spy on him if he watches porn.

like these foids are just nuts and it goes way beyond their partners having an addiction, it's some weird controlling fetish idk.

I've dated a man who was a porn addict. It's one of those things you aren't told about before agreeing to date. If the information had been known, I would have said no. Another problem is most of his sexual information came from porn. He happened to watch BDSM porn. Imo I don't think it's appropriate to do porn sex in rl unless the women is already into it. Because those women are getting paid and regular women are told to do it because we like or "love" the guy, doesn't add up. It's a rip off.

I just stopped having sex with him and ended up dumping him.. I'd never go as far as the women in this sub. There's not enough "love" in the universe.

I didn't know this sub existed. It takes a certain desperation to install things and check.. it's like having a child around. It's just easier to break up with someone vs the effort they put in..yeah maybe it's a control fetish and maybe they have abandonment issues related to their fathers. However they fail to realize that guy already picked the screen over them..they also believe it's because they're not attractive enough. Oh you can look better than a porn star have implants and everything going on, believe me... won't matter.

You can't ask for a traditional relationship while being non traditional.


This comment is further proof that Islam is 100% correct about women.

I was overseas with Muslim refugees, I looked in ones history in his phone. Tons of porn. So.......

I understand your sentiments and the dumping if someone is genuinely addicted to porn. It’s pathetic and disgusting.

However, many women over there are against even moderate or sparse porn viewing. They see it as comparable to cheating, which is insane to me.

It's unreasonable to not want to date a man who watches porn "occasionally"? Men have certain expectations of women, why can't women have a certain standard as well.

I'll be honest a man watching porn, it makes it feel like it's not a serious relationship. It's the reason women are cheating more on men. So they can keep watching it and keep getting cheated on.. or don't date.

of course you can have all the expectations you want in your relationships. It is not only reasonable, it’s healthy to reaffirm what is right for yourself.

I just find the prevalence of this sentiment among women strange, as a man.

It’s not that big of a deal. I believe masturbation (even with porn viewing) to be healthy when it isn’t rotting your brain with addiction AND it doesn’t creep into real sex.

I think this way probably because I’m a man and I don’t have to deal with the coomers like that Muslim guy you mentioned in your comment.

Btw, women watch porn too. This is anecdotal, but those I’ve met that were open about it were more liberal with sex and more open with discussing what they like in bed. This might sound judgmental because it probably is, but I’ve come to the conclusion that the jihad some women enact on porn is a form of insecurity, both with their body and their performance in bed.

I never mentioned cheating and porn. I forgot to mention when it was known he was a porn addicted. For whatever reason in my head I wanted to fuck other men. But not before knowing. Men watching porn is almost like "well I'm done with you" so biologically in my head I wanted to move on.

I'm not going to be the warm hole, available, then the test subject of whatever he watched. Why? I can masterbate and make my own money, not sure why he would be around to watch porn and recreate it with me. That's just an annoyance.

Yes women watch porn too, about 20% and most are lesbians.. which is why the most searched term for women who watch porn is lesbians. Nothing could be more normal. The top viewed porn for men is teen, rape, BDSM. There is even some for feet, shit, piss, armpits, farts, vomit, grannies. On and on and on.

Now there's some idiot here now on this thread, defending porn and he posted about women fucking dogs in the past.

Just a big fat fuckin no on sex with men and marriage or whatever.. nobody has time for this shit.


I'll be honest a man watching porn, it makes it feel like it's not a serious relationship. It's the reason women are cheating more on men. So they can keep watching it and keep getting cheated on.. or don't date.

that's what you wrote. what do you mean with "women are cheating more" then?

if people are harassing you, stop answering and they'll go away. there are some nasty fuckers running around here.

I'm not going to be the warm hole, available, then the test subject of whatever he watched. Why? I can masterbate and make my own money, not sure why he would be around to watch porn and recreate it with me. That's just an annoyance.

...why is that the only option? it's so strange it's fascinating: I know a lot of women believe the same as you do. A man that watch porn and a man that cares about you and cherishes you both phisically and emotionally can be the same person, you know.

Do you think there are men that don't do it?

That's why I believe women are cheating more, due to my own reaction in my head. Women are cheating more than they ever have in history. Idk what else it could be. But yes him watching so much porn made me want other men.

Nobody is harassing me, I'm talking about those friendly small talks from male strangers..who are pretending that's why he is there. They'll always get rejected. I'd do the honest man who admitted why he was talking to me instead of that shit.

Only option for what? Like why can't he watch porn and be a good bf? That's what I'm thinking if it's no big deal like men say why can't you stop.

