Harmless tweet from glowie central, New Russian citizen give his hot take

1  2019-12-22 by GeminiRocket


Targeted Justice @JusticeTargeted Replying to @Snowden

There are thousands of innocent citizens being tortured around the globe by the CIA. See http://TargetedJustice.com we are whistleblowers & Targeted Individuals being tortured. See Midge's story of abuse & pictures.

Allowing every idiot share their retarded opinions with millions of people kinda sucks, but on the other hand then also these kind of people get on in and demonstrate how stupid it all is, and that maybe balances things out.

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. Harmless tweet from glowie central,... - archive.org, archive.today

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Snowden is a Russian bot and the CIA din du nuffin 😡😡😡.

This is literally putin trying to destroy this incredibly noble/virtuous three letter organization

If that was true why would it ever be at the top of art drama?

Turning into a bleeding heart who cares deeply about the human rights of al-Qaeda members in order to own the libs. 😎

I'm not gonna defend the CIA since I'm not in the know but I guess a lot of things changed inside after the post 2003 Era.

Yeah they found that you dont have to deal with the negative pr of questionable detainment if you just drone strike everyone to death

You guys are never happy.


Imagine caring about drone strikes. In a few years they'll be automated anyway so you pansies can fully realize ezpz remote genocide ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Torturing sand people is the only redeeming thing about the CIA.

Snowden is such a fucking faggot. He's an attention whore and/or has delusions if grandeur


Which is great for a Russian asset.

It's said that there are four reasons why people become spies: money, ideology, coercion, and ego. Snowden is definitely number 4.

Oh certainly. I've said it from the beginning. If he actually cared he'd have dropped everything at once. He just wanted movies to be made of him.

Oh certainly. I've said it from the beginning. If he actually cared he'd have dropped everything at once.

He would've dropped something

What he published (other than toolkits specifically used against foreign Intel and state actors) that pertained to US domestic policy was mainly just compliance guidelines for tech companies to bring them more in line with the Ma Bells compliance regimes.

Tldr Snowdens a fucking idiot and possibly a straight up traitor, not some l33t hacker.

possibly a straight up traitor

No thats straight up what he is.

I was hedging but he absolutely is. GG too, publishing that shit with apparently zero Cyber Sec professionals giving it the look over. Bit of his MO

Muh useful idiot blablabla. Glad he is enjoying Moscow and being a superstar instead of being a wage slave programmer for the NSA.

WHY the fuck does the CIA have a twitter account?

So they can post memes about blowing up Yemeni weddings.

Tranny outreach

Would Buffalo Bill even be a killer if they did a remake of silence of the lambs? They’d probably have him in a brief scene where he already transitioned and is reading to a first grade class aggressively holding a girl in his lap as he reads to show how far we have progressed since the first film. He’d definitely be verified on twitter as well.

That makes my brain feel weird I don't like that

I read #PeaceIs... as #Peacels

#peacecels owned with BOMBS and MISSILES