Greatest game ever

1  2019-12-24 by Cdace


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Greatest game ever -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

How easy is it to make it play out a dinosaur vore adventure? ôvô 🦕🦖

Makes sense u like dinosaurs u stinky lil BIRB. Dino's are basically ancient big and scray birbs...with teeth and dino birb pps

Kaara's dreamworld 🙊🙉🙈😩😩

Holy fuck lmao




There are about 500 porn prompts here

The days of miliondollarextreme, was probably the height of total balance on this site before it turned into a leftoid hellscape

When was the site ever actually balanced tho. Politically speaking

Honestly, I'd say around the height of miliondollarextreme like I said. Then you saw a major shift to the left with the rise of report brigading from AHS, woke culture, and ANTIFA

Idk, I never saw much of MDE and still have no clue what it is. But this site has always felt incredibly left, especially after the AMA (with big daddy barock).

I think what we're seeing is Reddit and it's users in general slowly becoming more insulated and autistic in their weird niche subs (like this one were in) and no longer taking default subs seriously anymore.

Sry for longposting pls don't ban mi

r/mde was just a less uncouth r/CringeAnarchy at the end of its life.

Sounds interesting 🤔🤔 tzar, if I may ask, do you believe that sub should have been banned? What were the long term ripple effects from it's populations diaspora?

****The theory/question I am posing is this:

Since rightoids have to constantly migrate from one sub to the next from constan bannings, their ideas have been spreading on the undergrowth floor of Reddit. This has caused a collective psychological shift to the right that I am begging to sense.

What say you, my liege?

A collective psychological shift to the right? I see the opposite. Go to any r/all subbreddit and commie sentiments are being increasingly upvoted. The rightoids are either hopping from subreddit to subreddit or they've already moved to voat/4chan. Meanwhile radlibs on reddit have been increasing in strength.

My finger is firmly placed on the pulse of Reddit. I can sense the shift happening... It speaks to me and I can only listen.

Mark my words: the tension we all feel is the rubberband of political rhetoric being stretched to it's limit. When it snaps, the streets will run sticky with Boomer, zoomer and coomer jizz...

I can't wait to install the slip-n-slide directly into traffic.

My finger is firmly placed on the pulse of Reddit

That's my dick.

4chan has definitely went downhill since 2016 and it never even began for voat.

But this site has always felt incredibly left, especially after the AMA (with big daddy barock).

Nah, wayyyy back in the day reddit was full of unironic libertarians. /r/politics's favorite candidate used to be Ron Paul

RON PAUL 2012!

This site has always been fairly left-wing, that just made it swing way harder and it continues to be the case as they keep banning right-wing communities.

Before td took over the front page and then was algorithmd. Before that it was pretty even.

Before FPH got banned.

Implying this is any worse than the MDEtard depressed zoomer tradfaggot posting.

Imagine thinking the reddit format isn't unhealthy for political discourse.



I told you

Cdace, how do you balance Greek life with being a retard on the internet? I ask this question with love.

The morning after a party while I have my hangover I get on reddit in bed/couch or I get on when I get to class before it starts. Any other time is spent on Greek life or engineering until breaks where I goof of on reddit like rn

The good life. Merry xmas

Lol merry Christmas my dude

I shit my pants as I attempt to wine on r/chapotraphouse

Pretty accurate tbh

Is this a real game somewhere? Please? I love interactive fiction. Srsly, I was playing Infocom games as a pre-teen.

Yeah it’s on iOS at least

Android too, just installed.

There's also the /v/ branch that runs in Google Drive on any platform, which is more advanced.

Neat. I played around with it a little bit. I tickeled an elf-boy, removed his pants, drank the urine that he had released into them, and then sucked his dick. I kinda lost interest after that - I need, like, a goal of some kind, otherwise its just Dr. Sbaitso.

Alright, what's it called?

You are a 4chan shitposter and you see a Janny doing work for free. This Janny holds all power. How do you greet the Janny? "Hi, I'm just here to get some things from your place, I don’t have anything to give, but if I can help at any point please let me know!"

Pull out a sword and threaten Janny

The first thing you're going to need is something to defend yourself with. You grab the nearest weapon you find in the room. A dagger. It’s dull, but it will serve you well in this situation.

"Hey! What the fuck are you DOING?"

Cloakshit 🤢

Trying to fit into arrrr drama newfag?



Anyway, you picked fantasy setting. You know it. I know it. And now everybody knows it. Lol@u

It was a custom one you big gay foo foo nammy pants


You're welcome lol

So this is the power of artificial intelligence.