Idk about other women or their reasons. For me I lose respect for them..they seem out of control and essentially weak. Something about them not being able to stop themselves is a turn off. Because I can control myself, I look at them as less. And I can't be turned on or like a man who o look at as a weak loser.

Thank you for your answers, it's been... enlighting.

There is some faulty logic in your argument, i.e. you equate the refusal of following your requests to the incapability of doing it, and it's not the same at all.

Other than that, have a nice day. I hope you find a strong man that suits your preferences.

I forget to mention another guy. He had homemade porns with other women after we were dating. Do you know what happened? I laughed in his face and left. He seemed like he wanted me to cry or react in a way he expected for a "woman" you are supposed to laugh at jokes right. He came back 10 year's later, said he was going through bad thing and was going to be homeless soon. I then laughed at him again.

woooooooooooooooow, that sounds like IRL Dennis from IASIP

I guess, as I said earlier, as a etherosexual man I don't get to see that side of people that much. I have some stories on women as well, (and some are strange) but nothing compared to THAT. wth. Did he show them to you willingly or did you find out on your own?

I guess I can see where your comments on weakness come from.

Lol I found them on my own, of course. Another thing I'm majorly into my health. Once I read that you can get throat, tongue, cervical, vagina, cancer(HPV), blood cancer (rarely) can be passed sexually. The answer was simple, and I read a lot of men talk about pregnancy, how it was an accident and are anti abortion but don't want it. I've never been pregnant or on birth control. There have been condoms errors where I used plan B. But I've always told guys I wasn't on birth control and condoms need to be used. Almost all of them besides a surgeon. Protested against using condoms! Knowing I wasn't on birth control. Idk why people are acting like STDs aren't around. Then they expect the woman to be raw dogged, but all they've said is they've done it with other girls unprotected. My favorite is "I'm clean I don't see anything on myself". There is literally a mini fight about how it's ok not to use them and it doesn't feel "as good". Risk after risk to be pressured for their benefit.

So truthfully, when I found them, I was just worried about STDs. Not worried about whatever else. It's weird when women find those and say things like "how could you" but aren't worried about STDs. It doesn't seem like good self preservation to make emotions the number one priority in that situation. The answer to why he did it is simple. If he gave you something isn't so simple. Then the waiting for the results. Sex is just dangerous now.


it's funny when foids go on about BDSM and rape when, when that shit is usually one of the top fetishes for women lol. like i'm not really into that sort of stuff at all but the only time i did it irl was at the woman's request.

It's not unreasonable it just unrealistic. I don't know a man who doesn't at least "occasionally" watch porn. I know a lot of men who'd like to their girlfriends about it because they are pussies or care about sex more than her boundaries.

Your best bet is a guy who's religious to the point where God overrides their masturbatory urges, but most women aren't happy to deal with everything else that comes with that.

It's just one of those things that will ultimately lead to unhappiness. It's a hope that men aren't the way they are and it's odd that so many women are hung up on it.

Umm sorry not even religious men. Christian men have some of the highest rates of porn addiction in the country. It's not the 1950's anymore, maybe back then they were safe. The internet has shown true colors.

Most men don't have empathy for women, then the porn makes it worse by decreasing the grey matter. I'm not going to explain the function of that in the brain, it's related. Many different personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder also have low levels of grey matter just to give you an idea what that means for porn addicts. Makes sense when they use manipulation and don't care about what their "love" needs.

And I don't believe men are meant to be monogamous, everything says no. Nothing wrong with that, it's just how it is. But society has made it that way so long. That's the standard and expectation. All men ideally would be much happier if they had the freedom to be what they've always been. Not that they'd get everyone they'd attempt. At the same time, no woman should sign up to be a stand in mother for men as her life. Humans aren't monogamous, it doesn't work, nobody is happy, it's pointless. People are essentially calling their hormones love and I almost can't stand communicating with men or women anymore because the way they see thing's is something from a Disney movie.

It's the reason women are cheating more on men.

Foids and aversion to accountability, name a more iconic duo

What's your explanation for the amount of women cheating now. It wasn't like that in the past?

It wasn't like that in the past

Sexual 👏 liberation 👏 revolution 👏 spearheaded 👏 by 👏 women


What's your point, I literally just said humans weren't monogamous.

The problem is men want sexual freedom with anyone. But want one woman to themselves as a safe measure/ mother replacement. Men lack empathy for what they do to women, while having a sensitive ego when a woman wants a different dick. Well pick your position. It's not a time where everything you want is law and everything women want is them being dramatic or whatever other label you'd like to slap on. The entire thread was filled with manipulation and what I call the "lifetime" movies lines, where some men take the soft approach of what it's ok for them to do something regardless of what the woman they're with wants. Really doesn't fly with a woman who has less emotions then men.

