Black women cry out as they get impregnated by deadbeat black men

1  2019-12-24 by Alicesnakebae


The 9/11 Vore Conspiracy argues that the twin towers were not hit by planes externally. Instead, planes were built inside the towers, and continually inflated which eventually caused a collapse.

The anonymous theorist, reviewing footage of the 9/11 attack, stops the footage numerous times to point out "weak zones" of the town that gave in as a response to the increasing weight of the internal aircraft.

He highlights areas in the footage that portray people and objects being violently thrown out of the windows with force, as well as small billows of steam and fire, happening at the lower floor levels of one of the towers.

"Look at this shit. You're telling me there's just random ass explosions going on? Down here? We ain't even remotely close to where the plane collided. Bull fucking horse shit.'

The theorist explains that the planes were built by "crazed U.S. government scientists who watched too much Doctor Who, it was like that of a real life TARDIS experiment".

"They built these massive towers, for what? Business? Hell nah, have you seen the economy pre-9/11? It was shit. We didn't have the money nor energy for no goddamn tower of that size, and definitely not two."

We asked why the experiment would take place in the middle of a city as crowded as NYC. The theorist responded:

"It's hidden in plain sight. NYC's got all the resources in the world, right at your disposal. Nah, seriously man, look at these streets, there's a fuckin' garbage pile up just down the road. You know what kind of technology you can find in these piles? There's some fuckin' money to be made. Plus you get to make a nationwide scare if your experiment fucks up, and publicity means more money. They had all to gain and nothing to lose."

The theorist explains that any and all footage taken inside the Twin Towers pre-9/11 was simply simulated, props, or illusion. Footage of NYC recorded in a position respective to which the twin towers overlooked, was created via a clever series of mirrors originally sourcing from the "432 Park Avenue" building.

The theorist claims that any and all footage of the planes are "so fake, it's laughable", he states: "Nobody saw any planes... not in real life. Outside of what the TV stations would tell you, not a single soul saw an actual, physical plane hit the buildings. Hell, you could ask everyone in New York today, you won't find a single person who saw a plane."


  1. Black women cry out as they get imp... -,

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Snappy, this wasn't you're best effort.

Do better.

All hail our new welfare qween

Fruit that grows in dirt is called vegetable.

You know I was just going to ignore this but it's so stupid I have to respond. Fruit is fleshy membrane around seeds. Vegetables are the core plant and/or roots.

I was speaking metaphorically... black pippo drama is the lowest fruit you could pick, in fact it's so low ...

The both of yous are a coupla fruits!

Better drama here than the shit linked - lmao

Yeah i should have posted tranny drama since that's what retards crave

Oh I crave it alright 😋

Ever since my wiband/huwife detransitioned i'm a lot less interested in tranny shit.

what r mushrooms

Fungus? Like for real?

what about like old bay and shit like rose mary

Ma drank?

This broken English leads me to belive this is some kind of Ukranian proverb.

😓😓😓this pic just blew mines son


We need more and cheaper abortions

It's hard to determine who is the most retarded on the internet. Old white boomers, black people or indian people.

But, I cant stress enough that they are all insanely retarded.

Easy it's White Boomers.

Rightoid seethe

We need more and cheaper abortions

They're called plan B.

Let's consider how easy they have made this and they're still grasping at straws for excuses.

Let's say contraception is $10. Pack of condoms, birth control refill, whatever.

You fucked up? It happens. Morning after pill is $50. A small price to pay for the occasional mistake?

You didn't think this could happen to you? A costly assumption. $500. Still pretty affordable for a medical procedure.

Oh... you're gonna keep it? For religion? For government assistance? Because you think it will make him stay?

Well then. Have fun being retarded.

The low class breeders want the cum and the preg, not consciously, but they do.

When youre busted and poor a baby changes the calculus maybe changes this for the better in their imagination.

That delusion is buttressed by deep reproductive urges that you wouldnt be able to identify if you didn't get through highschool because your community is a shitshow.

Blacks born in Canada are different tbh. Who knew giving them healthcare, education and housing would turn them into guys that wear athletic wear, use a lot of cologne and play street fighter.

That said somalians and Jamaican immigrants are still a basket case here.

But when I was in LA, damn. Redlines hurt bb

Who knew giving them healthcare, education and housing would turn them into guys that wear athletic wear, use a lot of cologne and play street fighter

That's just middle class black guys everywhere.

You can find them in anime bowling shirts

1999-2002 me is seething with jealousy rn

Marvel graphics bowling shirts gang rise up.

Please stay down.

Of the 8 percent of students at Ivy League schools that are black, a majority, about 50-66 percent, was made up of Black African immigrants, Caribbean immigrants, and American born to those immigrants.[76][77][87] Many top universities report that a disproportionate of the black student population consists of recent immigrants, their children, or were mixed race.[88]

This is not even surprising, and it would be kind of weird if it didn't work that way. Africa is a large place, and we're skimming off a chunk of the most driven, intelligent, and educated segment of it. The sort of people rightoids spend all their time obsessing about just never make it here

African immigrants are among the most educated groups in the US - about twice as likely to have a college degree than your typical native mayo. It's a small wonder that they also prioritize education of their own children - and are very well equipped to compete with basketball-americans (and about four times more likely to have a college degree).


