Retards fight in /r/MoreTankieChapo.

1  2019-12-21 by zsfh


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Retards fight in /r/MoreTankieChapo... -,

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It must be a day that ends in y

I honestly don't even know what these commies want. I don't even think they know what they want.

You can call ancaps crazy all you want and rightly so, but at least they have a concrete vision of the society they want and can answer even the very spesific questions about it. OTOH not even the academic commies know what kind of society they envision.

I listened to this audio from Chomsky from the 70s or some shit and his ideal anarcho commie society was that everyone would have a job and all the awful jobs would be done by machines and we'd get together at the end of the night and blow each other by the fire. Sounded kinda nice actually, except for the impossibility of it all.

OTOH not even the academic commies know what kind of society they envision.

Temporarily embarrassed commissars.

Aside from killing all the people who called them nasty troids, they don't have any further thoughts.

Tbf troids would be killed in an actual communist uprising for being capitalist degenerates.

At the very least, they would be forced to take their medicine and stop crossdressing. There were a bunch of studies in the 90s about using bupropion, pimozide, etc. to cure crossdressing and troidism.

Conveniently commie troids pretend these don't exist, or are debunked.


How will they achieve it ? They don't know yet.

All extremism is rooted in the same base human desires. A nazi and a bolshevik will play off of these to gain followers. As will a cultist or a missionary.

They want to simultaneously feel superiority, belonging, and purpose. Because they are sorely lacking in all three.

Existentialism and self awareness are a bug in human programming. Some choose to exploit it, while the enlightened choose to revel in it.


Why do tankies even need to read "theory"? Afterall all they have to do is repeat these sentences:

  1. U.S.S.R., Cuba, Venezuela was/is actually pretty good

  2. [If someone say some bad thing happened in [insert socialist country]], "It's CIA/Nazi propoganda"

  3. Under capitalism 50 million people die every year

  4. U.S.S.R., Mao's China, Venezuela, Cuba etc. were not real communism

  5. Soviets fought fascism!

There. If you can repeat these things then you are a perfect communist.

Do you have a non-imperialist source for that claim?

I want to see an unbiased source like the publications of socialist governments 😤😤

Post hog,chud

Why do tankies even need to read "theory"?

Modern academia teaches us that sources validate arguments.

My cynical experience in that evironment has taught me that nobody is getting paid enough to check the sources.

Furthermore the assertion the subjectivity reigns supreme is an idea that pervades contemporary discourse.

What does this mean? Well in simplest terms it means that I can use The Lorax to justify my extreme disposition towards eco terrorism. So long as I cite my source as:

T.S. Geisel (1971) Lorax, The, Random House Publications, 30-64

Nobody will look up my source. And even if they do, everything is subjective and I still get my degree, lmao.

  1. Yes, but you forgot china, dprk etc. The only "not good" communist state was pol pots Cambodia because he was cia
  2. I mean yeah, definitely the former, western media has a vested interest in people not being communist lmao
  3. Yes
  4. Ehhhh depends on who you were talking to. Either way they are much better then the current western society
  5. Uh yeah? Obviously. Are you saying this is not true?

This thread is so funny lmao. I absolutely will not engage with the content of it but the drama is awesome

The only voice of reason.

Regardless of how pure his ideology may be, OP was actually trying to do something to make the world “better” , at least in their view. And 99.9% of the faggots calling him a petit bourgeois utopian etc are all lame faggots who sit on reddit all day long as if that’s what Marx would want them doing lmao.

“Read theory”

Get off Reddit faggot

Read theory Making memes about papa Stalin.

Also lol I had a look at their sidebar.

No Settler Nonsense If you call decolonization “ethno-nationalism,” or anything similar, you’re going to get flaired as a settler real fuckin’ quick. Fuck off colonizer.

It's not enough to just be retarded, you need to be every flavour of retarded.

it's funny how that same rule seems to never apply to Europe 🤔

Decolonization of Europe? That’s already happening as the colonies are taken the nation’s back.


Fuck off colonizer.

I prefer the term conquistador tbh. 😳


Doing what OP proposes and buying a farm and run it as a collective is easily the most achievable thing proposed on that subreddit, and the tards there are calling it Utopia

Like I have no faith in OP having the funds or will to go through with it, but you've got a bunch of fat neets talking about "gay space communism" and calling it impossible to be a socialist farmer

is easily the most achievable thing proposed on that subreddit, and the tards there are calling it Utopia

Utopia as used by communists and """communists""" is not the definition you are familiar with.

impossible to be a socialist farmer

I mean, you can be a socialist farmer but some society of co-ops and collectives would not be anything other than capitalist.

buying a farm and run it as a collective

How are they supposed to run a farm if 5 of them are going to comissars, 16 card carrying party members and the rest are going to design uniforms? It's basically utopia !

So these retards are the ones who are supposed to start a revolution in States?


You cant elect a run of the mill old, straight and white socdem as president, ya twats.

Commie infighting is always great

When is chapocels fighting each other not retarded? They are just honoring the long tradition of communist infighting!

Communists fighting eachother is about as relevant as geeks arguing about Star Wars.

Reddit lefties get really upset over nothing at all, it's great. I had some weirdo with 80k posts within one year try and shame me for posting in conservative/'transphobic' subs out of nowhere.

He acted like he was doing some noble deed trying to shittalk me, it was great.