Vape nation in shambles at the federal smoking and vaping age is raised to 21

1  2019-12-21 by Kaiser-romulus


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pizzashill on suicidewatch

Current age is still too high for a diddler like him

-1 wow pizza defense force is lit

Do they ever stop????

fucking nerds i can imagine they have a siren and light that goes off in their mothers basement alerting them someone is posting the facts on PS

The PDF is really in full force today. No one on this sub gets defended as much as pizza. Really makes you think doesn’t it.

I think I’ve heard of those PDF things, they’re pedofiles right?


Lmao look at how many redditors are literal children. No wonder this website is so fucking stupid


I was able to get 5 majors and a masters with my VA benefits (though I admit this isn’t typical) off of 3 years of service. It’s true it was one way out of poverty, but it came with some high costs to me as well. It’s so sad this is one of very few ways out. I try to talk any female out of joining.

If you are going to bullshit...go all out...

Man, fuck these kids. If it takes raising the age to 21 so I can have my Monster Energy flavored vape juice so be it.

yeah, vaping is one of those technologies that had such a potential to solve a serious societal problem run into the ground by idiots.

First it was subie driving retards blowing fog machine sized clouds everywhere, getting it banned everywhere. Then Zoomers chainsmoking high power juuls from the age of 12, and finally braindead stoners 'vaping' cannibis oil rather than water based juices, and filling their lungs with wax.

Actually between that and the fagbacco lobby; surprised it hasnt been blanket banned tbh.

Altria (Marlboro) owns a large share of Juul. Reynolds American (Camel) owns Vuse. Tobacco lobby wants vapes to stay.

Altria isn't Marlboro, it's Phillip Morris.


Philip Morris USA is the United States tobacco division of Altria Group.

I'm not sure if that makes a difference, not that smart.

tobacco lobby wants more regulations tho

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Vape nation in shambles at the fede... -,

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Damn how have I not heard this news until now?

Sucks to be a young tobacco user I guess

It’s ‘uooser’

Seriously, why am I first reading about this on /r/drama, why was this not in the news?

Imagine thinking that there is a better place to go for news than r/drama. New fags out out out

-Self-described longtimer, Kaiser-romulus

Bitch I’ve been here like six years

Fuck you, I was reading /r/drama back when SRD was the edgier, funnier sub. It's pretty much the only way I consume reddit anymore. But still, haven't seen a peep about this on Google News or Fox News or anywhere...

back when SRD was the edgier, funnier sub.

In hindsight this feels like a fucking fever dream now lmao.

Like I said. Imagine thinking there is a better source for news than r/drama. Can you not read?


I’d rather have pizzaneet here than you.

Where is pizza? Haven't heard from him recently

Serious question - when exactly did r/Drama transition from being a faggy SRD-lite to being a shitlording sub?

I found out about Christchurch shooting here lol

I googled it and it’s all over the news apparently. Idk how I missed it

Because it was the libs who pushed for it and reddit will never talk I’ll of the libs

Imagine ignoring the quotes in the article from democratic senators who have been pushing for this since 2015.

boomers gonna boomer

Fucking nanny state libs

If I want to give myself cancer at 18 thats my goddamn right ✊✊✊

That being said the youngcel seethe is always welcome

It's my God given right to get a double lung transplant at age 16 because I am addicted to Chinese bootleg THC vapes

Actually, yeah it is.

Yes it was a compromise after trump was impeached they got the trade deal done too which is strange because they impeached him but after they asked for smoking to be raised to 21 because 1/4th of all zoomers vape and it's an epidemic. He also got an extra 1.5b for the wall, and uhh repealed cadillac tax on health plans, creates the space force officially, federal 12 week parental leave, troops a raise and the patriot act was unfortunately renewed. So overall fairly gay with some sapceshit and cope .

Cool link.

"yeah hello is this the based police? I would like to report an incident"


Okay, the libs are great.

Too much 🐎 not enough 👟

Eh, if I could get packs of Turkish Royals when I was 14 these zoomers can find a way to get their vapeshit before 21.

Shit, my 15 year old nephew got suspended for having a Juul in class, so if that motherfucker can find a way to nab one no one else has any excuse.


Didn’t you feel like such a sophisticate smoking Turkish blends?

Why don’t you homos just smoke a cigarette?

Sucks to be a young tobacco user I guess

Not as much as it sucks to be an old tobacco user?

Who the fuck smokes tobacco anymore?

What do you think is in all thise flavored juul pods every zoomer is sucking on?

Future steps: Raise the of adulthood, further raise the age of allowance to do this, and access the internet

What should the age to watch and do coomer films be?

Current research indicates ~ 25-28.

But still in question.

Our rights are disappearing

Show me in the constitution where it says you have the right to vape. The goverment got all these kids hooked on vape now theyre banning it. It is an obvious distraction from the real issue where our rights are ACTUALLY disappearing: the second amendment.

Imagine unironically citing the document that allowed foids to vote

Yes because 18-20 year olds are "kids." Fucking moron.

The only argument against that is that they can fight and die for their country but lets be real most of them are cooming and getting ready to watch the next capeshit, while simultaneously being unable to form natural and healthy relationships.

Another argument is that it's retarded:

in a provision aimed at curbing a surge in underage vaping.

They're passing this law because they think it'll prevent minors from starting vaping but this law has no effect on minors, only 18-20 year olds.

They should rather do something that actually affects kids, like executing any minor who is caught vaping.

Banning 18 year olds from buying vapes would probably affect minors. It prevents kids who are still in high school from being able to purchase and then give them to other kids at school. That's why a couple countries upped their legal drinking age to 19.

Then they'll just buy them from the 21 year old druggie orbiter who still hangs around his old high school.