Blacks born in Canada are different tbh. Who knew giving them healthcare, education and housing would turn them into guys that wear athletic wear, use a lot of cologne and play street fighter.

All those words and no mention of any of them having a job

Don’t sound too different to me

Significantly less breeding is better at least.

Morning after pill doesn't work on fatties.

Throw redneck whites in there too.

I feel shame knowing I share genes with the trailer trash in my family everytime I see their illiterate posts online.

Leave pajeet alone.

I don't think Poos are retarded just hopelessly out of touch and subhuman.

What happened to my body my choice

They found out that responsibility is a double edged sword.

Prohibition was started because spinsters didn't like young women getting attention CMV

That's retarded, alcohol is the great equalizer as far as power imbalance between differently attractive women goes.

> Women who were 50 in 1920 and helped start Prohibition had husbands who were allowed to drink or cheat on them

Thanks for the retarded take friend, why don't you open a history book sometimes

First of all, a spinster by definition doesn't have a husband. That also concludes my argument, ladies, gentlemen, your honor.

Broads isn't a literal term either, are you autistic?

"Spinsters" has an accepted and large referent being older unmarried women. Especially in the context of feminism and the original suffragettes, a lot of whom were spinsters.

But alright, assume you concede having a foot in your mouth as a permanent fixture, I kinda doubt that alcohol-fueled infidelity was the primary issue with married older women who supported prohibition.

older unmarried women

Yes, it's almost like I'm portraying the entire group of women involved in Prohibition by the loudest most distasteful minority

For some sort of humors sake on /r/drama

Really doing a terrible job showing you don't have autism

I kinda doubt that alcohol-fueled infidelity was the primary issue with married older women who supported prohibition.

Wow it's almost like I called you retarded for saying that didn't I, I literally said they weren't worried about their husbands cheating on them.

Wow it's almost like I called you retarded for saying that didn't I, I literally said they weren't worried about their husbands cheating on them.

So let me get this straight, this:

Prohibition was started because spinsters didn't like young women getting attention CMV

actually meant:

Prohibition was started because spinsters married women didn't like young women getting attention their husbands wasting money on booze CMV

I did not have autism before (except for labels on clothing being itchy), but I might have now, thanks for this Christmas present, old man.

Yes, it's almost like I'm portraying the entire group of women involved in Prohibition by the loudest most distasteful minority

How do you still not get this?

I'm literally explaining both the fact i'm joking and explaining piece by piece word by word what the joke is for your autistic ass.

Yes of course Spinsters were not %100 of the women involved in Prohibition, there were even married and unmarried women involved in the movement, I wonder why I didn't bother to type out this basic fact everyone fucking knows into my joke and the explanation of my joke for the fucking retard making me write longbot sized paragraphs explaining shit to him.

Yes, it's almost like I'm portraying the entire group of women involved in Prohibition by the loudest most distasteful minority

How do you still not get this?

But that doesn't make any sense and that not making any sense is not the joke!

It's like, idk, imagine someone jokeing that "incels are just mad that their wives spend too much money on purses".

this is a perfect example of men having no accountability

Men want sex:

  • women choose their partner

  • women gatekeeper the sex consent, can revoke consent after the fact.

  • can require that the man wear a condom and is a crime if he takes it off without her consent

  • can take birth control as prescribed from their doctor

  • can take plan B if something went wrong

Woman gets pregnant:

  • women decide whether or not to abort the child

  • her body gets choice

has a baby she can’t afford

men legally required to pay child support based on his level of income in most states

”Men have no accountability”

Foids, man. Foids. The eternal privileged victims. Makes for great drama though

I wouldn't imagine it any other way. Foids cry sexism as the benefit most from it.

Reminder that the welfare state exists to enable single motherhood at the expense of men. Paying taxes is cuckoldry, you're literally paying the state to raise countless other men's children.

Think about it logically

Can somebody pass me the longbottom leaf pipe?

If you have kids CPS is basically taxpayer paid daycare think about it


women gatekeep the sex, consent, can revoke consent after the fact.


They’re going to say women are the gatekeepers who are responsible for this which makes men irresponsible children with no self control who have to have their reproductive decisions made for them

Candace called you out

Is he wrong tho

He's posting on ar drama so yes

Oh fuck I just got cancelled, PERIODT💅🏿❌👀

Following that train of logic doesn’t even make sense though. It’s well documented that women ARE the gatekeepers of sex. If women are the primary victims of unwanted pregnancy, then why are men the irresponsible ones “incapable of making decisions” when the women are the ones making the decisions?

