God I love Billie Eilish

1  2019-12-21 by Misissipi

Isn’t it weird how we all know she’s going to go down in history and we had the opportunity to be alive at a time to watch her grown from Ocean Eyes to Bad Guy and witness her prime. I always felt like I missed out on watching the greatest artists become recognized like The Beatles, Prince, Queen, and many more. But I had the privilege to watch Billie Eilish BECOME BILLIE EILISH. Just think about that.


I'm just waiting for when she inevitably goes the slutty pop star route now that she's 18

I now realize there were probably hordes of people who grew up with Elvis and never once gave a shit about him.

"Elvis got more ass than a toilet seat"--Elvis employee. Also irrelevant factor to chicks, so she'll probably OD while her brother who wrote the songs dies happy.

What's the over under on when she is gunna OD?


That's easy money on the under.

Eh, zoomers don't respect the classics, hammer the over.


What's the over/under of her showing her huge milkers to stay relevant?


I got 24 for x2.


I've gained a newfound respect for this one.


I'd only barely heard of her, and just knew she was a child, but didn't know that she be somebody worth listening to.

In reading about her, I also have seen that she's regularly dressing in such a way as to be different and not be sexualixed. That demonstrates a level of maturity and skill that is rare.

Somebody can do something for 10,000 hrs and still be incompetent at it.

She seems like someone who did 10,000 of something.

It aint music tho'

She has the Amy Whinehouse look.

So talent with like 6/10 looks 🤔

6/10 drops? lol You would label a junkie a 6/10. :D

She was 6/10 before the meth.

Ya but she gets paid though

I hope she keeps the look where it counts most

IV heroin track marks?

Being a corpse

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. God I love Billie Eilish - archive.org, archive.today

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Ocean eyes is a great song 😍

That her brother wrote

She dressed up as Jolyne once even though she claims it was a coincidence, so she can't be all bad

Even if this is a joke I hate you for saying it

there's no way she makes it to 30. She already looks like a hard 30.