Fragile Mayos mad some foid won't have white children

1  2019-12-21 by RedditModsEatMyAss


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This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Fragile Mayos mad some foid won't h... -,

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Mixed race people are some of the most attractive individuals due to the mix of features, change my mind

Pause. I’ve seen a lot of babies. 70% of mixed kids are ugly as fuck, but only because their parents are. You have to be attractive AND exotic to get those points. Otherwise you just look like a mixed potato.

Imagine caring so much about who someone you don’t even know had a kid with.

"You're betraying the white race if you don't have children with me!" is one of the more unusual pick-up lines I've heard. I wonder if it's ever worked.

That’s a line straight out of Always Sunny

Yea that's were I saw it first lol

Isn't that the sub where they make fun of people for not having kids? Guess they meant pure bread white children only

White people are gonna die out, huh?


These white genocide idiots are retarded but this mayo foid posts in exmormon. Imagine picking your baby daddy's race just to own your fundie parents.

Are you saying she has no reason to get on with a non white other than to own her parents epic style? 🤔

Just as most mayo moids get with non-mayos to abuse their mayo priviledge, most mayo foids get with non-mayos to get back at daddy.



holy shit the mayo cope 😂😂😂

Exactly. Race is a social construction based on visual heuristics. It’s meaningless, yet remains impactful because humanity is stupid.

These are big words for a dumb dumb

Burn the coal, pay the coal