Such a retard argument, the point is less people will vape because it is still more difficult to get them.

Not sure if you've ever been a teenager but they find a way to do stupid shit.

My point is do you think more teenagers would drink if they could go buy liquor from the corner store at 14 or if they had to convince someone 21 to buy it for them. Either way they'll drink but some won't want to go through the process of doing something illegal/having a middle man. No one should say that it will solve the problem but it does make it a bit better.

Maybe, but since the person above with a way to solve the problem had their comment deleted, I instead propose simply keeping all teenagers in monitored cages with a steady supply of Fortnite and TikTok.

You don't need cigarettes to blow up Afghans

Wow, you are mad.

Most 20 - 30 olds are fucking children if box office numbers are anything to go by.

everyone under 30 is a kid

Something doesn't need to be on the constitution for it to be a right you retard. The constitution is just meant to protect your rights or enforce your obligations at the highest level.

Technically anything that restricts what you can do or obligates what you must do is a restriction to rights.

shut up commie go back to europe

I'm going to have to stand my ground and call you retarded again

doesnt matter if I am retarded I am still right. youre wrong in an argument with a retard how does that feel?

You aren't, that's why I called you retarded to begin with.

the second amendment on the constitution would beg to differ

I bet

I just realized you were being serious when you said

Technically anything that restricts what you can do or obligates what you must do is a restriction to rights

This is by far the most retarted take on rights I have ever seen. This may be the case if youre an anarchist under the age of 20 or using the defenition to the most liberal extreme but it essentially shits on the entire history and philosophy of what a right is and is not. I would love to see your metric for defening what a right is.

The simplest definition is what you can do without repercussions from government. They encompass your liberty.

There are more philosophical definitions you can apply, but it becomes completely subjective.

The simplest definition is what you can do without repercussions from government.

Every single definition of the word "right" you can find does not even mention the word governmet. Rights are certain entitlements that you're born with. The only thing the government has to do with rights is that they do not violate them or that they guarentee them.

There are more philosophical definitions you can apply, but it becomes completely subjective

Great way to try to hide the fact that you dont know what a right is

you automatically think that a restriction on rights must have a negative connotation

My first comment was not serious but thanks for thinking it was

Seems how you are too retarded to even look up the definition on Wikipedia before writing a ton of retarded shit, here:

Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory.

Seems how you are too retarded to even look up the definition on Wikipedia before writing a ton of retarded shit, here:

Lol thanks for showing me that you have zero knowledge about what you are talking about. You unironically used wikipedia for a complicated and nuanced topic. Even the entry you used stated this. But let's go with your definition for a minuet and get back to what I quoted

everything is a right until the government says no

Socially and ethically you would be wrong. You can do anything that's allowed by the government and it will still be considered a non-right both ethically and socially. Legally you're only right if you take a look at the law and the reason las exists at an incredibly basic way so congrats on that. You also didn't read the full entry go back and do that.

Also you know my first comment was not meant to be taken serious, what exactly are you trying to prove with all this?

That I was right that you are a retard if initially for the wrong reason.


It’s the in thing to say you have a “right” to something that you really don’t.

The government is refusing to acknowledge the existence of vape people, violating their basic human rights.

Well excuse me I thought this was America

GTFO of this sub, Nazi incel. The REAL amendment that is at risk is the 19th


Did you just fucking downvote me? Man up and answer the fucking question bitch boi

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t upvote or downvote anyone.

Radically centrist and based as usual. Oh Kaiser, you're so inspirational and angelic. Pls fuck my sister

Tell her to call me up

She only communicates via FB messenger

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I downvoted you whatchu gonna do about it ?

Idk prob go watch troon porn

I don’t vape or smoke and hate the activity but this is still pretty bullshit

ok zoomer


Ok doomer

9th amendment gang RISE up!

The second amendment is a meme. Change my mind.

Edit: thought so, guntards

I dont have to change your mind. Read the constitution

Why should I? If YOU care about it, then YOU go read it

Theirs multiple supreme court dissertations you could be reading right now.

Yeah fuck off




Why you gotta be so mean?

Guntards don’t deserve respect

Do retards? Because I sincerely hope your caregivers and tenders give you the care and attention so that you can live as full and happy a life as you are capable of.

That’s funny because I hope his caregivers pinch him and call him a fag

Your mum is my caretaker and she slobs on my downie dick daily

Lol meme or not, the guntards can kill you at will no matter how low their iq

the second amendment.

This violates my 3rd Amendment rights.

If they said constitutional rights this wouldn’t be a braindead take

my comment wasnt serious but since there are people that think it is please tell me your metric for defining a right and how vaping falls under it

my comment wasn’t serious

argues point


If only they could weaponize vapes so they would be covered by the second amendment

Addictcel zoomers in shambles

How else are people going to find the high school and college cool kids/sluts now?!?!

If she smokes, she pokes

It never even began for zoomers.


Just raise the age of legal adulthood to 21 already.


Vape Nysh

This would be terrible Jews if I was a degenerate that was afflicted with various vices.

Zoomers mad.

Old enough to die, old enough to douche.

Imagine still smoking or vaping at the age of 18

burgerland things


On one hand this is a ridiculous and retarded overreach of federal power, but on the other hand vapers deserve far far worse.

Guntards don’t deserve respect

Good news it doesn't take effect until Sept. Bad news is - fuck all those people between 18-21 that already smoke I guess? Don't worry, the pharmaceutical industry will be there to help ween you off.

I will grandfather anyone in that has previously purchased from us. Might have to use PP or something.

Let’s be honest, this won’t stop anything. Do you think underage kids obtain cigs and vapes legally anyway? All it will do is make them buy it illegally from a friend, or online for 3 more years.