Shitpost Crusaders get the trussy battle brought to their door, because why the fuck not. Which stand will reign supreme? [DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY] or [GOD BLESS THE USA]?

1  2019-12-24 by TayloTayloBookito


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This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. Shitpost Crusaders get the trussy b... -,

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Trannys ruin everything.

Every rule has an exception tho

RIP our kween

Good title OP

I see something anime related, and I instant disregard both you and your submission 😎

But there was at least enough regard to comment, so I still love you.

Just letting you know there's always a path to Jannah available to you, brother. Accept the teaching of the Final Prophet (PBUH) and abandon the false allure of Oriental drawings.

It is the official Drama position that Allah gives a pass for JoJo, infidel.

All I needed to learn about Japs, I learned on December 7th, 1941.

t. warhammer fag

t. Rape of Nanjing Apologist

Lol I have no shame in enjoying a superior Anglo product made for 13 year olds because I'm genuinely retarded

Further proof that troons ruin everything they touch.


Let's add some more examples shall we? The whole "trans athletes" shitshow, calling straight men transphobes for refusing to have sex with transgender women and vice versa for straight women, calling lesbians transphobes for refusing to have sex with trans women and vice versa for gay men, forcing tomboys and tomgirls into transitioning because apparently we're all for traditional gender roles now. Motherfucking child drag queens. The list goes on.

People don't want to "drop the T" because they don't think trans people are "valid". They want to drop the T because trans people are becoming increasingly sexist, homophobic, and downright creepy.

For people who spam 'one joke' they have a lot of 'X says trans rights!' jokes. More πŸ‘ diversity πŸ‘ in πŸ‘ troid πŸ‘ jokes.

It isn't even a joke. It's somehow even more pathetic and childish.

Joke implies it's funny

This isn't even a joke. It's just your classic reaction meme format. Jannies still won't clean up, still.

I mean lgb groups exist because modern tran activism goals contradict the the entire notation of being gay or lesbian.

Which stand will reign supreme?

Weebicide when

If you're going to watch weebshit at least watching something other than Reddit the Anime

There's actually a JoJo tranny sub lmao.


I got banned from there for crossposting this. Y’all better be grateful for what I sacrificed for you!

Your sacrifice won't go unnoticed.

Trannies pushed out all the edgeposters sub is bad now

Fucking Fags and Dykes accept trans people NOW

aw man, not the jojo meme sub

the day of the 41% cant come fast enough

Can't wait for the retarded weeabos who parade jojo around to join the 41% too.

bruh why do I never get the scoop on these?? I'm an avid weeb and I still never post any drama on these subs. I did try to cause more, although the jannies locked it all.

I mean, this one just screamed drama. I just got lucky. Though it did cost me my right to comment in the sub 😭