Study finds 56% of Beef Lynchers choose to defecate in public despite having a toilet in their home.

1  2019-12-22 by SkrrtSkrrtMyDickHurt


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Study finds 56% of Beef Lynchers ch... -,

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It is not time to lay down nor look down.

It is time to rise.

Battlefield, they put women in it.

Resident Evil, they destroyed it.

Mass Effect, they ruined it.

When is enough, ENOUGH?

Big media has entered the fold. They are here.

They are using advanced strategies to censor us.

This is not one battle.

This is a war.

On all of us.

We all have to work together. Share strategies. Come up with new ones.

Forget which game is better.

We are fighting for our right to boob animation.

If we do not work together, we will all get rekt.

We have to all have an open discussion about this.

It starts right here. Right now.

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I am TIRED of it.

Tired of the GAMES and MANIPULATION.

They want WAR.

Then let us GIVE THEM WAR.


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Funny thing is the article pointed out that Bangladesh had a similar street shitter problem and they managed to solve it using the same program that failed in India.

I think the street shitting is too far culturally ingrained in Indians.

Did the one in Bangladesh involve having water running to the toilets and then being properly made? I might shit outside to if the toilet was all dry inside.

I saw something on TV about the program in Bangladesh a while back. What they accomplished was actually really impressive. It was especially challenging there because during the monsoon the water table is so close to the surface. So if you don't build the toilets right, you just end up with all the shit seeping out and contaminating the ground water.

Superpower next week

I for one have already started shitting on the streets to welcome our new overlords

It is a cultural practice and we must respect it, homeless people defecating in the streets is another example of white people appropriating Indian culture.

Less than 11 days to go! We can do it india!

I talked to a Norwegian traveler who had been to nearly every country at a hostel in Cairo. The one country he told me not to visit? India. He said he saw people shitting in the street from the taxi drive from the airport and he instantly got diarrhea his first day that lasted the entire stay. Clean hand dirty hand doesn't keep food preparation clean lol

I’ve actually been to India. Never go lol. It smells and is awful.

Y did u go there (if I may politely ask) .

Through generations of living in filth, Indians have built up a resistance to disease, like the swine from darkest dungeon

so you are telling me that its just an evolutionary strategy preparing themselves for the post apocalyptic world? eat that burger preppers

A comedy group from Newfoundland wrote a funny song about that:

They are preparing to do to the rest of the world what the filthy European immigrants did to Native Americans, disease-wise.

I read that in the Narrators voice.

India is like a less-cool San Francisco. At least San Francisco was once good.

How do you westerners do it? Do you have, like, designated shitting homes where you go and shit?

Surely you don't shit in your own homes?

Maybe us mayos have been doing it wrong this whole time, rly makes u 🤔🤔

The nation that gives us Buddhism can't even shit in toilets. 😴

April 11th, 2019

10 days btw

