Are Philly fans pieces of shit? Is Isaiah Thomas a pussy? /r/NBA embraces debate

1  2019-12-22 by MG87


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  1. Are Philly fans pieces of shit? Is ... -,

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I used to work there and I’d purposely cum in the hoagies ngl


I request extra for The Gobbler.

...'s hoagies are garbage since they started cheaping out on everything.

Don’t talk to me or my 12'' Italian hoagie ever again.

rolls so weak

Philly is shit.

Signed, a Braves fan



The back to back National League East Champions Atlañta Braves of the MLB

Is Philly terrible and filled with subhumanoids? Yes.

Should Wawa and QuikTrip fight it out in the convienent mart wars? Yes.

What the hell is a Wawa.

Local convenience store chain, and arguably the single best thing to come out of Philly since Hall and Oates.

Though I guess technically both of those came from the suburbs, so nvm.

Are Philly fans pieces of shit?

This is up for debate?

Philly fans revel in being total pieces of shit

Philly fans revel in shit.


No they eat it fresh from a police horse.

hell yeah

even if you can't be the best, you can at least be the best asshole

Is Isaiah Thomas a pussy?

plays basketball

Lmfao remember when the Raptors fans did the airplane thing during that one game in the playoffs at Embiid?

Phily fans are the worst.