foid recongizes how much of a burden her self harm is on her qt3.14 gf but doesnt matter cus depression

1  2019-12-23 by drugsarecool419


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I used to know some girls like that back in the day. That's a relationship you have only one time. They get addicted to having someone there to constantly worry and care for them. 100% chance that girlfriend is having a terrible time and desperately wants out.

I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. foid recongizes how much of a burde... -,

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@teenagers thinking they are special because they have a diagnosis

bruh literally anyone could get a diagnosis they hand SSRI’s out like candy

In America, maybe.

Yes in America. You can just go to your doctor and say you feel sad and you'll get anti-depressants

And Bongistan.

Anglo's were a mistake.

Her girlfriend's gonna dump her because nobody should have to deal with that shit.

She won’t. The non suicidal gf is a codependent

Her girlfriend is held hostage, no way she dumps her

Lesbians, lol, the trashiest of foids

Approximately 50% of the lesbian population has experienced or will experience domestic violence in their lifetimes

Lesbians have a rate of domestic violence that is more than double the rate of heterosexual women (24% reported).

Bc it’s 2x the women making up allegations 🙄

This but unironically


I respect women putting each other in their place. It up to themselves to do the man's job. More power to them.

That’s a literal hostage situation, not a relationship. If that person is seriously that big of a danger to themselves they need to be in an institute or something

Also, dude foids lmao

If I call her in the middle of the night, who has to whistle and talk me to sleep? My girlfriend. She has to stay awake for hours at a time, because there is a chance I will end my life

Sorry boss I’m late to work. Was up all night whistling

Doesn't she know you're supposed to whistle while you work smh

I know that one!

whistling in the dark

whistlingbin the dark

Closing the Asylums was a mistake

Yeah, being suicidal isn’t a constant state of mind like depression is, this chick sounds like a dog brain.

you can just say white

She’s gay and attempted suicide 10+ times, so she just craves attention.

I can guarantee you, she will never actually kill herself because she’s too weak to do it, and you can’t have all the attention if you’re dead

Unironically, she needs real help, not her girlfriend whistling to her.

Or she needs a lobotomy

underage girl on girl abuse makes me COOOOOOOOOM

Just imagine hitting each other and then they just go nude for no reason

I knew quite a few depressed/suicidal dykes in school, most of them seemed to get a lot better once they graduated, realized they were straight, married a man and started having kids. Strange coincidence that one.

I have unironically seen this exact situation happen twice. Girl comes out as super depressed lesbo in highschool, gets into college and gets engaged to Chad, planning to have kids.


I know redditors aren't normal people but it's disgusting that something like that could be posted to r/teenagers without being completely torn apart.

It's clearly a LARP

Wait, shes gay? Ewwww.

holy shit imagine some emo chick calling you every night so you can make sure she doesn't kill herself. I bet when the girlfriend gets sick of the co dependence shit, she threatens to kill herself if she leaves. What a cunt.

Only diagnoses here is attention whore 😴😴😴

Euthanasia should be legal

5 silvers for a fanfic about abusing women? Peak reddit

Imagine being this much of an attention whore.

zoomers are tumors