If men watch porn it means they want other women, that's logic. Why don't they remain single and sleep around.

Lmao this bitch going overseas to spy on Muslim phones for porn. Your like the Claire Danes of anti-coomers

Yes I went over there to spy in Muslims phones. That's exactly the reason I went. Run along now and watch women you'll never have.

Why the fuck else would you go there? You don't seem like a mentally stable person

I'm glad you commented here, you're living proof. You've posted about women fucking dogs in the past, I just saw it. I mean......... you've proved my point.



Or you're so uninteresting and bad at sex that he'd rather beat off to some pixels than touch you

Who's he? You think you're in a porn again? I don't know what you're talking about, I don't think you do either.. I'm glad whatever I wrote triggered you, you weak little bitch.


Foid intelligence on full display lmao

Imagine thinking setting up rudimentary filtering is IT expertise.



if she's not ok with porn and he wants to watch it. Why are they together?

Because most of these women at least understand they can't get a better man anyway. And I binged on this sub one evening and saw all sorts of crazy women one thinks wearing stockings is a porn-grade experience, and another says she's so hurt her husband is watching skinny women with silky long hair, because she's fat and has very short hair, because having hair in 2019 is apparently too much effort for her when you have 2 kids. It is wrong to generalize but for a large chunk of these women, they are the reason their husbands are porn addicts. Quite frankly, they don't deserve any better, and maybe subconsciously they know it.

Lmao, fine better question, why are the men with these disgusting fat controlling women?

Probably they can't do better either, specially now that they are addicted to pornography and developed an aversion to real life relationships.

Well nowadays, they are becoming addicted to it long before they ever enter a relationship. The person I mentioned before in my wall of text. He was introverted and wasn't a virgin but never had a real gf, and watched porn since age 12, I met him when he was 23. The damaged had long been done. I'm 5'10 145lbs, 32-23-36 and I've been told I look like Adriana Lima, no kids. So don't say it's because women are fat and ugly in most cases. I've only met one European man, who was self aware enough to say he stopped watching porn. Even though he wasn't in a relationship because it was starting to make him respect women less.

There are studies that show viewing porn overtime decreases grey matter in the brain. I didn't even mention that in the past decade women have been going into the ER at high rates for sexual related injury. Not from a stranger or rapist but their boyfriend's or husband's. Come on. Yet men will get defensive and rage like any junkie for their drug. Sorry but the average American man has shown he doesn't love women he loves getting off. The cats out of the bag. Also I find American men to be really bad in bed, I'm American but you can tell they're getting their tips from porn on how to please women, it's so off and disgusting words can't express. It's traumatic, to the point of when men approach me my stomach turns. I haven't had sex in 2 year's, I just won't have sex with men who watch porn anymore.

Now men expect it within weeks of meeting them. Partly because of the easy girls they've experienced giving it up the first week. They really don't know the difference between a slut and a regular woman. In their minds we're all sluts because we all have pussies. Some of us happily have withdrawn from this whole scene and regret nothing. No reason to miss sex when it was never good and only bad porn moves. I'm shocked some women still willingly get married and have kids with men, I truly am I can't even fathom ever allowing that mistake to happen over a word.


No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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Men like sexual novelty. They always have, they always will. It is the reason porn exists and is so popular. Before porn, we had harems, mistresses and brothels. Having a pair of 5s to fuck at will is better than a 10.

If women want a real idea of the average man's attitude to sex, take a look at the gay community. This is how men want sex to work. You run into a passably attractive stranger and within half an hour you are balls deep in them.

That is exactly how easy men wish it was to get sex. In reality, the vast majority of our sexual attraction arises with neutral feelings towards the character of the target of these feelings (sometimes even negative).

This is all separate from feelings of love.

I have looked at the gay male community, it also shows how out of control things can get when it's only men making the sexual choices. The HIV rates are astounding.

they simultaneously believe

  1. they need to have a man by their side (either for money, or emotional support, or appearances)

  2. all men are disgusting perverts

Moving on to another man doesn't help. It probably took them years to find their current betacucks, most men won't go along with that kind of treatment.

being gay sounds better and better with each passing year.

Minus being a soulless degenerate with AIDS, of course

user reports:
1: sex negativity

I guarantee all these women read erotic fiction.

How beta do you have to be to be OK with moving in with some girl who monitors your TV behavior. jfc

Dude married his mom

Imagine letting a foid control you 🤣🤣🤣🤣

What the fuck is covenant eyes? Is this like one of those eye tracker things?

it's a nanny filter you put on your pc so your kids can't watch porn lol

these are the foids that control their bf and then go out swinging at the bars on a "girls night out"