Police Officer has Fun Time in Nashville.

1  2019-12-24 by Shubard75


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Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Police Officer has Fun Time in Nash... - archive.org, archive.today

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That guy sounds fun.


I’m black. I’m from the south. I’ve been fucked with by cops all my life. I don’t have a criminal record. No arrests.

Long story short, during the Kaepernick thing I said something about cops fucking with me and how Kaepernick is right. Racists didn’t believe me since I had a pretty clean background. I’m also a vet.

Racist vets were making money and followers during the Kaepernick thing by harassing people. The racists Doxxed, ratted me, and brigaded me.

Black people found out I was unemployed pretty young (medically retired) and started talking shit about how since I don’t have a job I deserved to be harassed by cops, etc... surprisingly, the main ones harassing me were BLACK SINGLE MOTHERS. Not racists.

Black people only care about police violence if it affects black single mothers or gay black men, period. They don’t care if you’re a straight black man that’s a victim of police violence.

White people larp the weirdest shit on Reddit....

That's definitely a complaint I've heard from bitter old black men before.

Counter point....this is Reddit.

Black people aren't allowed on this website.

That guys profile is an interesting dive if you want to read it. Most of the posts are about single mothers and white supremacists. Guys mentally ill as fuck.

Almost all of his comments are downvoted anywhere from -20 to -500, it’s almost impressive.

In a rare moment of clarity, he did shed some light on why he’s fucked up

I have several combat deployments and got medically retired and I’m on disability because my brain is fucked up from several IED’s.

I don’t choose to piss on myself, I don’t choose to have a fucked up memory, I don’t choose to have seizures, I don’t choose to have an undiagnosable medical condition.

“I don’t chose to piss on myself”

MasterLawlz in disbelief that you can chose

Part of visiting Nashville is LARPing as a redneck and angering the locals.

There are no more locals in Nashville anymore. They've all moved out because they're tired of traffic.

Just outside of Murfreesboro is where it’s at 😤

That commute sounds miserable, 20 minutes with no traffic, 2 hours with.

I’ve never had a commute that bad from such a short distance except when there’s a wreck on I-24

I might be exaggerating a tad, but wrecks on 24 are a pretty common occurrence.

Amazing forgiveness from that judge. Holy fuck