And that’s just the sex/no sex with X person decision. Not to mention the other decisions women get to make (birth control, no consent without a condom, plan B, abortion, etc). Men get to make some decisions, and are partially at fault for any unwanted pregnancy, but neither men nor women are VICTIMS of unwanted pregnancy. If we’re keeping score, women are lesser victims because they have much more choice and agency regarding their pregnancy (my body, my choice). I’m just calling out their hypocrisy for playing the victim so hard when they have way more choice in the matter, but act the victim as if they have no agency. Then, they project this irresponsibility onto men, saying men have no self control.

Men’s choices regarding pregnancy:

  • don’t put dick in crazy
  • wear condom/pull out

Women’s choices regarding pregnancy;

  • choose partner from usually multiple options
  • consent to sex after adequate commitment established
  • revoke consent unless condom is worn
  • get on birth control before becoming sexually active
  • plan B/morning after pill
  • very early abortion
  • little later abortion

Men’s obligations after baby is born: - cannot force abortion - raise the kid for 18 years OR - legally required to pay child support, usually at a sliding scale based on income/projected lifestyle the mother and child would have enjoyed

Women’s choices after the baby is born: - put up for adoption - collect child support and lifestyle stipend from the father - can collect child support while enjoying a second income from new boyfriend, so long as they’re not married or can be proved they’re living together


Huge soapbox there, but it’s one of the most sexist systems still firmly in place in the US, and women STILL complain about it.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I was hoping you’d show up for my first effort post! Thank you cummy

ok retard

you’ve been arguing about this all day sweetie , in multiple subs. Don’t play the “too cool” to argue game with me now (:

Not my fault retards complain about foids all over reddit. I'm not even looking and I step in shit.

Dude bussy lmao cope and seethe some more

Woo yay glad I fit in enough for you now


Wow that’s a really sad state of affairs for moids. 😹😹

Moids BTFO

Still simping for just a crumb of pussy

I hate women

How can men even make reproductive decisions? They can't get abortions.

not owning a home with a flight of stairs

It’s the mens fault really

If there’s one thing I’m sure of is that the end of gods green earth is that the drama will be plentiful.

Listen to this. Welfare queens are what 100% of black kids in school say they want to be on career day.

Rightoids man

Could you be more white?

How did you even find this?

Imagine being 10% as woke as me you’d literally incinerate

I'm 100% unwoke I strive to be 100% sleepin'

Lmao this guy can barely read; 'mill-quest-ost'.

Yeah you can tell he went to a predominately black school himself

You illiterate time-burgler, just post the actual essay. I fucking hate sitting through some gay ass 30 minute video of someone who can barely read stumbling through an article I could read myself in 5 minutes. Fucking rightoids.

American blacks are different from non-American blacks. I don’t know why.

I live in a middle-eastern country and we have a sizable black population. Honestly, they behave like everyone else. Not more violent or more degenerate or anything. Back when i was in school before the internet really exploded, we didn’t even have stereotypes about black people like in the US. Most Arab stereotypes were about nationalities rather than race (“you can trust a yemeni with your money and house but not your daughter” is an example). Sometimes certain nationalities would be lowered to near “subhuman” levels, and you’d find people talking about people from those nationalities similar to how this dude in the video talks about blacks. “Egyptians never shut up, they’re loud and obnoxious and can’t be taught”.

Ever since the internet exploded, race has been pushed to the forefront, even in places where it was never really a major issue. American culture has become global culture, and for some reason Americans are obsessed with race.

It’s just strange listening to this. I can not say i have ever met a black person who is like that (where i live).

So, saying “it’s part of their genetics” or “it’s just how they are” is both non-constructive and false. Why do poor American blacks act like that? Is it the environment? Is it the media? Is it the culture? Because i can say for sure that that’s now how black people act everywhere else.

Are you saying blacks were never an issue in the Middle East? Ahem you enslaved millions more blacks than the west you just had the sense to castrate every male slave and kill every baby born from a black slave women

Yes because single moms wanted to be single🙄

Don't fuck a retard without a rubber.

I'd still plow that hair-buttholed matriarch.

Nah that black chick is based

Women literally have all the control in the sex market. If you get fucked raw by deadbeat niggas, and then carry that child to term, you are 100% to blame.

23 | business owner| DM[V] | ig/sc/ cash app: mayaangelique | all BLACK lives matter👑💕| previously MayaAMonroe

Is putting a Cash App username on your profile a new thing?

Not for prostitutes

I actually see it through a patriarchal lens. "Women are the only ones responsible for our community therefore all blame falls on them. Even when it concerns procreation and parenthood."

Women making all decisions for the community is Patriarchy.

Merry Christmas, everypony!

When will they realize that they're both the problem?

Damn, he's betting absolutely assraped in the replies, that's some good shit.

I wonder what would happen if I started my own lulzy version of the "mayocide"

I'll call it the "niggercide" but when people attack me I'll say "no I just mean I want to stop paying welfare so the single mothers have to stop breeding"

I wonder how fast I'll get suspended the fuck off this website lmao

I guess I've done it now so I suppose I'll find out?